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Posts posted by UKBLUE1964

  1. This won't make me popular among my educator-friends, BUT


    Many are saying that to teach longer yet make the same money isn't what they signed up for...



    Well.....many of us in the private sector didn't either. Many people in the private, non-education sector have gone without raises, seen their work loads increased as staffs are cut, and work from home as well to keep up.


    I know, I know....I don't understand. But I just thought I'd throw out there that it isn't just teachers that are being asked to do more for the same amount of money, and do a lot on their own time as well.


    Please throw tomatos....they hurt less than potatos.:isurrender:


    Well Said Rockmom!! :thumb:

  2. So my time is not worth anymore, though you are asking me to increase my days, my work load, add more nights onto my schedule taking from my family as well. Remember your words the next time you want a raise from your employer. I hope he replies to you...we need you to work every weekend and maybe some nights, since you already get paid year round that should be payment enough. Most districts only pay teachers for 180 days of service and drag those payments out over 26 pay checks. Take what you would make in 180 days and spread it over 26 pay checks. Are you going to survive on that? Most of us have summer jobs so that we can pay into social security since the state does not afford us that option.


    I never said your time is not worth anything.


    As for adding more nights to my schedule, well I do. I work usually about 230 days a year. Except for this year when my employer cut everyone's pay 3% and then cut us to 4 days a week. So it is hard to get a "summer job" year round unless I work weekends.

    Thankfully in September we returned to 5 days a week of work and got our 3% pay back, the first time since last December.


    And you know what we told at work everyday? "We must work harder with less"


    So when you say it will add to your "work load", "more days" it is hard symphanize when alot of American companies especially in the manufacturing field are asking more from their employees with less.


    Plus while we was working 4 day weeks, we had to do 5 days of work.


    I am saying we need to get our children of america ready for an global marketplace. And as for the way the school year is now, it "Will Not" be enough in the future. I for one want my kids (6th grade and 4th) to be competitive in the global job market, but we need all kids to be that way.

  3. Why would the pay frequency matter?


    It doesnt matter to me, I just noticed several post saying how were they going to pay teachers more money.



    Teachers get paid for 180 days but get 26 checks.......your looking at at 20-30% raise everywhere....no way it can be paid for except by raising taxes........


    No way it can be paid for.


    So teachers get paid year round, right?


    How do you get they get a raise?


    So if they get 26 Bi-weekly checks like alot of Americans get, what would it hurt if they worked lets say 200 days, they still get paid 26 checks and have 2 months off in the summer.

  4. I keep reading in some post that how are we going to pay Teachers more money. Doesn't Teachers get paid year round already?


    As for bus drivers, cooks and other personnel in the school district. I am sure they would rather work than draw unemployment during the summer.


    This change he is proposing should have been done years ago.

    Plus I gave my reasons in an earlier post to why we need to change the school year.



  5. First let me say, I am NOT backing what Obama is proposing. I have had said for years that America needs to rethink the way the school year is.


    And as I sit and read this about how hard it would be for teachers and kids to work longer. He is only proposing 10 minutes a day for Math and Science two areas where USA kids scores are lower than alot of our global partners.


    As for the longer school year, I think having the month of June and July would be plenty to have off and probably still too much. I have had teachers tell me, that when kids come back from summer break they spend almost 2 weeks refreshing what they had the year before.


    Plus why not work longer and harder. Almost every company in America this year has asked their employees that we have to work harder, smarter and do more with less. This is happening across the globe, so why not teach this to our kids now so they can be better for the global market when they get out of college.


    And as for the Farm families, I live in a huge farming community and they do work hard, but it is not like it was years ago. Farming is using Technology to do more farming with less manpower. Hmmm isnt that what I just said every company is doing?


    The facts are we all have to do more with less. So lets have more school and less summer.

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