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Posts posted by Crossbar

  1. The problem with these "who is best" threads is that we do not give credit to great coaches who happen to be at schools with much less talent. CCH and Beechwood are baseball powers (yes, in large part to the coaching) but sometimes its simply the talent they get.


    I agree. Krumps and M are a lot like Coach K at Duke - best managers of talent.


    Not to say that they aren't the best coaches, but they always have the talent as well.

  2. Everyone was really uptight about splitting up private and public just under a year ago, and I just now found the time to look up a few numbers that make me say "Why would public schools ever want to split?"







    Public - 20

    Private - 10


    Teams in the finals

    Public - 41

    Private - 18


    From 1985 to 1996, all but one final involved 2 public school teams.





    Public - 11

    Private - 3


    Teams in the finals

    Public - 14

    Private - 14


    Girls' soccer has been pretty even, public schools have simply won the big game more times





    Public - 83

    Private - 5


    Teams in the finals

    Public - 165

    Private - 11


    24 straight, and 31 out of 32 finals from 1968 to 1999 involved 2 public school teams. No final has ever featured 2 private schools.




    Team Championships

    Public - 41

    Private - 25


    Individual Championships

    Public - 52

    Private - 15


    Moving on...




    Private school dominated for boys. St. Xavier 18 straight and 42 overall. For every 2 teams in the top 3, 2 are private and 1 is public.


    Girl's swimming is fairly even as far as titles, but for the top 3, for every 2 private there is 1 public.




    Championships - Since 1959


    1 - NewCath '05


    AA - Since 1959

    1 - NewCath '84


    AAA - Since 1959

    12 - CovCath (5), Trinity (3), St. X (3), LexCath (1)


    AAAA - Since 1975

    21 - Trinity (13), St. Xavier (8)


    Teams in the finals

    A - 3

    AA - 6

    AAA - 13

    AAAA - 26 (3 of the losses were to a private school in the finals)


    So in 46 years of football the titles look like this:


    Public - 133

    Private - 35



    So to tally these numbers up here are the final standings:


    Public - 391

    Private - 152

    And that 152 is including St. Xavier's 42 swimming titles.


    So you take away swimming and publics win about 4 times as many titles as privates in the history of Kentucky sports. Why complain?... I'll show you.


    In the last decade or so:


    -Swimming does not change, St. Xavier remains dominant

    -Basketball is barely changed, 1 private school champion and only in the finals twice (LexCath '00 and '02 champs)

    -Boys soccer since 1997 has a 6-3 advantage in titles and 11-9 teams in the finals

    -Girls private soccer is at a 3-7 disadvantage, but has put a team in the finals every year, and has a 12-8 team in the finals advantage

    -Baseball has seen 3 private school champions (LexCath, Lex Christian, and CovCath)

    -Golf in the past 7 years has seen a private school win the team title 6 times and the individual 5 times


    -Football has changed very little. In the past 40 state title games (classes A-4A), private schools have taken home 10 rings, 7 in class 4A, and 3 out of the 4 champions were private in '05.



    So the numbers show that public schools aren't as weak and defenseless as separate state champion supporters would have us believe. It is just in the past 10 years or so that private schools have started to really come up.

  3. In my opinion, only if it is Rutgers....Florida's SOS is done now, and you see where they are, barely ahead of Louisville. Both Louisville and West Virginia, are getting ready to see major upgrades in their SOS, which will eliminate all of the 1 loss teams, except maybe USC, IMO.


    IMO, UL's SOS has yet to even begin. Florida plays in the best conference in football, and UL has not beaten a good team yet. Miami doesn't count, they are in the toilet.



    Kentucky (4-4)

    Temple (1-8)

    Miami (5-3) #17 at the time, unranked by week 4

    Kansas State (5-4)

    MTSU (5-3) in a very weak conference

    Cincinnati (5-4) by less than a TD

    Syracuse (3-6) after trailing for portion of the game


    28-32 overall record



    Southern Miss (4-4)

    Central Florida (2-6)

    Tennessee (7-1) #13 at the time of win, currently #8

    Kentucky (4-4)

    Alabama (6-3)

    LSU (6-2) #9 at the time of win, currently #13

    Auburn (8-1) #11 at the time of win, currently #6

    Georgia (6-3)


    53-24 overall team records



    I think 1 loss Florida should be ahead of Louisville at this point without question.


    Now it is true that UL plays #4 and #15 still, but at this point, UL's SOS is not what the #5 team should have.

  4. Holmes had Duran but also remember they were without Rice. Last year in the first matchup Rice was the difference maker when DJ was out. I look for the same this year.


    Very true. Rice will be the X factor in most games this year. Going against teams with really big men, Rice can make up for 4 or 5 inches if he has to purely by his athleticism. If Holmes doesn't have a meltdown this year, Rice will be with Jacobs for POY, it's a toss up.

  5. Wasn't able to make the game, but it sounded amazing. Can't wait to see the tape.


    From what I heard, Highlands had some poor decisions as far as clock managment on the last drive and kicking the ball out of bounds every time. CCH seemed to struggle with Cecil's scrambling ability, as was to be expected.


    I also heard that the CCH O line did very well and that allowed the CCH recievers to really get going.


    I WILL be at the next game in Park Hills. Another legendary game in this series, just as last year, 01 and Mud Bowl along with many others.


    Good luck to both teams in 2 weeks.

  6. This is the question I asked after seeing the game:


    With a QB like Manning and a kicker like Vinatieri, how will the Colts ever not complete a winning drive??


    Manning: 28 career game winning drives

    Vinatieri: 19 game winning field goals within 1 minute of the game remaining, not to mention a super bowl winning kick here and there


    Is that not the most clutch QB/kicker combo EVER?

  7. I've only seen Trinity once this year, but I was not too impressed. Granted, it is one game. I thought the ball movement was very good, but the defense was not solid at all. However, I think they will beat Ryle 3-2 in a good game.


    I've also seen LexCath, and IMO they are better than Trinity, but it's pretty close. I have not seen BG, so I will not comment on that game.


    Overall, this is just about how I saw the final 4, except I looked for St. Henry to be in instead of Ryle.


    I'd say overall, the best teams are here at this stage.

  8. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    But yes i agree it will either be Holmes, CCH, or HC to take region this year, which is why I don't see the loss of Duran really hurting them IN NKY until they play CCH or HC. But also remember last year Holmes played CCH w/o Duran practically the whole game, Braeon stepped in and Holmes still beat them.


    Holmes and CCH are at the top followed by HC and then there is a Grand Canyon of a drop off IMO. Not that another NKY team cannot beat them on a given night ('04-'05 CCH loses to St. Henry, and Holmes loses to NCC).


    That being said, in the district, Holmes did have Duran, and CCH smoked them, granted Holmes was having difficulties by that time.

  9. Just have to ask, where was this kicker last year? Congrats to Cov. Cath. Great game. Looking forward to week 2 of the playoffs.


    Back-up to Tony Roch, walk on at UK. Pop was the jv kicker last year. It's kinda funny now that people got riled up about his 52 yarder. Now 52 is a common occurence.

  10. Ryle high school is in the final 4 of boy's soccer in I honestly don't know how many years. Maybe ever actually.


    They've had a lot of good teams, but have never really been able to make a big run.


    Congrats to these players from a CCH guy, you've earned it, it's been a long time coming.

  11. Did the AD of NDA complain or at least try to get the Regional Finals in Region 10 in Soccer or Region 9 in Volleyball not play their games on the same day with almost identical starting times? Seems to me that the NDA girls will be at a huge disadvantage fan wise, with both their Volleyball and Soccer teams playing at about the same time on Saturday.



    I still don't quite understand how the Ninth Region is not the Ninth Region in Volleyball, or for that matter in Soccer, compared to basketball? Anyone?


    NKY soccer used to be one region I believe. But now it is two regions with 4 districts. Campbell County schools, and Covington schools in region 10, and region 9 with the Boone County and Erlanger schools. I think amounts of teams are the reason for this.

  12. Shootouts are a coin toss. Both teams have the equal chance.


    People complain about shootouts, but it is part of the game. Teams spend a lot of time practicing PKs and it's a great skill of the game. It's tough to end a game like that, but conceivably playing 4 or 5 overtimes of 10-20 minutes apiece is borderline unsafe for the players.


    While it is tough to end a game like that, it's not like teams are thrown out there without having the chance to practice, players prepare for them.

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