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Posts posted by 50inarow

  1. "I'm completely against that (proposal)," Manual senior Nikos Lioutas said. "People would be wondering, 'Who's the better team?' If they did that, there wouldn't be games like this to work it out."


    "This is a great rivalry. We've had great games throughout the years with St. X and other Catholic schools, and we've shown that public schools can compete with the private schools."


    I wonder if Manual's "leadership" cares what their students think about Prop 20? :flame:


    Crimsons go public by beating Tigers 3-2

  2. If this proposal passes we will lose several opportunities to see this because, theorhetically, the "Goliath's" (b/c of unfair advantages) will be separated from competing against the "Davids".


    The David's will be the same teams, just against less numbers of Goliath's.




    I don't think it is fair when some schools can recurit kids (private) and other schools (public) have to play only the kids in their school district. Does that really sound fair to you? :confused:


    Jefferson County schools also "recruit" kids. Why are they not considered "non-public"?

  4. This vote will pass folks, like it or not. Too many AD's think they will actually have a shot with the privates out of the mix. I foresee another vote in 5 years to kick out Highlands, Male, ManuAl and any other public teams that fill the void. I’m not too sure why they will kick them out, but they will. And on and on it will go. Welcome to the dumbing down of KHSAA.


    I can't wait to be at the first RPHSAA championship game!!!


    Link to RPHSAA.

  5. How do you expect a county of 40,000 peolple to be able to compete with a county of 500,000 people? The best schools get the best athletes, you said it was an advantage, so it looks like pretty much everyone on here is admitting that it is. Take a school like Mayfield HS, if you allow them to have open enrollment, it doesn't help them at all, no population to draw from. This is a rule that the JCPS created that isn't fair athletically, maybe it creates opportunities academically, which is great, give the students the ability to succeed, I wish I would have had that kind of opportunity. All that I am saying is that athletically it should be regulated somehow.


    ^ When did the KHSAA do away with the 4 classifications (A through 4A)?

  6. Someone call the FTC quick!!! Jefferson County has a monopoly on all the possible “advantages” in KY high school football. How could anyone possibly compete? :p


    Maybe we really should think about going back to the old Jefferson Co Title. Everyone seems to agree that the rest of the state offers almost no competition because of the innumerable and inexorable advantages. :rolleyes:

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