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Posts posted by IMOM

  1. Really disappointed in the officiating today. Refs called way too many fouls in this game, both ways, and it really affected how it was played. Sosa played great, but if AM would have just played off of him when he drove in he wouldn't have had near the game that he did. He was bailed out by fouls several times when he had no chance to make a play.


    Kind of ridiculous that UL's 3rd string center had 4 fouls at the end of the game, the refs should have let the big guys play a lot more. AM's last 10 points came from the FT line, which says a lot about how it was officiated. Excellent game to watch if you're a fan, but I hated to see the Ville go down. One things for sure though, they're are gonna be scary good next year if everyone sticks around.


    I was happy they finally called some fouls this week.

  2. Gold - it depends on a)how you described the play and b)the officials interpretation of the rulebook. As the play was described, it would be very difficult to say it was a "shot." Instead, as described, it was a "fumble" which would mean that the offense did not lose team control which means it was a backcourt violation. Most officials would have a hard time calling a ball that goes straight up in the air, or in this case, behind the shooter an "attempt." Thus, you have a violation.


    Sounds like an extremely weird play and one you don't see every day. Plus, the video is sketchy. A mid air fumble or an attempt that slipped? Who knows?

  3. He gets people all worked up.

    He was a terrible guard at ND and Okie State. Could pass, but couldn't shoot.

    He was arrested or caught with something at one of his college stops.

    Wasn't he kicked out of Notre Dame?

  4. I thought it was interesting today that Mason County was the "visitor" is two of three ways. Due to their bracket placement, they (1.) wore the dark, or "away", jerseys and (2.) they were the "visitors" on the scoreboard. However, the most important aspect of being the "visitor" was NOT adhered to today. (3.) Mason Co. used the "home" bench instead of BB. That may not seem like that big a deal, but it is probably a bigger deal than many think. If MC had used the other bench, and shot at different baskets than they are used to, it may have proven a bit disruptive...at the very least it would have eliminated the PERCEPTION of an advantage to the host school. Mason Co. High School is the "host" of the tournament, not the "home" team when their school plays. I hope this is not perceived as trying to make a mountain of a molehill.


    Wouldn't this have been Brossart's decision?

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