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Posts posted by Lunatic1

  1. What about starting the clock? I have been to many close games lately where the clock keeper ( usually the team that is down) Forgets...to turn the clock on. Even with the crowd screaming. Happened 2 x in one game during the last minute but never before that. ...hmm


    I do believe sometimes reaction time is slow. and that the officials should watch it a the end of the game.

  2. Please know your facts. The 8th region has been asked to switch with several regions in the recent past. But the coaches will not allow it. If you recall back, three maybe four years ago, a switch was made with the 7th. The coaches felt they did not receive in return the level of officiating they sent out. So they have for the last three years voted to stay in region. They feel like at least they have an idea how the game will be called with same guys they see all year..... As far as it depends on witch side you fall on didnt carroll get beat in the All A region tourney by Gallatin?:isurrender:


    I am not sure that he called that game ..but he usually does call many Gallatin Co. games. I know he did not call the girls all A game.


    Maybe he is great.. Just not my 1st choice anymore.

  3. You Coldiron naysayers do know he calls the All 'A' Finals every year and 3 years ago called the Sweet 16 final. He is not "debating" his calls with the coaches. If a coach would like an explanation every coach should get one as long as they go about it the right way. That's what makes him one of the best.


    I really used to like it when he called games.. He was one of the best. I guess the debate issue would depend on which side of the call you are on.

  4. Cornbread for sure... not Coldiron.. I used to think he was the best but he tends to have his favorite coaches and spends a lot of time debating the calls with them.


    Sandlin does well.


    My three would be Samdlin, Knollman and Cornbread..


    How about changing the refs from region to region every year. I think when they have too close of a relationship with some of the Coaches is is perceived as favortism.

  5. That's the key issue...they may be physically mature enough to play JV or varsity, but a 12 or 13 yr old isn't as mature in other ways. If the middle schooler is really that good, she will have four years of high school to prove it. If she needs to be challenged, play up a year or two in AAU. Those are the kids she'll be competeing with when she is in high school. It builds a stronger program from the bottom up, and keeps the older girls playing.


    Most girls in small towns do not have access to AAU teams and most can not afford it. Playing up is the only alternative to continue playing.



    If a high school Coach in a small town wants to develop a team they have to bring the girls up and keep them practicing after their season. There is limited access to gyms and they need to be able to use the time most effectively.

  6. I was at WVs game the other night and at times they had a 7th grader(Mullikan), 2 8th graders (Clinkenbeard & Sandlin), a Frosh (Ginn), and a Soph (Dixon) on the floor- and that looked like one of the better lineups they had. WV should be really talented in the years to come.


    Let's just hope they all stay. Sometimes when you play MS kids you get disappointed on their choice of High School.

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