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True blue (and gold)

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Everything posted by True blue (and gold)

  1. It's not...and as my students will attest, I run a pretty tight ship in my classroom.
  2. I'm beginning my 21st year as a public school educator. Hairstyles don't provide a real distraction and shouldn't occupy 2 seconds worth of rules discussion. I've seen all of those hair styles. Unnatural color is about the only thing that causes someone to be distracted more than 5 seconds...and then it's about 12 seconds.
  3. Should we also read about the history of Europeans as "immigrants" in American?
  4. First, there are many other countries that are also doing their part and taking in refugees. Secondly, and most importantly, because these people are escaping terrorism and good, moral people should help those in need. Some mention that Christians are constantly persecuted in this country. As a Christian, we have to do more than just use the term. We have to "do what Jesus would do" and to me, I have no doubt that Jesus would want us to help these people.
  5. Agreed. I similarly prefer not beginning with the notion that all diversity is violent and sworn to kill me.
  6. I agree that it is opinion, which is why I've asked. I'm sure that somewhere, someone in the media is going back through all footage and counting, but beyond that it will just be perspective. As someone who is likely voting for a third party candidate, the DNC has inspired me leaps and bounds beyond the RNC. That, of course, is my perspective.
  7. Not in ways that I am proud of, i.e., Japanese American internment camps in WWII.
  8. What percentage of each convention would you say that you watched? There's still one night to go, but I've watched most of both conventions. The RNC was much more "anti-Hillary" than the DNC was been "anti-Trump." Tonight could change that, however.
  9. America has always been a melting pot, even prior to 1776. There have always been immigrant communities. We are a collection of people with a variety of different customs, traditions, and yes, first languages. To standardize everything WOULD be changing the culture we have. So, in a way, I agree with you. Our differences make us better. They give us more depth and perspective.
  10. I'm wondering how many posters, like me, have watched most of both conventions? From my perspective, what you said is definitely true.
  11. Looks like people like Kaisch, Cruz and Paul have already shown that they don't feel that way.
  12. I'm not sure what you mean here. Can you elaborate?
  13. Not at all. Every vote matters and in my opinion, every vote says something about each person. That's why many have decided to vote for Johnson.
  14. Better that than being a great speaker and an awful person. I know a pastor like that.
  15. You missed Michelle Obama's speech? You have to go back and watch that one!
  16. A life is a life regardless of nationality. At least that's the way I interpret the words of Jesus. I'm not okay with turning my back on people truly in need.
  17. Trump was. That was different from what normally happens.
  18. It may not seem like it, but I do understand the concern and worry that people have. There is nothing that is 100% foolproof. Heck, we surely know that the U.S has its share of homegrown terrorists. As @rockmom has said, the refugees that she works with have waited years to come into the U.S. They are families that have been vetted and monitored. I think that continuing this process (waiting list, vetting, monitoring) along with a focus on families is our best bet. Also, having volunteers that continue to work with the families (as opposed to them only seeing negativity of those that do not want them here) is important.
  19. He would probably say that evil is dangerous. That includes radical Islam, but not all Muslims.
  20. I'll answer my own question. Jesus' actions show us that we need to care for others. Refugees leaving war torn countries are in need. Jesus wouldn't say "sorry about your luck...me first." None of his teachings teach selfishness, nor do they teaching lumping all people into categories.
  21. I gave no idea what most of this means, but it's fun to read, nonetheless! Glad to see people having fun!
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