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Posts posted by LUCK

  1. State law of some point makes it the responsibility of the school to educate every child within their boundaries. NO MATTER what type of student that kid is. NO MATTER the support they have at home. NO MATTER the physical or mental deficiencies or gifts that they may have. NO MATTER how much trouble with the law the kid is in. (one of my school's administrators recently administer the CATS test to a student that was incarcerated so that we did not have to take a ZERO on the test. Once a kid has hit, I believe it is 100 days in your school, their MUST be a test score for that student or you get a zero.) EVERY SINGLE KID's education within their boundaries is the responsibility of that school unless the parent chooses to homeschool or private school the child.


    And if the parent is not educating their child or enrolling them in a school, it will become the responsibility of the public school to make sure that it does happen.


    The public schools do not have the luxury to pick and choose their kids and then promote how great of a school they are.


    This is false. Public schools do and have rejected students for one reason or another and have redirected them. And, probably to your disbelief this happens in rural as well as urban schools. Be careful with your "NO MATTER" statements because it does matter and public schools have used this option on many ocations

  2. It has more to do with building a team for the Presidents kids than overall recruiting. I know what you are trying to bait but I won't go there. Why are the privates so afriad of seperation anyway, could have open season then, just don't understand why it is a problem. Also look back a few years and this debate over JBS has been on-going in the mountains for years


    If there is a fear of seperation I think it is with the smaller schools in all activities and with the larger schools in all sports except football.


    I am not trying to bait anything. The private schools are a part of the KHSAA the same as any other type of member school. The majority of members of the KHSAA apparently wanted seperation between public and private. However, the Kentucky Board of Education sees it different at this time. Therefore no seperation.


    In my opinion the KHSAA majority of members voted for seperation because there is a perceived advantage that the private schools have in attracting "athletes" to their schools that most publics do not. This perception is also fueled by rumored and unsubstantiated recruiting rules violations. I also believe that this is mostly a football driven issue on the surface.


    When and where KHSAA officials began to believe that certain students "belong" to them and not others I do not know. As far as JBS is concerned, if I were president, coach, teacher, janitor, or other working at a school my kids would most likely go there. This school makes it to the sweet sixteen with kids who have grown up as friends, cousins, borthers, and neighbors all with like values and interests, and attend the same school there must be some recruiting plot to get around KHSAA rules is just more rumor and unsubstantiated charges. The same that has fueled this public private split debate.

  3. I cannot believe that June Buchanan takes those good students and athletes away from those small mountain schools. They stole success from the other public schools. They surely must have recruited. They have been recruiting for many decades. First on mule, then on horseback, and now by reputation, strong discipline, strong academics, and a strong community. How dare they win the region and get to the sweet sixteen.


    They may have been off the public radar as the annual homecoming victory in the past, but just stay tuned to this board and after this years successes there will be no doubt that they to will be a private punching bag for the publics.


    Can I quote myself?

  4. How would everyone react if the KHSAA finally gave in to the majority of the schools? What would the resulting issues do to the schools near you?


    The major resulting issue after the public vs. private split would be the urban vs. rural split.


    There is no way that a poor rural school can compete with a rich urban school who can recruit and has all those resources at their disposal. So we will then have private champions, urban champions, rural champions, and of course we would need 6+ classes in each of the rural and urban leagues because you have big rurals and little rurals, west urbans and east urbans, and on and on and on.


  5. I did not realize that the KHSAA had so much power over middle schools and middle school sports. Allegations of recruiting will now be rampant not only about private high schools but now between public high schools and public middle schools. The accusations will really be flying. Very interesting.


    I for one can appreciate all the forethought that went into this proposal.:rolleyes:

  6. Maybe the reason why football is TAKING OVER BASKETBALL as some as offered as an opinion is that


    MORE students have an opportunity to compete for regional and state champions in football than they do in basketball.


    Maybe, just maybe, if basketball gave the SAME OPPORTUNITIES to their players as is done in football, you would not have that opinion.


    Kids in Beechwood/NCC/Danville, etc. football know they have a realistic chance to win the state football championship. The basketball players don't have that same feeling.


    Are you serious? The kids really believe this? The kids go into basketball games thinking they do not have a chance to win?

  7. I cannot believe that June Buchanan takes those good students and athletes away from those small mountain schools. They stole success from the other public schools. They surely must have recruited. They have been recruiting for many decades. First on mule, then on horseback, and now by reputation, strong discipline, strong academics, and a strong community. How dare they win the region and get to the sweet sixteen.


    They may have been off the public radar as the annual homecoming victory in the past, but just stay tuned to this board and after this years successes there will be no doubt that they to will be a private punching bag for the publics.

  8. 100 mile area would be 50 miles in each direction. That is what I meant.


    For public schools, there can be no limiting seats. That is a private school luxury. Public schools TAKE ALL that show up at the door. No matter their legal status, ability to learn, special needs, whatever, they TAKE ALL.


    This is not true. Public high schools turn down students all the time. In some schools seats are very limited. The public school system does not turn down students, but individual public schools have various guidelines in the manner they accept or do not accept students. This is wide spread in Jefferson County. To say that a public school takes or has to take whoever shows up just isn't true and very misleading. This is one of the false arguments in the private vs. public split debate.

  9. But I understand it's basis as NKY has seen many of a player developed in the MS level by a public school where the coaching staff and program has committed time and playing minutes to the player, only to see them jump to a larger public school or a private school.


    These kids aren't comodities owned by either system. Herein lies most of the problem with the KHSAA (athletic directors and school superintendants especially), acting as if the kids are their's. They are not. These proposals have nothing to do about fairness if they did the KHSAA would begin to enforce the rules they now have in place. It is all about winning. Treating kids as "mine and ours" is a big mistake and will lead only to the detriment of Kentucky high school kids.

  10. They need to load all of them on a bus and send them to California for training. The California system is very fair across the board. They are consistent and make decisions based on facts. The unfair Mercer merger would never have happened in California at the cost of all the other teams in 2-A. KHSAA basically allowed two football teams to combine and play against the same opponents. Hello!! McFly!! The appearance that I and many others fans share is that the KHSAA allowed this while turning thier backs on the other teams in 2-A.


    The crew we have running the KHSAA would not last a week in California or many other states for that mater.


    I do not want to do anything they are doing in California.

  11. Yea except one school gets to pick those 5 out of 1200 students and the other gets to pick out of 300. The whole 5 on 5 thing can be used in any sport. In football it is only 11 on 11 so why not only have 1 football championship? Not trying to say I don't like the sweet 16, I wouldn't have it any other way, but that is not a valid argument.


    Red Bunch I agee with you that the sweet sixteen is great.


    However, my argument is valid. It is based on pure competition, playing for your school, school pride, taking what you have and making the best of it, it is about community, working hard, and sometimes winning and sometimes losing.

  12. I agree......the sweet sixteen is probably the most exciting thing in KY high school athletics today. However, how truly fair is it?


    It is five high school players playing five high school players on the court.

    Each team is allowed the same number of players on the roster.

    The rules are the same for both teams.

    It is fair.

  13. I spoke with Coach Brown Saturday after Mass. He is excited about his new opportunity and grateful for his experiences here.


    I think Coach Glaser has another ten to fifteen years before he thinks about leaving St. X. Alot can happen for Coach Brown during that time. Coach Brown knows football and takes a true interest in kids. It would not suprise me if he is back as a high school head coach at some point in his future. That is not to say that he will fail at other levels of coaching, it is to say that he is so right for coaching high school age kids.

  14. I think the KHSAA should continue with the idea of segregation in all sports as it has with football. Segregation has worked so well in all aspects of our society why not extend the idea to our kids.


    I think the KHSAA should continue with the idea of more champions in all sports. Everyone can be a champion because nothing is gained or learned from losing.


    If the KHSAA continues with these ideas their poll numbers will continue to rise.

  15. Personally, your NAZI reference is way out of line....With that said, any administrative organization will have both positive and negative, in their structure and overseeing.


    KHSAA does an excellent job, governing all the sports they do and establishing the ByLaws, to regulate them. Are there portions that need changed, tweaked or modified....Yes, all would agree but not easy being the hand that holds the gavel....much easier being the naysayer.


    Excellent job is streching it. And it has always been the naysayers who keep the gavel in check.

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