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Posts posted by lynks66

  1. By definition, its moving away. However, as we've seen in this country forever, businesses do have regulations and limits.


    As to my question, it doesn't matter who in my mind. The bigger issue is should we as a country have let the big banks sink or swim?


    Thanks for clarifying.:thumb:


    I am not a fan of the bailout. I am still up in the air in regard to it being a necessary evil or not. I hated them when they were first talked about under the Bush admin. I just worry that we may never be able to draw an appropriate line as to who gets bailed out and who does not. Heck I have had two businesses fail in my lifetime, but learned from them and am building my 3rd business right now. I never asked for assistance from the government, and (at least I feel that I) am a much better entrepreneur due to the lessons I learned when I failed previously.


    What are your thoughts on the bailout?

  2. He hates the fact the government is not in control of everything.

    Soros wants the European form of failed government to run everything. That way with his money and connections he can be one of those who dictate how we live.

    And Dems do bash everything when it is to their advantage. Within weeks of 9-11 the Dems started trashing Bush because was too popular and were worried they would lose elections.



    Do you have a link for the claims on Soros?

  3. I would think that my performance in the classroom as a teacher would be the reason that I shouldn't be the one getting cut. If it works out that I do (all teachers in my department are excellent), then I would think that my resume and experience as a teacher would allow me to easily find another position.


    Well said.:thumb:

  4. I don't understand your point. Because someone envies a sinful salary does not make the salary any less sinful.


    As to the other poster, if they outsource their cleaning to another company and that company also has CEO pay tied to the lowest employee pay then it is still a good thing. No need to CAP the pay that is not what I suggested. You can pay the CEO as much as you want, just tie it to the man/woman cleaning the floors.


    We don't really value "work" in this country, we value wealth. Work is what the person cleaning up does. Wealth is Paris Hilton.


    Where would you cut off governments role in private business? You have stated that you support them dictating salaries to one degree or another, what else would you have them control? Also, have you ever run a business? Just interested in where you are coming from.



  5. Who should control the salaries of these CEOs? Have you seen what they make? I would go so far as to say what they make is sinful. Who approves the salary - BOD not share holders. My IRA companies have never asked me how much we should pay the CEO. The BOD approves raises to the CEO and he approves bonuses to them, where is there any regulation.


    The free-market is amoral - someone has to regulate. These guys are not getting paid what they are "worth". Heck fire no one is WORTH that much, especially given the shape these businesses are in. Why aren't the shareholders and BODs fining the CEOs for poor work?


    Someone is actually WORTH 20 or 30 million a year?? Please.


    Some might go as far to say that envy of their salaries could be as equally sinful. Which is worse, greed or envy? Just a thought.

  6. This is a good question and one that I hope has been answered. In order to receive credit for a month of service time you must work 100 hours in that month. If twelve days are taken off during one month period you could not get your 100 hours therefore forfeiting one month a year service time credit. This will drastically effect your retirement in the future.


    Now if you could use the days as floating days off. Maybe take one day off every couple of weeks, it may not be as bad.


    I recently retired form the state and am glad I got out when I did.



    Do you feel you could/should take a cut to your retirement benefits if it were to help current state employees get through this tough time?

  7. The rain forests of the Amazon do not belong to us. If American taxpayers want a say in what happens in countries that own the rainforests, then our government should buy some acreage. Until that happens, what happens to the rainforests as the indigenous people strive to raise their standard of living is none of our business.



    Do you feel we have no vested interested in how the rest of the planet is treated by other countries? An extreme example here, but what if a country was dumping tons of toxic waste into the ocean? Should we or should we not step in on this situation? Just curious.

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