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Posts posted by sixtyfeetsix

  1. I'm not sure how anyone can make these predictions. Baseball is a strange game in which anything can happen. Unless you have seen all of these clubs play, it would be almost impossible to predict/rank them. Some clubs may be loaded with talent, but may not click...you see that a lot in hoops. I will wait a few weeks until I rank the teams.

  2. Owsley Counties baseball team can be as good as "they" want to be. Everyone knows it takes a lot of mental toughness to be a champion in baseball. I see the fire in their eyes this year, and hopefully it will stay with them through the season. Owsley does have talent, and they will surprise a few tams this year!

  3. Off different pitcher's! He was in the "zone". He is a great kid too. Trey still holds a little league homerun record. Looks like the "swing" may be coming back to him. The bad thing for the rest of the teams is: Trey bats 5th in the line-up. The first four can also hurt you. Should be a great season for the Owls if the boys stay focused, and play hard.

  4. I will predict that this season in baseball will be a lot like the basketball season. HARD TO PREDICT!! There are a lot of equally matched teams (talent wise) in the 14th region. They are all well coached, so it will come down to who is playing the best defense, and who can keep there pitcher's health. Should be a great season!

  5. I bet you could not hit my knuckleball thrown in my prime. Or my curve. Even if you were in your prime. Did you have a prime? How are you doing pal? Let's have some batting practice soon.

    You are right! I never had a "prime" :p I didn't know that you could play baseball? I guess you live and you learn! :thumb:

  6. And just for the record, the Freshman that hit the ball to the warning track in right field was Jordan Hardy. Jordan can hit the ball well, when he gets a little stronger, he will become a very productive ball player. You also have Kyle Bobrowski who is a pretty good Freshman player. Both will help Owsley Co baseball for the next 3 years.

  7. He dont need a name. I slipped over and watched an Owsley practise the other day and reported some information to a old college coach of mine, and i will tell you this, Owsley's freshmens will be lucky to play on the JV. Bowling wasnt there for some reason, but Smith looks extremely smooth at short, and i watched him take some BP. He hammered 5 or 6 out of the ball park. They also had some little lefthanded batter pouncing the ball over the fence too, dont know who he was. Owsley looked pretty solid defensively, only noticed a couple of the batters that really stood out.

    That's a pretty good scouting report! You didn't get to see Trey Congleton, Jason Bowling, Dustin Wilson, or Jeremy Pierson. He is right, Robert was killing the ball, and the left hander was none other than Daniel Neeley. Who needs a gym, when you can play baseball as well as Daniel Neeley, and Robert Smith. That puts pitcher's in a small predicament..who to pitch to. Good luck!

  8. I agree with you firebird, and if you read all of my posts you will see that. I just hope that these kids don't just lay back and think that they will be seen by College teams. They won't unless you contact them and do some leg work on your own. I agree if you throw 90 plus, they will find out, and then they will come. But, if you are (RHP)throwing 85 to 86..they may not come, unless you can also play another position. It is different for a LHP, 85 to 86 is pretty good, especially if you are left handed!

  9. Playing at the next level takes a lot of hard work and dedication. The parents and coaches must be relentless in the pursuit of the different College teams. Eventually, they will find a match for their son/daughter/player. I'm afraid that too many people have that attitude of just hoping someone will see them play. It's not like that, especially in Eastern KY.

  10. I didn't mean thay any player in Eastern KY or in Booneville was good enough to play for the Yankees, but how can you say they can't. You give a kid 3 or 4 years in a good college program, and these kids from Eastern Ky could play at Professional ball. I agree with Pat Dad and the others about the coaches and parents responsibilities. What I meant was if the players think there play is all it takes to get them to College, they can wait and wait..The cahnce may never come. They have to get out and pursue the shot to play at the next level. I was only disagreeing with the statemant, "if you are good enough they will find you". That is NOT true!

  11. How is a coach in California going to hear about a kid in Booneville?? They are not. I would even venture to say coaches in Western KY, or Northern KY are not going to know what kid of talent is in the 14th region. Unless you are playing on a summer ball program, or have been to a bunch of "showcases", there is no way for coaches to know who they are. I recruited in College, and we were contacted by coaches, and we got into a vehicle and drove to watch the kid play. If he was good, we would watch him a few more times. Do you think a NY Yankee scout even knows where Booneville, or Beattyville is?? NO WAY. So, I totally disagree, they will not find you. If everyone takes that attitude, they will be sitting at home watching baseball on TV, or playing softball.

  12. I can tell you this, if you all know of any College coaches looking for a catcher with an absolute "cannon", they need to come and watch Jason Bowling. I have timed him on several throws to second, and he is consistantly at 1.9 to 2.0's. That my friends is quick! :flame:

    Oh, did I forget to mention the fact that he absolutely "kills" the ball too. I would have loved to have had him to throw to years ago.

  13. Obviously you don't know what you are talking about. I have seen two guys hit 80 plus this season. It's not that hard to hit 80, heck I am 34 years old and can probably still hit 80. :creepy: (I'm sure it would hurt) I will agree with you all and state that the majority of pitcher's will probably be throwing in the 70's. As for the College attention...Not everyone gets the attention they deserve. I can assure you that there are several College scouts watching Robert Smith. I have communicated with them by e-mail several times. All I can say is head to the diamond in Booneville, and watch those boys play hard.

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