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Everything posted by YAKOFNORWEGIA

  1. I read an article in the Ashland paper this morning about Orbzut. Everyone believes that he has always played facing the basket. Have we ever tried to use him in a way that utilizes his background? Mark Pope played the 5 and faced the basket a lot. Or did we just recruit him because he is 7 ft tall? If so is this the same reason for Alleyne, Carter, new recruit Williams I believe. It seems like our benchmark for recruiting is height and so far no one has jumped on me too bad about my statement that these guys being that tall are not grabbing more than a couple of boards per game. I realize it was just the first game, but here was my reaction. I took my boys to see Facing the Giants on Wednesday because it would be the only opportunity we would get. I rushed back to the car to check the score of the UK game in hopes of hearing and with 5 minutes to go the score is UK 70, I didn't care what Miami had at that point. What I heard was something like UK 45. I immediately lost interest in the game didn't stay up and watch it, no need. UK games are like soap operas you can not watch for an extended period of time and not miss much of anything at all.
  2. Congrats to Coach Brown for being named the EKC Coach of the Year.
  3. Bradley would be a better PG if we would open it up a little. He is not a half court PG, he is from the playground in NY. His game is in the open court as are many others. We waste possessions on the offensive end by pounding the dribble and standing around.
  4. Does everybody realize that we expect Bobby Perry to be a major contributor if not the leading scorer. He is from where? What could UNC, Duke, Wake, NC State have missed. UK fans believe that he is capable of playing a role that no one ever thought he could. This is the optimism that we have. I expect him to drop 15-20 on people. I am a fool and so is everyone else if they don't believe that there needs to be some changes. Changes don't necessarily mean the head coach, but it is time to take a look at the direction of the program. We were 1-10, we are 10-20-, will will be what 20-30?
  5. I saw today where Ashley has a provocative cover on a magazine. Can't remember which one. Do you think it will help?
  6. I am and have always been a UK fan. I will always be a UK fan. I look at things like this, do you know how to boil a live frog? You can't get the water boiling and throw him in you have to put him in comfortable water and gradually increase the temperature. If you do it this way he will eventually die. I'm afraid we don't realize the water is getting hotter.
  7. No apology necessary. I don't want to sound negative after one game. However this one game gives no indication of anything different than what has become a 10 loss season. I know that the UCLA dynasty will never be matched. My expectations are not that. I do expect to compete year in year out without double figure losses. If that expectation is too high, be thankful your not my children. I don't believe in having mediocre expectations. I believe in having high expectations that are attainable. Plain and simple we need an offensive coordinator just like the football team did. UK has forgotten what its like to score.
  8. On a scale from 1-10 (10 being the highest) Rank the program in 1998 and rank the program now. Has it gone up or gone down? If it has gone down what needs to be done to regain the previous score?
  9. How many minutes would he have to average to average 5 boards per game? I was referring to a guy who played lets say 30 minutes per game. If he will never play that many minutes, how many can he expect to play at his peak? Honestly, I would be shocked for Carter to ever average 10 points and five rebounds per game.
  10. If you were the coach of a team that had a 7 footer would you really be happy with on average of 5 rebounds?
  11. Moses never actually got to enter the promised land but he did get to view it. I think if he is the secret we will get to a Final Four, but won't win the big dance.
  12. Where is a mod when you need one? This thread is not about the Yak it is about RH and a starting five. I would like to see the Terry kid play, my sources tell me he can play and they are pretty reliable.
  13. Its either that or COPS. Whichever one works.
  14. I would like to unveil it as part of our opening ceremonies this coming season, maybe get a taped message from Brandon since he will be in spring training. If he is going to be made aware. I'm asking for the moon.
  15. I already knew that just by him being a Steeler fan. Everyone knows that Brian Sipe and Ozzie Newsome are the ones to root for. Question: How long will Greg Odom be at Ohio State? Will it be worth it to have signed him for just one year? If KY could have signed the #1 player available for one year last year would it have been worth it? If you can sign the best HS player in the country every year would you not want that? It would be hard to deny Mr. Mayo an opportunity to play.
  16. Are the Bengals the division leaders? I would not be worried about anything other than that. My best friend is a Steelers fan and I'm sure that it is Baltimore who is in his sights.
  17. I agree the sign should read Ashland American Little League, home of 2006 Cy Young Award Winner, Brandon Webb. They could place the sign just outside the right/center field fence. If the mayor reads bluegrass preps pease take note.
  18. What skills are you referring to? Kidnapping and extortion?
  19. I think that would work. We need to do something to recognize his achievement.
  20. Yes, That should be in view somewhere. Pressbox or C stand.
  21. Two things to note here: 1. RickyP has no friends. 2. I have heard that Terry is good. Will have to make a point to watch him play.
  22. AALL will need a new sign. I'm sure this will be discussed by their board.
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