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Posts posted by JOHN BOY

  1. :dancingpa

    I hope no one has been offended by this thread. I was simply curious due to a highly publicized event that occured in a town near where I live and did not know how often this was done. From the amount of posts it seems that people are passionate on both sides of the picture. In the end it is into your own heart you must look as far as why was my child held back. It would be hard to justify to myself if it was purely for an atheletic advantage.I raised my children to play fair even if it means defeat. That even in defeat you learn. I guess that greed in this day and age of the million dollar contracts has permeated into the deepest roots of sports and corrupted even our children.
    :dancingpa :flame:
  2. I've read and a lot of people have a lot of different opinions on hold backs. From my own personal experience, I played my last high school basketball game when I was 17 years old. I was fortunate enough to receive a basketball scholarship to a division 1 college. I got better and better each year I played. I was best when I was a senior in college. I wish my father would have held me back one year . I know I would have been better as a senior in high school and a better college player. By the way ,I coached 21 years of high school ball and the boys that were held back turned out to be great high school players as some did that weren't held back. This is from my own personal experience. :cool: One could argue this point until you were blue in the face and not solve anything. I started coaching at 21 years of age and had players that were 18. Still had their respect. :ylsuper:

  3. Elliott County Lions

    16th Region Champion


    1) Offensively as gifted as anyone in the mountain regions.

    2) Never wear down. Stronger in 2nd half in up tempo environment

    3) Play with energy

    4) Politicians (Rocky Adkins Effect):thumb: Fans will notice their social skills, will speak to everyone in Lexington. By end of week, Adkins could have enough support for a run at governor:D

    5) Will be general fan favorites


    I'll vote for him!!!!!!!!!!!:dancingpa

  4. They are all the "right" age. The holdbacks would have all graduated at 17 had they not been held back. I really do not understand the purpose of the discussion. Who better than the parents know what is right for their kids. I held one back and it worked out great. Another graduated at 17 and that was best for him due to his maturity level. I know all of those parents and much more went into the process than athletics. The rules have been followed. What was done was in the best interests of each individual child and that should be the end of discussion.:flame:


    Excellent post--I agree 100%. This thread was only started for one reason and has no purpose and should be shut down.

  5. I think we won't know how Montgomery Co. will handle a Regional Final if we never LET them attempt it. Sometimes change is painful but beneficial. To the post a ways back re: the Montgomery's gym was full "for the girls final"-- as the parent of female athletes, I take exception to this statement, for one- and secondly, maybe A LOT of people showed up to watch and that's why it was full, not b/c the gym is small?!?!?! :confused:

    As for Robby Graham, I am a GRC fan who is VERY GLAD he came to Clark Co.-and not just b/c of the athletes he brought. Coach Graham, Coach Jones, and their families have been great assets to our school. Tristan and Robbelle are obviously great athletes but they are good kids as well.

    As for our basketball team, yes, they struggled ugly at some points this year. and that struggling (playing without Tristan, Preston, Robbie) is the reason they won on Sunday. Kids got a chance to step up when these guys didn't play. I believe that was a HUGE factor on Sunday. It's good to peak at the right time!

    Gold Sunrise, I hope my seats are close to yours on Thursday!! :jump:



    Good post, I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ylsuper:

  6. Role players? I thought most all players were role players. Each have different roles ,some are shooters, others are playmakers that can handle the ball and pass , some are rebounders, some are excellent defensive players, some are shot blockers , some are excellent free throw shooters and some just make things happen. :confused:

  7. What about in the latter part of the game when Knowles got the ball on Mason's end and started up the floor and Miller grabbed Knowles around the waist with both hands and another hit Knowles and knocked the ball loose and Scott grabbed the ball and took it in and scored. Everyone saw that but no one said anything about that no call.

  8. The only solution to this problem is obvious:


    First - The new gym will need to be demolished


    Second - Hire Pressrow and Polarbear1994 to design the new gym


    Third - Contract bricklayer to build it (simply because he lays brick)


    Forth - Hire Starmayor to be the official seat counter


    Fifth - Hire U Reach I Teach to be a consultant


    Sixth - Give John Boy a job so he doesn't feel left out


    Seventh - Find something for ladiesbballcoach to do so he/she doesn't spend so much time on the computer


    And Last - Reserve CountryBoy7 a seat just in case



    On another note about this thread - to the guy talking about Daniel Brown not having a supporting cast. When Brown was shooting 50 shots a game it makes it tough for the supporting cast to be noticed.


    This is the best yet --I love it!!!!!!!!!!!:jump: :banana: :dancingpa

  9. I want to say thank you for taking the time to watch it. I see it has been viewed a few times. Not the best picture quality in the world, but it's better than nothing I guess. lol


    Course I wish the Royals could have pulled it out, but nothing wrong with letting the world see some darn good bluegrass basketball. : )[



    I watched it and enjoyed it .Thanks . :dancingpa

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