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Posts posted by lynks66

  1. Yes I am. My mother is far from a Bubba. She is 81 and still very sharp mentally. She came to our house in the country which is easy to find, but thought she was at the wrong house because my wife had an Obama sticker on her car. If you don't think older Americans won't vote for him because of his skin color then there's not much else I can say. I can't even say on here what I heard a WWII veteran call him or I would be suspended.


    I agree that some Americans will not vote for him due to racism, I just don't agree with your assessment that if he "were white it wouldn't be close".


    I have heard some argue that he may not have even received the nomination if he were white.

  2. That's great, the 600 bucks stimulus package when a long way in helping bring down my $3,000 credit card debt, but unfortunately it did little to help the economy and my current state as a middle class citizen.


    I know this is a little off topic, but there are several websites out there devoted to helping people work their way out of credit card debt. Dave Ramsey comes to mind. If you want a link I will be glad to PM it to you.

  3. IF I had the money, I would own houses wherever I liked to stay or had to spend any large ammounts of time. How many people own multiple homes right now during the "flip this house" fad is smoking hot?


    Good point. :thumb:I actually own 7 houses myself (though, not many people would even toy around with calling me rich). I hope to own 7 more in the coming years if not more, even though I know being a good landlord is hard work. I doubt mine are as pricey as McCain's, but I agree it is not unheard of or wrong for people to own investment property. There have been several times that I have had to clarify "which house?" people were asking me about. I don't think this makes me elitest.

  4. Or you might have fewer people getting sick from people who come to work sick b/c they have no sick days.


    I get paid sick days, and I have accumalted over 100 ( at about 10 a year) why am I not getting sick more often?



    Can I assume that you will one day be able to "cash in" your unused sick days sometime down the road? If so, what do you think about employers that offer sick days but they do not roll over each year (which might be the most likely case with this new law). Do you think most people will not use their sick days in that scenario?

  5. I agree, Mccain clearly was on top of this one in every way. Obama seemed lost, he answered as to try and play both sides of the question.

    McCain stated his opinion quickly and to the point with no indecision at all. I now can clearly see why Obama wants to stay away from any of these type debates, he needs his "scripted and rehearsed questons and answers". JMO.


    When is the first debate? I feel like I am going through withdrawl symptoms. It felt like there was a debate on every other night during the primaries. I wish there were someway that the American people could witness more than a couple of debates in regard to filling the most important position on the planet. I am in favor of many debates with several different formats. I can't believe that will likely not happen this year.

  6. I actually voted for McCain in the 2000 primary. In the general election, I did vote for Bush over Gore. I think its logical to conclude that Gore had more experience as the sitting VP in foreign policy matters than Bush did. I weighed such factor very heavily before I decided to vote. Did you?


    And the world has become a much more dangerous place since November of 1999. Russia is back with a vengence; terrorism has become more widespread and even more violent. Iran either has or in process of developing nukes. N. Korea is probably going to have them. China has become not only a military force but an economic one that must be skillfully addressed. Honestly if Bush was running today with the same credentials that he possessed in 1999 and there was a much more experienced (in foreign policy and military matters) Democrat running against him that wasn't of the extreme left wing of the party, I'd likely vote for the Democrat.


    And for what its worth, I do not agree at all, not one iota, with the concept of a progressive income tax. The wealthy may have a moral obligation to give more, but I do not think they should be forced to give more in the form of taxes as I consider such to be a confiscation of property. I find the progressive income tax morally reprehensible. I also think the estate tax is wrong.


    Well said. :thumb: I am confused by those who think otherwise.

  7. The idea behind true marxist communism - From each according to his ability, to each according to his need - is fundamentally a very Christ-like philosopy.



    I never understood this rational. How is the government taking something from one person and redistributing as they see fit "Christ-like"? I can see where giving to those in need would be considered Christ like, but taking????


    Maybe you can explain this for me?



    A misnomer or flat out distortion of the facts regarding his healthcare plan.



    From barackobama.com:


    "If you are one of the 45 million Americans who don't have health insurance, you will have it after this plan becomes law. No one will be turned away because of a preexisting condition or illness.”



    I didn't say nationalized/state owned health care, I said national healthcare. Hope this helps to clear things up for you.

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