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Uncle Jed

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Posts posted by Uncle Jed

  1. Not hanging my hopes on anything...Honestly could care less who wins, but stating my opinion...


    I can promise you that RH is more worried right now than Boyd is..Boyd has NOTHING to lose:thumb:


    I'll agree with you on this statement. If RH is not worried about Boyd, it could be the end of Rose Hill's season. But I don't think getting other players involved will hurt RH.

  2. I have seen this happen before. Certain teams who are accustomed to beating other teams crying foul when they are on the losing side. Then, when things are "back to normal" making there own version of a statement to the now depleted teams that were successful before. IMO, Elliott Co. is not the only school in the 16th that some of the less classy individuals are licking their chops for in the future.


    Couldn’t be more accurate. You only have to look back a couple of years to see proof.

  3. I dont see anyone coming up with a viable defense to the above Points that I have posted.


    Gooch, for the life of me I can't understand what kind of ministry you are studying for, please tell us what denomination you follow.

    As far as the points you have posted from the Rabbi, who in my opinion is no more than a Pharisee, there has been several responses that would prove him wrong. The problem is that like the Pharisees 2000 years ago, he is picking and choosing the scriptures he wants to follow.

    He is right, the prophets never mentioned a second coming, but they did several times reveal the birth of the Messiah, Micah 5:2, Daniel 9:25, and Isaiah 7:14.

    The prophets told about a forerunner, Isaiah 40:3-5, Malachi 3:1and 4:5 and 6.

    His ministries, Isaiah 9:1 and 2, Isaiah 61: 1 and 2, Zechariah 9:9

    His betrayal, Zechariah 11:12 (even down to the exact pieces of silver).

    His murder, Isaiah 53:5 and 12, Zechariah 12:10.

    And his burial Isaiah 53:9.

    This is all done by using only the prophets the Rabbi has mentioned to prove his points. If you then throw in the prophesies from Psalms, it is even more clear.

    The second coming of Jesus was told by Jesus himself and John in Revelations.

    Also another variable the Rabbi has not taken into consideration is the truth of Jesus Christ revealed to me and millions of others by the Holy Spirit. Like the Pharisees, he along with the rest of his brood, don’t think God will speak to us, the Gentiles.

    The Rabbi and anyone who holds his beliefs are still wandering in the desert.

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