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Posts posted by coachwife

  1. Absolutely. You won't find any talk about the Bearcat program in the paper at all. If it's not here or on my radio show (this year), you won't hear it at all. All of these kids deserve the publicity. Big or small school no matter.


    Look at Dan Neeley from Owen County last year. One of the best players in the 8th region. Unless you are looking here, you wouldn't know anything about him last year. Now he's playing at Centre and getting minutes on the floor. Nothing in the paper about him at all.


    I don't want to get on another newspaper rant here, but I'm just saying that all schools deserve to be talked about. Big or Small.


    Not threadjacking here, but wanted to thank Buttels for update on Neeley. I wondered where he went to school. I knew that he would be a great asset at the next level.

  2. I have been around along time--hence my name-- and can honestly say I have never seen anybody as good as Forrest.


    I would have to agree. He is just good. He does the thing that I have always said is the mark of a good coach. He can take a squad of any caliber of players and make a great team. Not that Oldham does not have their share of talent, but stars aren't required for Forrest to put a great team on the floor.

  3. That is crazy!!! I know this is a business and all of that. I think we have completely lost sight that these are STUDENT athletes. When I was at uk in the early 90's there were several basketball players there who said they were students first and athletes second.


    I guess that is pretty naive thinking.....unfortunately so.

  4. These boys need to put 4 whole quarters together. They only scored 6 points in the 1st quarter. If you can play with the intensity and determination you did in the 4th in 3 more quarters, you would be much better.


    I know that we are young, but all the juniors and some of the sophomores saw a lot of playing time last year and starting time last year. You have to run your offense with precision and realize you are strong and can handle under the boards. Set screens, communicate and use the glass and square. That is why it is there. There are no sportscenter highlights in high school basketball.

  5. I know the players read BGP so I would like to make a challenge to them. Guys you see what is being said here so you have a couple of choices to make. You can either get offended by it an make excuses and play selfishly, be negative and continue to lose games that you should win. Your second choice is this. You can say to yourselves maybe some of this stuff they are saying is true. Guys look at teams that are winners you dont see emotional outbursts on the field or the court. It is yes sir or no sir to eveything. You respect your coach and your teammates regardless of whether your winning or losing. They dont yell at their coach or other players nor do they hang their head when they make a mistake. You must turn every negative into a positive. If you make a mistake get focused and leave it behind you and do something to make up for it. Look at championship teams they NEVER worry about individual accomplishments, they always praise their coach and teammates first. I can say this you have a coach that truly loves you and the game, and if they players can share that same love for each other as well as the game you will be successful. Maybe not on the scoreboard early this year but the majority of you are Sophomores and JRS and have 2 whole years together. Think really hard about where you are now. Are you doing the things today that will allow you to ever make the trip to Richmond or Lexington not to watch but to play.


    This is a great post. I know my honesty is viewed a negativity and I understand that. Thank you for taking my views and turning them into a positive. In the long run, that is what I hope to accomplish. We are only two games into the season. Basketball is a long season and there is plenty of time to gel together and play as one unit. I do think that Miller has great insight into the game; the kids need to trust that and realize there is still a lot to learn.

  6. Players yelling back at the coaches from the floor and walking off of the floor. Most everyone is pointing the finger at someone else and not taking the responsiblity for their actions. If you get a foul, just take it. Stop making excuses. Realize that you are there to win for a team and not yourself. That's just what I saw....only opinions, I guess. I don't think that Miller has the respect of the boys where they believe he can lead them to victory.

  7. I hope the offensive showing that the Panthers put up against Williamstown will show up next Thursday against Owen. It's awfully hard to win a game scoring 10 points in the 1st quarter.


    Those boys were sucking wind in the 2nd half, don't think the bench was utilized enough. It appears there is some internal conflict within the Panthers that needs to be resolved before next week. They don't really seem to be embracing the team concept at this point.

  8. I would have to agree. Way too much unnecessary dribbling and nobody interested in stepping up as a leader. It's like the boys are out there waiting for someone else to do it for them. They need to look within to find that leadership and bond together as a team. A true PG would assist in that process.

  9. Forgot the Freshman

    Zach Wise

    Daniel Wheeler

    Ethan Stewart

    Tyler Gross.


    Actually most of the freshman team.


    Thank you Lunatic! Sorry about that guys!!!


    Everybody starts practice today. Saturday's scrimmage should be interesting. Everyone will be rusty and it is against CAL. The first game is the 27th, so they will have some time to work on things after the scrimmage.

  10. Whatever the coaches did last week in practice obviously worked. Stay with that plan!! If the panthers play as they did on Friday, they will win in a close game: 14-7 Carroll.


    The boys need to come ready to play. They need to build from the momentum, not try to ride it through. CAL soundly beat Pendleton. They need to remember that. CAL has something to prove as well with what they are going through. This is by no means going to be a stroll through the park for either team.

  11. It is Carroll's Senior Night. I hope these guys can come together and make this happen one last night at home. Dayton will be a tough tough opponent. I make no prediction, but hope boys come to play and leave it all on the field one last time. This is their last shot at home to prove something.

  12. I think Henry, Trimble, and Carroll should join in with us, Gallatin, Walton V. Owen,Pentelton and Grant co's. We have very nice league with teams starting with 1st-2nd, 3rd-4th, and 5th-6th grades and all 7th-8th graders play middle school. Grant has 2 teams in each age group, for total of 6 teams, Henry could probly have couple teams and one from Emenince, have 12 team league with north south divisions. We currently play home and away games.


    I think that is a great idea. This is very similar to what we are doing in basketball too and that seems to be working well on the lower levels.

  13. I agree that the yellow jackets team is a great feeder program for 6th grade and below. But I think the sr team hurts the varsity program in the long run. It creates a division between the kids and, from what I can see, there is a lot of animosity even between the two teams, the sr yellow jackets team and the middle school team.


    I believe in 7th grade you need to come together in a school sanctioned program that gets the kids used to the grade requirements and playing as a team. They begin to play the competition that they will play for a majority of their jv and varsity career. Also, this program needs the involvement of the varsity coaches. By this I mean, they need to make sure the lower level coaches are effectively coaching the kids in the manner in which they will be coached on the high school level.


    I think the middle school team should only be for 7th/8th graders, with the exception of a breakout 6th grader. This sr yellow jackets team has been a very political controversial topic that no one seems to want to address, but I think it has cause our programs to get worse and worse. Not that those kids don't receive good coaching on the yellow jackets team. In all honesty, it is a better team, but the school team already is receiving the programming to lose. They lost a majority of their games by 20 points or more without much of an offensive showing.


    This year's seniors was the 1st or 2nd year that the sr yellow jackets team was in place. From the results that we are having, I don't believe this system is working. Not that there aren't other factors, but when you need to re-build the way Carroll needs to, you need to look at everything.

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