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The Mad Stork

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Posts posted by The Mad Stork

  1. Originally Posted by farawaycomet2 on 11/2/07

    The Comets were unstoppable. They ran the ball down Raceland's throat.


    It is a good thing we don't play Russell next week, because we would run the ball down their throat as well.


    If West is not in the Super 7 this week, Mark Maynard and the ADI will prove to all of Northeastern KY that they are complete buffoons.


    You heard it here. The Comets will beat Mason next week. I hope it is cold...freakin' bring it on!




    mchammer reply 11/2/07

    ... Okay, we'll bring it! Oh, and uh, you may wanna sober up by then because its a hard thing to see a man cry in his beer.



    Way to go Royals!! You brought it all tonight... lock, stock and barrel!!:fight: Enjoy the win tonight then get ready for a war with Russell next week!:dancingpa




  2. If Tilghman vs. Central doesn't happen then one of those teams wil have a lot of explaining to do!


    The East is a different story.


    I'll stick with old faithful, Belfry/Russell. But, I could actually see Somerset shocking Belfry with their passing game, Breathitt making a statement, mason getting revenge for their loss to Russell, etc....


    Please don't give any thought to Mason County as they have dropped to 7 in the latest poll. Please everyone just put Mason out of your minds. Please don't give them another thought. Please.....:thumb:

  3. Here is why West can win this game.


    1. They have improved alot since they played Mason. There Offense is really good both pass/run. There D is not great, but is better than earlier in the season.


    2. The Comets seem to be more confident with some big wins under their belt.


    3. Mason's QB didn't play last week. Will he play against West?


    4. Mason by all means played better than West in the first game, but the Comets didn't have the ball hardly the whole 3rd qtr. Mason recovered a bunch of kickoffs. West is definetly best when they control the tempo by being on offense.


    Mason may have more talented players, but if West Carter can hog the ball on offense and not give up 30 points I think the Comets could win.



    No disrespect to Raceland, but they are a 6-4 1A team. They are an upper crust 1A team but I don't see how that 1 win makes a 48 point swing in your favor. I don't know if the QB will be playing or not. Could you explain the big wins(#2 on your list)??? And could you explain to me why you didn't have the ball the third quarter(#3 on your list)? How will West stay on offense?

  4. The kick that would have put Greenup up 28-27 just before halftime was blocked.


    Mcpapa- it has come to this................................................I am repeating things you have already said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SORRY- My nerves are shot. Pray for a better week for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROYALS- LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumb:

  5. I think West can play very well, but have not been consistent. If they can practice ball control and turn in a complete performance, they very well could win.


    I think anyone can win on any given night but what facets of West's game has changed so dramatically that Mr. Eastwood would call for the upset. I just wondered what specifically you or the Outlaw thought would turn the score in West's favor from 62-14 first meeting. By the way, unless you just drop the ball or throw a pass right into the chest of a defensive player turnovers are usually CAUSED by the defense!!!(Hit, Pick, Strip, Batted ball, Pressure on the QB, blocked field goal, stop on 4th down, etc.,etc.,etc.:confused:

  6. I heard the same thing about he quit or something at halftime. WOW!!! Didn't they score last in regulation & the kick failed? If indeed he did quit on his teammates and they could have won the game in regulation had he been there to kick it would be a tough pill for me to swallow as a player. It also potentially changes the overtime strategy because you have confidence in your kicker to send it to another OT at home.


    Kick was also blocked on extra point.

  7. I'm gonna call the shocker. I look for Mason to go down. Team and staff have not responded well to the Russell loss. I know their QB was out last night....but that doesn't explain their anemic defensive performance. West Carter in the upset.


    What do you think has changed with West Carter since the 62 - 14 first meeting between these two???:confused:

  8. Good job by Mason to find a way to win. Neal did a real good job running the offense on his first start of many to come. Future looks bright with the young QB. Now the REAL season begins and Mason needs to put it all together and make a push one game at a time. Thompson ran the ball HARD tonight which was great to see. When he hits the hole hard and then uses his vision he is an outstanding back. Keep finishing those runs!!! Pollitt was his usual hard running, blocking, and tackling self. The hit on the INT was a slobberknocker!!!! Now it is for real. File away the previous ten games because now it's win your in, lose you snooze!!! Seniors- this is what you have been training for and dreaming of. By the way a West Carter supporter has called you out on another thread and he said to "bring it freakin on". Boys, it is now time to give them what they ask for......................BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ylsuper::fight:

  9. On the Cox run the whistle blew long before he broke into the clear. Most players had stopped.


    The pass interference was just that. The defender made contact way before the ball got there and there is know such thing as an uncatchable ball in high school.


    The fumble or incomplete pass was close. Its was a judgement call that usually half the stadium is not going to agree with. Jones never saw the rush comming from behind. But I'm not sure if his arm was going forward or not. It was that close.


    If you watch the tape no one stops until Cox makes the cut on the CB and is open down the sideline. Whistle first heard by players as Cox makes the cut. It was a pivotal inadvertent whistle. Plus a heck of a fake by Cox who had 2 rushing and one throwing TD. The tying rushing Td was a superman leap in the endzone. Nice.:thumb:

  10. I really hate it when we loose a game and then attempt to throw some blame toward refs. I can assure you the refs made a lot less mistakes that Russell and Mason County. That game could have gone either way and the refs had nothing to do with it. It is very unfortunate when an inadvertant whistle is blown. It happens at all levels. Guess what? It will happen again.


    Mason did a good job shutting down number 8 as you say. Most players would not be out there with the injury # 8 is playing with. So congratulations. Hopefully #8 Tyler Jones will be healthy in 27 days if we play again.


    By the way I thought Mason County has a very good football team. Your Head Coach is top notch in my book. Going for two. I really liked it. GUTTTS!! The second meeting should be another great game.


    I never blamed the refs I made an observation, cmon Jeepman if your QB had faked the sweep to #13 and #8 took off down the sideline, got a block, and the whistle blew because the ref was faked out by the fake and blew the whistle when #13 was tackled you KNOW you would make that observation. I want to see both teams best games. I think that would have been one of many pivotal points in the game. OBSERVATION. Here is one for you, observation Mason lost to Russell. Tough game, good coaching, sloppy play, etc,etc,etc....:thumb:

  11. If you and I are talking about the same play I really doubt that the play would have resulted in much more than a 15-20 yard gain. I don't think it had a chance at going for the 70 yards or so that it would have taken him to score. There were players in his area.


    I also don't think that Mason beat themselves any more than Russell did. But each of us is allowed their own opinion.


    Hope to see all of you in a few weeks at the Hank.


    You might want to look at a copy of the tape. #84 WR for Mason put Corner down on a block which Cox then stepped inside with no one within 7 yards and behind him. As he cut off block whistle blew. Heck of a veer fake though!!! Ref totally faked out. No excuses just observations. Your right though... Great game... if there is a rematch it should be wild. I would like to see the game where both teams just played their best. Maybe Russell Mason II, I hope it happens. Good luck till then.:thumb:

  12. There for a while we could not catch anything that was in the air. We muffed every punt and dropped every pass until late in the second half when we caught one pass. I listened to the post game show and Coach Bucannon came on and said his team played their best game to date. We may see Mason again in about three weeks. I can assure everyone of one thing. If we continue to put the ball on the ground that will be our last game. We came out of there with a lucky win. Luck was with Mason County all game until that sack that took them out of FG range. I feel very confident that the Devils will hang onto the ball after they see how badly they look on film. Sometimes we need a little luck to win those close games.


    Congratulations Devils.


    I guess by luck you mean bad luck. How many times did Russell's special teams put the ball on the ground and it bounced back to a Russell player? How about the inadvertent whistle as Cox breaks free on the sideline with no one between his 4.56 40 and the goaline? Why the whistle you ask? Because one of the refs were faked out by the dive fake(as was Russell) and blew the whistle as the defense tackled the dive man while Cox was running up the sideline free. Now that is either the greatest veer fake of all time or BAD luck. By the way gremlins, I mean refs how can you faceguard someone who is five yards away from you??????? And then pass interference after the ball has been tipped????? Russell is a good team and runs the wing-t very well. I thought Mason's D shut down #8 but #13 ran all night(Could not stop the sweep). Chalk this one up to Russell's execution of the sweep and trap, Mason beating themselves, Russell's tradition of winning, and BAD LUCK!!!. Congrats to Russell. By the way did anyone else hear the idiot yelling "Go Fleming" as people were exiting the stadium???? He wasn't a Russell fan was he????? Didn't think so.

  13. Yes, but the two teams with the winning records beat them. So if Russell would have played St. X and Male and lost, that would have them more ready for Mason. I don't really think it works that way. Neither loss was what you would call a close game. I understand what your trying to say. But take away Mason's two losses and the rest of the schedule of both teams are practically the same.


    If you don't think going in at halftime up 20 to 7 and taking Boone County into the 4th quarter down 28-20 with 4 minutes left in the game before coach B was forced to put in our 2's due to exhaustion is close I don't know what is. Did you see the Boone County / Simon Kenton game??? That wasn't close!!!!!!!:eek:

  14. I think that this is going to be the toughest test for both teams so far this year. Hope everyone comes out of the game uninjured.


    I think Boone was a tougher test for Mason that they obviously did not pass. However, Russell has tradition and a legacy of winning. This game will show whether Mason is a contender or a pretender. I think they are for real and that Coach B is going to see his program jump up to the next step which would be annual contenders. Good Luck Royals. :thumb:

  15. mad stork you need to relax. It is just a game.

    Russell will win and will win agianst mason probably not by 30 or more

    but they will win.


    Russell - 35

    sk - 20


    I thought I was playing the six degrees of Russell and Mason???????? Oh your playin the high low game.... any other Russell supporters have Russell by 30 over Mason???????? :D

  16. Where the top team are after Oct. 5th games


    -Lou Central 42-6 over Shawnee 4-2 with win over 1 team w/winning record

    -Belfry 41-14 over Magoffin 6-0 Win over Corbin looking bigger

    -Russell 65-20 over Lewis Co. 6-0 Opponents are 10-35

    -Mason Open 4-2 with no win against team with a winning record

    -Paducah Tilghman 50-0 over Mclean Co. 3-4 1st win against a team w/winning record.

    -E'Town lost 44-48 to Moore now 4-3 has not beaten a team w/winning record.

    -Sheldon Clark 42-14 over Pike Co Cent. 7-0 with wins over 2 teams w/winning records

    -Russellville 46-14 over Hart Co. 6-1 with wins over 3 teams w/winning records

    -Breathitt 59-6 over Fleming Co 6-0 with wins over 2 teams w/winning records

    -Somerset 63-0 over Jackson Co. with wins over 2 teams w/winning records


    Isn't Central's 2 losses and Mason's 2 losses to winning and/or ranked 6A teams? If they fill their schedules with 1A or 2A schools with winning records and beat them up what does that prove? I'll take the experience and the loss for the playoffs.:confused:

  17. Simon Kenton may be 3-3 but they are not bad. They beat a good Ryle team who crushed Campbell Co who crushed Mason Co 27-7. They are a physical 6A school who should give Russell a big challenge. I understand from reading a lot of stuff on here that Russell has a huge home winning steak. Simon Kenton is very capable of ending that. I have also read Russell supporters stating that Russell has played uninspired and had to come from behind a lot this year. It will be much tougher to come from behind against Simon Kenton. Wouldn't mind seeing that game but there is a big game here this weekend with Highlands coming to town.


    Cool this is just like the six degrees of Kevin Bacon game where you can take a movie and trace one of the stars in the movie back to a movie with Kevin Bacon in it within six tries. Except this is the six degrees of Mason County and Russell. In another thread a Russell supporter stated that Russell is comparable to Boone AND Boone and Russell are way better than Mason County so let me try........ Boone beat Mason by 22, Campbell beat(sorry I meant crushed) Mason by 20, Boone beats Simon Kenton by 38, thus using this games obvious logic Russell, who was stated to be comparable to Boone, should beat Simon Kenton by 38 and might as well not even play the lowly Royals. AND Russell would beat Campbell by at least 28 as did Boone(Except Russell only plays 1 6A team who would be Simon Kenton so we will never know). Now that we have scientifically proven that Russell will crush Simon Kenton and Mason County(I did it in six degrees!!!).......... on with the games.:lol:

  18. Is this the same player who left Greenup to Ashland, dismissed from Ashland's team and just declared eligible to play once again at Greenup? What a three ring circus!! Sounds like he needs some parental guidance.


    It sounds like he is taking advice from whoever was giving Maurice Clarrett advice at Ohio State. I hate to see talent wasted. But you can have all the talent in the world and if you are not disciplined inside yourself it won't matter. The old adage that some of the greatest football players are walking the streets. Do you remember the Rogans who played for Ohio State from Urbana? They had about 10 boys all where awesome athletes and a few ran the ball at Ohio State. But there were a few Rogans who weren't disciplined and got into trouble and basically ran the streets. Those Rogans were supposed to have the most talent of any of the boys. Who knows what they could have done?????? It is sad.

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