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Everything posted by Mr.Fundamental

  1. Excellent ideas! The only thing I wish to add is more teacher pay, and lower student to teacher ratios then I think we are on to something!
  2. In my opinion what needs to change may not be the test but the attitude that all students are equal, learn at the same rates,(pur silly) once we realize that, we can then make an assessment accordingly. I believe that we need to go into the route of specialization earlier, maybe after the age of 12... just a thought.
  3. If people are going to do it, tax the people to the point where it will cost them a great deal to do it. i.e. cigeratte tax(sp)
  4. He is a hometown boy:dancingpa Glad to see people are listening to people with some sense:lol:
  5. Now back to the debate: But the logic that is made of having this new vice can be applied to the things that already here! If it was good back then, why not now, and if gambling is so evil, why as caring citizens should we allow it to continue?
  6. Is it better to give a hungry person a fish, or to teach them to fish?
  7. This is the key word, this is why I must be a little bit libreal (sp) I believe that people must make choices, not to be forced, and that again includes the pocket book.
  8. I remember reading that in the Decelaration of Independence! Line 2 or was it line 3 article 4, no, no, wait, where does it say, I will give my brother a helping hand:confused:
  9. I have to add I am for labor unions! I believe that if there is a lawsuit and it is found that it should be thrown out, not only does the suer get a fine but so does the lawyer that the person represents. I believe in the right to have guns, with some limitations! I believe that we should be more conservative when it comes to our natural resources. I believe that we should be agressively be looking towards alternative energy! I believe that the Iraq war was not justified! I believe that we should do everything in our power to make sure that Iran does not have nuclear arms. I believe that the United Nations is a waste of time! I believe that we need to be looking for Bin Laden. I believe that we should secure our borders FIRST, and not worry about the rest of the world. Those who are found illegally should be deported immeditely, (we have laws for a reason) I had to add these other points to help figure out what I am other than confused!:creepy::confused:
  10. I am not sure what I am. I am republican by card, but, I vote who will take care of me... as for values, I personally go by the christian doctrine, and am a christian. I don't like gov't stepping into peoples buisness this includes a persons religious beliefs. I believe that it is there to help provide safety and education. I don't believe in redistribution of wealth. I believe that churches should take the burden of the poor. I believe that those who choose not to work, don't eat. I like the idea of high tariffs to support local economies. I am in the belief of isolationism, except for Isreal, which I think we have an obligation to protect along with England. I also believe that if a person wishes to drink, gamble, kill themselves, over eat, not have health care become successful, educated, all of it is their own buisness. So what am I???:confused:
  11. I agree and have been saying this throughout the thread.:thumb::banana:
  12. Indirectly, they use the money on technology, because they want to have better equipment then DirectTV. So they hire some physists to figure what can move faster than light, to ensure that we have our needs met.
  13. nope, won't make it that long, because when I tried to see the Dr. A person was there with a runny nose, and the Dr. did a complete evaluation of that person, the person had the common cold, he flashed his medicade card and off he went, right when I thought I was about to get in... guess what the same thing happen, again and again, and again. So I left and went down to the pharmacist for the medication, however, a person with the cold was in line, flashed his card, payed two dollars for his medicine that cost me 9.00, and was angry that the price of the medicine went up .25.
  14. I thought I already covered that... As for health insurance, there clinics everywhere, don't believe me come on down and I will show you a doctor's office on every cornor and the emergency room filled with people that abuse the system.
  15. That happens here at higher and higher rates all the time... :mad::madman: One way to look at it though is job security, they will need teachers for the students...
  16. She has done well in filming industry, small buisnesses can not survive thanks to Wal-Mart:cry:
  17. Nope the gov't is taking it, giving to those hard working people that produce a baby every year for five to seven years. Sit at home, wondering why they don't have the american dream, it is the rich man's fault, that is the conclusion...:banana:
  18. Howver, it is still a market, that does create jobs, the buisness designer will have to be thread which is in another market, accountants to hide his money, labor to help him make the socks, a tech guy because they can not figure out how to run excel, a lawyer to make sure that his socks are protected, insurance for the buisness, so and so and so on.:eek:
  19. :thumb::thumb::thumb: Could not have said it any better!:dancingpa
  20. someone has to watch out for those pets, connect the cable and make the socks:D
  21. However, they create more wealth which is bad:p
  22. That requires people to be responsible for themselves:D Again the only area that I am a conservative on is this subject area!!!
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