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big royal daddy

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Posts posted by big royal daddy

  1. When they first started this project, the new arena was to be across the street from Rupp in the parking lot I beleive. If it is built, it will not be named Rupp Arena, because of the money they'll recieve from naming rights. Rupp Arena will be remodled and reconfigured for concerts and convention space. , there was also monies to be included for a new baseball facility and enlarging parts of Commonwealth Stadium (concession stands, enlarging concourses, more restrooms). And all this was to be privately.

  2. I've said all along it can be tough to be a REDS fan but I couldn't imagine being a Nationals fan. They are all Reds rejects! Dimetri Young, Willie Mo Pena, Dunn, Kearns etc There is like 8 or so of them I think.

    They have been playing better. They have also played a tough schedule thuse far. Don't get me wrong they are the worst team in baseball I think.


    Jim Bowden takes another team down. Stan Kasten needs to have a little time to purge Bowden's mistakes out and build a farm system where they will have players comming up. They will be bad for two or three years but if they get the right personnel in the front office and farm system they may contend in three or four years.

  3. If I can remember Adolph Rupp's farewell speech, in closing he said,"For those of you who have traveled down that glory road with me, thank you." I hope to travel down that glory road again in the comming years. Good Luck coach! GO CATS!:thumb:

  4. I could see a scholarship opening up if Hood changes his mind. His father said he was extremely upset over BCG's firing and I could see him going to WKU or UL or some place else. Nothing to base this on, but don't be surprised if this happens either.

  5. If Billy D. had played in the NIT the last 2 years at KY do you think we would be singing his praises. There would be fans of the BBN calling for his head too. We have become spoiled and arrogant, the exact same thing that makes us despise UNC, Duke and UCLA. Maybe we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth per se.

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