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The Mad Stork

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Posts posted by The Mad Stork

  1. Where is their all-state de Jackson Tolle was he already named to the team ? He was by far Mason counties best player and was probably the best player in the region other than Dustin May,surley coach Buchanan who is all about his players has Jackson on the team, it was bad that the Ledger did not have him as defensive player of the year.Jackson just does not get the credit he deserves he is a great young man and deseveres better than what he has gotten ,can someone please tell me if he is already on the team.


    As far as I know there is a committee that chooses the team and alternates. Coach Buchanan had nothing to do with it. Other than sending in the names at the beginning to be voted on. I'm pretty sure he sent in 4 names and Jackson was definitelyy one of those. Jackson is a very good player and an outstanding young man. Best in the region????? I don't know about that but an outstanding player on a team that had several D-I players, IMO. I don't think you should get on here and talk down about Jackson's teammates or his coach. Especially Brace and Cox, these are 2 good players as well as young men that will represent Mason County well. I wonder if Jackson would have been chosen to play what Richie and Wylie's supporter's response would have been ???????????????????? Knowing these 2 young men it probably would have been congrats and show out.

  2. Coach Dave Buchanan of Mason County has revived my own personal image of what a coach should be. From day 1 that I have known Coach B. he has been a man of his word. Most places that you go now, unfortunately, have administrators or people in a power position with their own personal or political agendas as well as parents that are the "good ole boys" and just want their kids to play whether they are the best or not. Coach Buchanan puts the team first and that means the best play where the team needs them in order to WIN. I know that Coach B. not only knows the game but resists those forces outside of the football family that try to sway him from anything other than "What's best for the team." Mason County is lucky to have him and I have no doubt that Coach B. is one of the great coaches in Kentucky High School football. Keep up the good fight coach!!!!!:thumb:

  3. Most college and high school programs, will move up the BP location closer than 60'-6".


    It develops quick hands and enhances, hand-to-eye coordination. Timing will vary, based off the velocity of the pitcher. Most players just load as normal, work on contact and hitting through the baseball.


    Many drills, will also be implemented from a close distance.

    I understand that short drills must be implemented to develop those small muscle groups, hand-eye coordination, reaction time. I mean just hitting off the tee is crucial. But if you are not getting live pitching or pitching machine is always short that can't be good either??? Just asking - how many days of week do your kids see live pitching(coach or 80%) or JUggs from 60 feet???:confused:

  4. Is Brace even that good of a first baseman? I know these boys pretty well, and Brace didn't even play summer ball with them. If I were the coach, I would play the kid that has been on the team the longest AND that played summer ball with the team, whether they are a sophomore or not. This kid plays a pretty good first base.


    I don't think Mason County will be 2-20. Definately not. They have Cox, Woods, King (pitcher and outfielder)... they should be decent. I wouldn't say powerhouse or anything, but I'd say they'll be alright.


    I couldn't disagree with you more on this. Yes,the team should be established on commitment, dedication, talent, and desire. AND the best players should play. The field and the batter's box should be where a job is won or lost. All the above mentioned being equal. Take a lesson from Coach Buchanan - the best for the team = the best plays. I know a lot of parents do not want to hear that (believe me I know) but that is what makes sports - sports. The best should play!!! Period!!! If you are not the best.........then train,practice,and take the job back. :thumb::thumb:

  5. Brace will be at first if he plays. The sophmore you are talking about was the only other first basemen Mason Co. had other than Stafford, but he graduated. I heard someone very close to the Mason Co. program say that Coach Murphy said that this years team will be like the ones when he first started coaching at Mason Co. with Ullery. Something of the likes of 2-20... No offense to anyone who played on these teams but I heard he told his team this... Let's hear what some of you have to say about this!!


    Who did you hear this from? Was he upset at the lack of hustle or something? I tend not to listen to second hand "witnesses" of what coaches "said". Did he publicly say it to the team and what was the context?:confused:

  6. Brace doesnt have a homerun swing..... But he is a base hitter.. I'm pretty sure he is coming back for his senior year. Now you want big bat. The Cox kid has probaly hit some of the longest home runs I've seen in high school baseball in a while. Pitching well thats another story. The Ace is deffinatly Woods, behind him King then Cox, Brace, Burney, and Sutton etc... mason lost 3 last year. but this year they lose Cox, Meadows, England, and Lykins which were 4 main contributers last year. I dont see the royals having that big of a down year. They work hard over Christmas and Jan. and Feb. and are always ready to play in March.


    I hope that Coach Murph uses a rotation AND early on. If our pitching can get in a groove and become consistant then we will be good. The errors are a killer and show a lack of focus at times. I would love to see a team playing out there together and for each other. That is where the team leaders- THE SENIORS - need to step up. Does Coach Murphy use live pitching? I think he should set aside a certain amount of BP with the pitchers. Limit the number of pitches and the days for live BP but last year it seemed like our hitters were off timing their swings. Does coach have the pitching machine at 60 feet? I think that a short distance with the pitching machine could throw off where the batter's are picking up the ball and swinging. It is all timing. Last year, at times we couldn't buy a hit. These are just observations and questions. I can't wait for baseball.

  7. It has been an honor and pleasure knowing both of you young men. I know you will accomplish much as you go to the next level. Thanks for taking care of Mrs. Cox's little boy Richie from the backside pressure!!! Remember, THE PUP WILL BE WATCHING and WILEY - TAKE THE THREE MINUTES!!!!!!!!:ylsuper:

  8. Richie and are whole family would like to thank everyone for their kind words and support. It warms my heart and just goes to show you that football players, coaches, and fans might disagree every now and then on different issues, but one thing that will always hold true is their love for the game. I think that is self-evident when you hear good news about a player and people reach out with positive things to say. Thanks BluegrassPreps for a forum where people that love football can talk about it. And a special thank you to Coach Buchanan for helping Richie obtain his goals and dreams of playing college football and getting a great college education. This opportunity will undoubtedly change his life. :thumb:

  9. Yes... Cox and Woods will play a huge roll in Mason's lineup. Don't think Brace is going to play. As far as a big bat, not sure where you got this from. Defense is very sub-par. As far as pitching... that is the big question mark for Mason Co. this year. They lost a lot to graduation in Marinaro, Doyle, and Stafford. These three held down the rotation for most of the time. Cox and Woods did give some good innings. But, they need to do a large amount of work in the off season to condition their arms to throw more innings and PITCHES than one should. As far as relievers... that is hard to come by, because many games that I saw, their starting pitches finished the game... even early in the season.



    I had heard that in previous years, before last year, that Brace was a hitter. I also heard he was a pitcher. And Cox plays CF, he only pitched maybe a couple games. I agree with you about the pitching. I hope that Coach Murph finds at least 4 starters and that he will rotate them as to not wear them out. I don't think we had a rotation last year. Coach also needs to find one closer who can close the show for two innings. There is some young talent. The other thing I noticed from last year were errors. I mean we got to clean up fielding the ball and knowing what to do with it. If Coach Murph can iron these out then the team will do well. It will be interesting to see if the training and playing football has helped the athleticism and the power of Woods. My guess is that it has. Great talkin baseball with ya!:thumb:

  10. Mason will have a challenge with St. Pat for the district title. And maybe even Bracken Co. may give one of these two teams a surprise. Mason lost a lot experience and talent to graduation, but do have a few young players coming back with some varsity action under their belts.


    What about #10 Richie Cox????? He was Mason's only All-Region player last year???? Corey Woods is back. Rumor has it that Wylie Brace might be back out. I heard he has a big bat and would be a huge first baseman. Mason needs pitching!!!!!! How do you think the pitching stacks up? Who are starters and who are relievers????:confused:

  11. Does anyone know of any college prospect camps where there are more than one college's coaches attending? I also need to know when the signing day is for D-I baseball? And if you are being recruited for football and baseball how does that work if football signing day is february 11th? If you sign for football can you then sign for baseball after that???? Thanks.:confused:

  12. Congrats to Russell and the win. Russell coaches are first class and I appreciate the coaches comments and consoling #10 Richie Cox after the game. Thanks to Coach B. for supporting #10 through some rough times. Special thanks to Seniors and players for accepting #10 into your program and making him feel welcome. It was a hard decision to sit sophomore year as a transfer but it was worth it. Good luck to Big Country, Big Ray, Little Huron, Scottie, and Tolle. I know you guys will all do well at the next level and I look forward to watching you guys play on Saturdays. I do think that #10's best ball is still in front of him as this was his 2nd year of football. Now you have to choose #10 football or baseball. Thanks to BGP and the Guru. This is my final post in football. Good luck to all.:thumb:

  13. Having coached in a situation such as described above, if a program is down that much you need to give a coach time to get it turned around. Usually in a program as you described there is a lot of finger pointing by all parties; parents, coaches players, administrators, etc. In all reality if you want to turn it around, support the coach, staff, and players. Make the players accountable as well as the coaching staff. Golden Rule: There is no quick fix to the problem and it will take time with support and a good system. The players also need to take accountability of THEIR team and do the things necessary to turn it in the positive direction. EVEN if that entails telling mommy and daddy that they have had their turn at sports let me have mine. Hardest thing to do as a parent is watch your child go through a losing season or trying to turn a struggling program around especially if you don't agree with everything going on, but most head coaches go into that position with a plan. Remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. Good luck to all.:thumb:

  14. Are you two really silly enough to think that what is said on here is going to effect the football game? Come on guys you know in your heart that the oplayers and coaches from both teams are not going to overlook each other. You really don't think that what we talk about on here will have an effect on the outcome of this game do you???


    I am a little silly......................... I mean his name is bigblueINSANITY, so by definition he is probably anywhere from a little silly to off his rocker. I'm not trying to speak for bigblue. Why are you so militant??????? :confused:

  15. You wouldn't be suggesting that Mason played that way the first time these 2 teams played to not give anything away would you? If that is your point then I hope they played "vanilla" all year because I can assure you that a staff of Russell's caliber has seen Mason in person or on film several times this year. I'm sure both of these coaching staffs have a wrinkle or 2 they may unveil this week but I seriously doubt either of the staffs involved would throw away their playbooks and start over this week. :laugh:


    SORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Forget I said anything. Please just forget allllllllllll about the lowly #7 ranked Royals. I mean your up in the poll 2 to 1....................................... Russell should look ahead to Belfrey or Breathitt..................... Just another district patsy in the eyes of the devils.........................PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! Oh by the way, I will never mention another ice cream flavor on here again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sssh:

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