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Posts posted by LUCK

  1. With the rain affecting so many key games this week, I thought I would ask the following question:


    Do you prefer football on natural grass or sports turf?


    I have alway stuck by the notion that football should be played on natural grass. I know as time goes on I am further and further in the minority with that opinion. It is weekends like this that make me second guess, however I still come out on the side of natural grass.


    What are your thoughts?

  2. What is the point in you coming on this threads of teams you obviously know nothing about and predicting upsets? I bet you cant even name 5 players off both teams combined. :rolleyes:


    Believe it or not I can read. You are correct, I have not seen either team. I can not name five players on the rosters without researching the teams.


    That said, I look at all of the games being played each weekend, look at prior wins and losses, search local papers for articles on the teams, and review posts here on this board. I then pick which games I would like to comment on. I do not only pick upsets. You obviously have not seen all of my posts.


    I enjoy looking at games I can not get to and pick a winner or loser. I am sorry that you feel I am unqualified to pick games in which you may have more of an interest or knowledge.


    I love highschool football and attend a game every Friday. I did not know I was only allowed to comment on certain games in which I have total knowledge.


    My prediction stands. Good LUCK to both teams.

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