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All Play No Work

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Posts posted by All Play No Work

  1. NCC has passed for over 2000 yds this year, this plays to Corbin's biggest weakness PASS DEFENSE. If NCC can get over the top with their passing game, Corbin is in real trouble.


    Corbin has a nice running game but I think the size of the NCC line will negate that. Corbin has a decent passing game, BIMO it only works if they can run. NCC has only given up 900 yds passing, I see Corbin having trouble consistently moving the ball


    NCC by 20

    NCC 34

    CHS 14


    Good points.

    How many times after we think we have it all figured out... that penalties, special teams, bouncing balls, and unforced turnovers really decide the game?:irked:

  2. Even with the girls, no coverage of the southern schools like Gallatin County. In years past including last year, they covered them. Not even Pendleton County that WAS covered in the boys section.


    What's the deal. Guess the lack of coverage started 2 months early.


    I don't remember the Enquirer covering Gallatin Co but I do think I remember The KY Post covering them.


    Wasn't there some stipulation that the Enquirer only compiled votes from the NKAC members when compiling the Top 10 and thats basically what they covered?

  3. Corbin has a way of winning games that nobody gives them a chance in. On the road, tough opponent, hostile enviornment, all the things that make for great high school football. Corbin may not win this game but I would not bet against them, they are talanted and motivated, good luck Hounds.


    Rumor has it that in honor of Corbin's NIBROC Festival and to make it a less hostile environment, there will be a giant "N" in red and white on the turf at midfield.

    Also the stadium and area around it will be painted red, white, and black.

    How's that for hospitality?

  4. Looks like the Corbin fans got to the "Disrespect" card before we did. I hate when that happens. I believe that any knowledgable NewCath fan knows our strengths and weaknesses and that Corbin is a good ballclub that will expose those weaknesses in a drop of the hat.


    The NCC fans usually complain about their own teams weaknesses more than they worry about the other team.

  5. Maybe they are 3000 miles away but they always make predictions that entertain us.


    Last week they nailed the Danville loss and went perfect in 1A, 2A, and 3A. Not so good in 4A. Missed a couple in 5A and 6A.






    Notable predictions this week:


    Frankfort over Mayfield 26-21


    Looks like 4 close games in 2A


    Comfortable wins for X and T this week.

  6. I know that NCC has a great Defense but I still think that Corbin will be able to get 2,3,4 yards a pop and be able to move the chains to sustain long drives and keep NCC off the field. A lot of people are expecting a 38-34 type game. I think this will be a 21-20, 21-14 type game. I am fully confident that Corbin can score on the Breds. I just hope that our kicking game woes can be fixed by Friday. I have feared all year that it could cost the Hounds. Hopefully we will have enough points without that playing into the outcome.


    Any word on Campbell? If he is healthy, I expect him to be able to bull his way into the heart of the Thoroughbred defense. Even the best D's will have trouble slowing down a hosscat like him, not to mention that he will have some beardogs leading the way for him.


    Hosscat? Beardogs? :eek:


    Would the NewCath defense need a Bearcat and a Hossdog on defense to to offset that? :D

  7. People who don't play football should not cast stones on the football program especially when you don't know what you are talking about. I believ Dixie lost to 1a Beechwood this year and also lost to Holmes a team Scott beat easily. Just remember any team can be beaten on any given day. I know I went to a summer baseball AABC game and watched the Kentucky Colonels who was supposed to be the best team in the area lose to the Bluegrass Chiefs this year so what is your reply to that ?


    I don't think that people are casting stones but they are wondering what direction whoever is in charge wants the program to go. They had a coach that was a "dedicated Scott guy" who made the playoffs and now they don't. Who is going to step up and take the job and how are they going to change things?

  8. I know one thing the redhounds will show up about 5.30 ready to play and newport central catholic will be there with bells on waiting for the big red dogs. And the big red dog has got off the porch and heading north so does the NCC got what it takes to send them south back to the porch for the winter.MY GUESS IS NO THE HOUND DOGS STOP THE 3 PEAT WITH A 34-28 WIN.


    NCC probably won't be there at 5:30. Remember they have to travel to the game too but they only have to go about a mile. But eventually they will both be there for that 7 PM kickoff assumming everyone does not eat too much turkey.

  9. A Corbin player told me that they were leaving at noon on Friday and that there may be a community send off for them. I would venture to say that some Corbin fans may go up the night before but with it being Thanksgiving, I'd say most will stay the night of the game and go to the UK/UT game Saturday. That's what I am doing.


    They could walk a short distance to the game from the Comfort Inn in Newport. Plus you get to walk past the Party Source coming and going.:banana:

  10. Over a 12 year period from 1994 through 2006 I figure I paid NCC between 45 and 50k in tuition . We never had more than one student there at a time , when one graduated the next was a freshman . Because of this we had to forego a lot of vacations and new cars were not a consideration . I for the life of me don't know how anyone can consider tuition payments as an advantage that Private schools have . Even if you are part of a tuition assistance program you still have to pay the lions share of the tuition bill and then there books and fees . Actually for a while NKU was cheaper than NCC and it probably still is cheaper than a majority of Northern Kentucky parochial secondary schools .


    With using the state KEES money awarded, NKU is about the same ($5900) or cheaper than most of the Catholic high schools in NKY.

  11. The scary part is I can't tell if it is George Bush and John Madden or Frank doing Bush and Madden when I just hear the TV.


    Madden or Frank? "Well that was a pass that when thrown like that was probably one of those passes that you would say should have been caught because it was one of those passes that when thrown is usually one that is caught."


    Bush or Frank? "The United States has always stood for what is right and we will continue to stand that way because it is right."

  12. So, let me make sure I am clear.

    Per KHSAA rules only 25% on merit based is allowed.

    But the other 75%, theoretically, could be need-based and paid for?


    I do not think any Catholic schools allow more than 50% need-based and as noted previously 25% is at the high end in most cases. Don't know about Christian schools.


    Here's a tidbit for you LBBC:

    Some Catholic schools offer discounts for the second and third kids from the same family if all are currently attending the school. Some even let the fourth child attend for FREE.:D Well since you would most likely be paying over $15,000 I guess it is sort of free.:cry:

  13. Learned something new today and I would bet money that more than 25% of the BGP readers did not know this either.


    Follow up, does the private schools have to provide reports on the amount of financial aid that they provide each student?


    Nevermind, see the answer in the following posts.


    25% is for Merit Aid (academic award) which is different than Need-based aid I believe. (See the same section)


    Need based aid is determined by a third party "clearinghouse" and no information other than income data is known. Also it depends on how large the "pool" of money is. If Private school A has 40 families apply and there is only $5000 in the pool nobody is getting very much.

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