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Posts posted by UKBLUE1964

  1. :sssh:


    Can one of you Harbin experts tell me this: if HHS loses a few more games, which "could" happen, and if Tyler loses a couple of more games, could Colerain be in trouble? I know last year, when Colerain was #5 in the USA, they ended up the 3rd seed in the Region because of their opponents seasons.


    Could they be in trouble? Do they HAVE to go undefeated here on out to make the playoffs? I would think they will, looking at their schedule, but is a loss a death blow for post-season play?


    I would agree with you. I am watching ONN Sports Site show and JJ from JJ Huddle says he thinks Colerain will make the playoffs, one reason may be cause alot of Central Ohio D-1 schools such as Dublin Scioto and Kilbourne are both 1 - 2 and were to be favorites to dominate D-1 in Central Ohio.

  2. My understanding of the OHSAA (Ohio High School Athletic Association) is that they collect the majority of the gate receipts from all postseason games but in KY the member schools get to keep the money. What if KHSAA did it the "Yankee Way" :D and used the additional revenue to hire some highly skilled investigators (I know a lot of retired police officers that would do a bang up job) to thoroughly investigate all complaints/violations of the KHSAA bylaws? I think this would really help the KHSAA get over the top.


    What do you think? Good idea or bad idea? How important is the money to you (and your school)? Is this a solution?


    Excellent idea. I also would be in favor of using a neutral site after the first two rounds for the Regional final and Semi-Final games. This would allow more people to go to games besides the competing schools. To say schools need the extra money isn't fair if a team who has to travel and keeps winning because the will only half of the gate. No money from concessions. The KHSAA could use colleges for the sites of these and split the concessions with both schools and split the gate of what the KHSAA doesn't use.



    quote from warrior1 "Many schools in Ohio are Pay to Play Schools"


    Yes the are pay to play but it doesn't support the program what they pay. I know here in London a student who plays football must pay $150 to play. Some schools are higher depending on what each school taxes are. Now if 50 kids play, which is what London had this past season, that would be $7500.00. The difference is in Kentucky more money is collected in taxes than in Ohio, so they have the pay to play to make up the difference.

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