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Uncle Jed

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Posts posted by Uncle Jed

  1. I thought a weekly poll, such as this one, normally ranks on how a team is currently playing and not as much on how a team has played in the past. Only the most ardent detractor can deny Rose Hill is playing the best basketball over the past two weeks of all the schools in the 16th. I’m not saying they are the best, but they did beat the best. When it is all said and done these polls mean nothing. What really matters is winning championships. And Rose Hill is playing in the All-A tournament this weekend.

  2. According to Maxpreps.com Jonathan Ferguson is Number one shooter in the region. Also in my opinion Euton can be stopped at the Bath co. game there was a little feller around 6 foot and he shut him down pretty good. If People are brave enough to try and stop Euton it can be done he isnt as tough as he looks, because not many shots were made by Euton when he was guarded by the 6 footer. This goes to show just because he is tall doesnt mean he is unbeatable. Before when Elliott there wasnt uch agression, my opinion they went in there planning their trip from richmond. Dont get me wrong im a die hard elliott fan but maybe this loss will help them step up there game.


    That little feller held Euton to 21 points and 9 rebounds.

  3. It depends on what you think the flag represents. If you look at it is a representation of a great country with many freedoms, I think as a Christian you are commanded by Jesus to give the flag, and the republic for which it stands, it’s proper showing of respect.

    Mark 12:17

    And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.

    Also keep in mind what Paul wrote in Romans.

    Romans 13:1-6

    1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

    Of course if you look at the flag as being a golden calf, and one that would stand between you and God, then you may be right to avoid it. But I think you’re smarter than that.

  4. This was a true home court advantage, even down to the sheriff bullying some Rose Hill kids. But that is what makes high school basketball great. I don’t think the boos from Bath hurt Chad and Dakota. Heck, I was in front of their families, they were cheering so loud I couldn’t hear anything else. Both teams played very hard and emotions were high. I think this was another step for RH becoming a great team. They never gave up, even when they were down 15 to a school that had beaten them earlier by 18.

    I hope they make some noise in the All –A so Rose Hill can maybe shake the reputation they have, whether warranted or not, of bringing in hired guns. These are good kids who use their talents to honor God. They deserve all the support of the 16th region.

    Bath Co. is still my second favorite team. I spoke to some fans after the game and they were very gracious. I also spoke to Blandon Clemmons before and after the game. He is an outstanding kid both on and off the court. If he has the ball with ten seconds left he is going to score, I think he did it four time last night.

  5. Well now that I've gotten the pregame and 1st quarter snacks lined up, I'm waiting for someone to step up for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters, and the post game. What say you RickyP, oldshooter, Uncle Jed?


    I'm good for a hotdog and a Coke. On second thout I've seen you lately, make it a Diet Coke and crackers.

  6. This is what high school basketball is about. Two teams leaving it all out on the court. At this time Elliott is still the top team in the 16th, but they can be beat, and now we all know it. I am proud of both teams. Tony Arthur is a special kid. I have been saying for three years he is one of the best defenders in the region. I think it is time to drop the questions about the supporting cast at Rose Hill. They have proven themselves.

  7. Please show me where I said anything about RH having "sub-par guard play"! I never said that anywhere in my post. I just think Elliott Co has better guardS who play tenatious defense. Have you seen Elliott Co play yet Jed? I have no dog in this fight, I am just broadcasting the game and gave an opinion, you have yours and that is fine.


    Yes I have seen Elliott play this year. You may not have said "sub-par", but you did say "It is hard to shoot if you don't get the ball up the floor." Guards are usually the players that bring the ball up the floor, that is the reason for my post along with the fact that you made this comment without even seeing the team you were talking about. I don't care what your opinion is about any team, but don't be shocked when it is challenged.

  8. I've never said anything on this board or anywhere else about Elliott Co. not being a good team or that they should not be thought of as the top team in the region. My original post was addressing what I felt was a ridiculous statement by GoRadio. The use of Ms Liberty was tongue and cheek, I thought people had a sense of humor, I was wrong. The reason I chose to use Ms Liberty is because she has in the past made ridiculous predictions that I have no doubt are being made from her enthusiastic support of kids she knows and loves, not real knowledge of basketball. I respect her for that and am entertained by her remarks.

    I have always had respect for GoRadio in the past, but feel his comment about Rose Hill's "guard play" without ever seeing it for himself was outrageous. I think that was very clear in my original post. His comment was at the least, uninformed.

    My post was again just me having fun. I have re-read it and don't see where it was degrading to Elliott in any way (Maybe to Hammer).

    I will be in the stands cheering on Rose Hill as I have done before O.J. and the boys showed up.

    I believe the talent and athleticism the kids from Rose Hill has in the past and is now being overlooked. I have considered posting a comparison to Elliott in the past, but thought better of it because posters would accuse me of attacking their school.

    My prediction for tomorrows game is that both teams will show up and play hard. Neither team will be intimidated by the other. This game will be decided by the manner the officials let it be played. I will then cheer and support whichever team moves on.

  9. I don't know exactly what you meant by this comment. Please give us a little more.


    For GoRadio to make a prediction and reference the sub-par guard play of Rose Hill, while all along saying he has not seen them does not make sense. He said, "from what I have heard about them." When I mentioned D1 I am referring to Division 1. Division 1 is a term used by people when speaking of NCAA, National Collegiate Athletic Association, member schools. There are multiple divisions in the NCAA. Division 1 schools are generally the larger schools and are able to give full athletic scholarships to students, along with division 2 schools. Half of the starting guards on Rose Hill, the team GoRadio referenced to, is currently being watched by several division 1 schools who are interested in one day having him come to their school and playing basketball in exchange for a scholarship giving him a quality college education.

    The reference to Ms Liberty was made because she, I am using the female personal pronoun because this poster has referred to themselves as a woman in the past, is known on this board as an ardent supporter of Elliott Co. and their basketball program.

    In summation, I was saying GoRadio's statement of "from what I have heard about them", may have come from a person who is also an ardent supporter of Elliott Co. basketball, which as we all know is the opponent of Rose Hill this Monday night.

    I hope this explanation is sufficient, if not I will try to break it down further.

  10. This will be an interesting match up. Granted, I have not seen RH play, but from what I have heard about them, I think the Elliott guard play will cause them trouble. It is hard to shoot if you don't get the ball up the floor. Also, Elliott showed a very good 2-3 Zone tonight that they may have been working on to negate any inside advantage RH might have. Could be a good one. We will have it on the air and on the internet!


    Are you talking about the D1 prospect, guard play? Who do you get your information from, Ms Liberty?

  11. Coach Fraley used this game as a tune up for Monday. He worked on all aspects of his offense and defense. Yes Lee Co. didn't quit, and they did have a chance to cut the lead to two at one point, but I didn't feel the game was ever in doubt.

    The Pelphrey kid from Lee was impressive.


    Good game Royals. Who do they play next?

  12. I can remember Elliott getting hammered by 30-40 not just in the O.J era but a little before that in my day. Rowan, East Carter, Russell, Ashland, Boyd, Breck, etc. all gave it to them. I also remember guys like Magrane, Pemberton, Daughtery,etc. still being in sometimes in the 4th. Whether it was to retain the lead, work on a special skill, or just for the coach's enjoyment, who cares. I don't remember anyone complaining or whining then. It doesn't take 2-3 minutes to score 20 -30 pts this day and time(dont believe it ask East Carter girls coach) and evaporate a 30 point lead. Elliott's sub's without a couple starters "cannot" hold the lead! Also when Elliott plays a really good team their starters are going to have to probably play the whole game if they want to compete or win. Why would you only have them used to playing 1/2 a game. My kid is a veteran b-ball player and he says that you can run everyday in practice and it doen't keep you in "game shape". Only playing will keep you game ready. Course I am sure everyone would like for Elliott players to only be used to playing 1/2 the game then when they get in a tight one and wasn't used to playing 3 1/2-4 quarters they would fail. I have posted a couple pretty good reason's that Coach Mays might be doing what he is doing but I know they will not be accepted because " seeing they shall not see, and reading they shall not understand".


    So is Elliott running up the score because they got thrashed in the past, or are they keeping their starters in to prepare for the next game, or is it a little of both? WHO CARES. Elliott has great players. Enjoy them while they are here.

    The key to Elliott Co., besides good athletes is they control the game. I believe at this level very few teams, if any, are unbeatable. Devise a strategy to get yourself in the game and play your best. If you do that the score doesn’t matter.

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