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Posts posted by CoachBuckett

  1. I think Matt did a good job in the interview.


    Nothing new from Katina. It is what she has been saying since day one.


    I would say everyone should go WDRB and read Eric and Rick article about what they find in the journals.


    Some of the 22 parties were for T-Will. He was not around 2013 and 2014.

  2. While I don't like Ramsey one bit, IMO, he did what was best for the program going forward. You and I hashed this out through our posts yesterday and to be honest, I think both of us would agree that this was something that needed done for UL's sake moving forward. You have your reasoning behind it and while mine is slightly different, I think we both understand why they self imposed punishment as quickly as they did.


    What I don't understand is why so many people are upset about it. In your opinion, do you think that the belief among the fans is that UL could have avoided any punishment if they fought it? Because otherwise, I don't know why the fans are so upset. IMO, UL's own investigation showed them enough that they felt like they need to act quickly on this and go into damage control mode with the NCAA. I would have to assume otherwise they would have held off and waited on the NCAA to present their findings.


    Like I said I don't like Ramsey one bit, Jurich either for that matter. But in my opinion Ramsey did what is best for the program on this one. However he did throw the current players under the bus. Maybe that's what the fans are so upset about?


    I actually am a Jurich fan. I am not sure why so many UK fans dislike Jurich.

  3. He did what he did in hopes that the NCAA will not implement another post season ban going forward. By self punishing the program with a post season ban this season I imagine he thinks that part of the punishment is out of the way.


    That said, a post season ban next season would severely hurt the program. It would kill them in recruiting and also open up the possibility for current players to transfer out. Not to mention making it harder to find a coach that wants to walk into that mess when Pitino is let go. From what I can gather, he is willing to throw the current players under the bus to help the program going forward.


    As long as the NCAA does not hand down another post season ban, they can get rid of Pitino this year, get the coach they want and move forward. Is it slimy and unethical, sure it is, but all he cares about is doing what's best for the program, as that is what is best for him if he wants to keep his job.


    I understand that is why they did it. But I hate self imposed bans - because it is unfair to those that are being punished by the school and its the school that should have to pay the price.


    By letting the NCAA hand down the punishment kids have the ability to leave. That way they are not punished.


    Yes that hurts the university more. But that is the price you pay when you get caught with your pants down.

  4. I disagree with Ramsey did what is best for the program. He did what is best for him to Keep is job. Ramsey has more scandal issues that the basketball team.


    I say UL should have just played it out and waited for the hammer. UL didn't want to do that because several would be allowed to transfer. So that is why the decision to do it this year. Lee and Lewis have been placed as the sacrifice.


    I don't think Rick returns. I see him retiring. As much as I want him terminated for lack of control. I know this will sound crazy if he resigns then I will consider him a coward. If this was me I would be expect to be fired. I wouldn't resign or retire because my pride would want to right the ship.

  5. So no one likes the idea of Pitino sitting the rest of the year and UL giving up all revenue from basketball for the rest of the year. Here is another suggestion.


    Instead of a post season ban this year, a post season ban next year. I say that is a tougher sanction than this one. This post season ban does not hurt UL. It only hurts the players on this team and is a total blind side. Remember, student athletes first, right? By taking the ban on this post season, UL threw these players under the bus for their own benefit. If they announce the ban is for next year, all these players get to make a decision about next year with full knowledge of the situation. It still shows the NCAA that the institution is accepting the consequences of their employee's actions and has institutional control.


    VOR you are 100% right. That is one of the reason the decision was made to do the ban this season. I don't believe Rick wasn't a part of the decision.

  6. I am late posting on BGP about this topic. I am a season ticket holder for football, men basketball, and women basketball. My family are fans and alumn of the University. I am sure this has been discussed. But even after sleeping on it this what should occur.


    1. Andre McGee arrested and jailed for sex trafficking a minor

    2. Katina Powell arrested and jailed for sex trafficking a minor

    3. Any former player arrested for having sex with a minor.

    4. Any coach that was involved in funding be charged as well.


    5. Rick Pitino fired. At the end of the day he is responsible. I am tired of all the drama and scandal. after 14 years its time to move on. I think in April we will see him leave.

  7. I have known the AD @ FCHS for many years, no way that there was not a contract under her watch. Contract has to be signed, copied & returned or it isn't a done deal.


    I would badger the AD to get the contracts back if they were dragging their feet..... too much @ stake for the team that is hosting in the year that the other team is trying to drop (Franklin Co. hosts this year) At minimum, the team that is dropping should have to find a replacement team to play the game in their place & if thats not possible, then show me the $$$$$$$.


    There was no contract.

  8. First when the series started back in 2002 both teams coming off bad seasons. No one was trying to play FCHS because they had 0-10 record.


    Secondly like I said back in the fall FCHS should drop both Frankfort and Western Hills and toughen up their schedule. This may be an issue when early playoff exits for the Flyers. Play someone in 5A or 4A that will prepare you.


    The gates are not as good as the have been back when this thing started. So I wouldn't get to excited about tickets sales.


    As far breaking the agreement - contracts are broken all the time. If Frankfort has broken the contract they should have to pay the fee? I am sure since the game is important the fee should be a nice one.

  9. Someone is salty today.....


    Not at all. Just stating an opinion on the matter. I can't think any other reason to leave a program on the up tick to go to a program with the Head Coach on life support. I understand he is getting a raise. So if more money and less days is what is attractive to Coach Thomas wish him well.


    Trust me no reason to be salty. It is nice seeing little brother want to try and hire Coaches away from Big Brother.

  10. Lamar Thomas will help with recruiting at UK. But that isn't the issue the Cats have.


    I wish Coach Thomas well. It obvious to me he doesn't like working in the month of December. I think its a good choice to go to UK, will have more time around the Holidays to spend with Family.

  11. Recruiting is a business for both sides. It is a dirty game that is played by coaches and recruits. For coaches it is about wins and losses. For the kids it about Bigger stages.


    What would help recruit is they stop hold press conference with 3 and 4 hats to choose from. That is the one thing that gets under my skin how people are drawn to a decision.


    On coaches side I would hate for any AD to tell a coach he had to stick with the recruits from previous coach. If that is the case shouldn't have let the old coach go.

  12. Personally I would prefer it if Stoops has more of a role on defense and less of a role on offense. After all he's a defensive minded coach. Let the OC control the offense, that's what their getting paid to do unless I misunderstand something...


    Issue with being so defense minded your offense ends up like it has the first 3 years. I believe you need a Coach that understands both sides of the ball.


    He admitted today he cant fix offense issues. So if he cant fix them then he needs to resign.

  13. Anyone get a chance to listen to Stoops today? I watched his press conference and came away with thinking the man is uncomfortable as being a head coach. It appears he still thinks he is only in charge of the defense. I heard him say several times today "our side" of the ball when he talked defense. Then he admits he can't fix the offense. When he spoke of Eddie Gran today him spoke of him as being the head coach of the offense.


    Does this concern UK fans that they basically have 2 Cordinators running the team?


    I like Stoop, but after today I really believe he is in over his head.



  14. How so CB? I'm personal friends with a former coach there and I know just a few years ago, 4-5 years or so the school was in some pretty precarious financial difficulties. Just wondering how they go from that to getting a new stadium in that short a time.


    Frankfort has some high profile graduates that live outside the state. Foley has found away to tap into those grads.

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