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Posts posted by oldschoolwrestler

  1. Public school districts have the option of opening their schools to students from any location and charging them tuition. Most choose not to. Why? There is only one explanation that I can see. Most of them don't think that anyone will want to pay tuition to attend a public school. They should ask themselves why.


    Most public schools realize that if they do that it will spread the gap between the have and have nots. The poorer school districts would lose much while the more affluent school districts will prosper. This would lead to school closings, and the cycle starts again.

  2. In my honest opinion I think both sides have lost the meaning of high school athletics. It has little to do with who wins the state title, or district or regional titles. It has to do with keeping kids in school.


    In many areas the only thing keeping some kids in school is the sports that they play. I know I’ve made this statement before. 80-90% of those that are in extra-curricular activities graduate from high school. 80-90% of those that do not participate in extra-curricular activities do not graduate.


    The private schools have taken this and ran with it. They highly encourage their students to participate in many sports. (I have heard stories of those who did not participate were harassed by students.)


    These same private schools have shot themselves in the foot. By becoming extremely competitive, they have drawn some of the best athletes to their schools. Now this is not their fault, but it has caused a problem. One of two things may happen. The private schools will be forced to compete in their own league (which in my opinion is ludicrous) or they will be competing with fewer and fewer teams each year.


    As I stated many students stay in school because of the sports they play. When those same students loose day in and day out they decide that the sport is not worth playing. They lose hope and quit. If this continues many of these schools will have to cease having certain sports. Many of the minor sports are already having problems staying competitive because of the lack of interest.


    Some of the public school people see a need for change. They cannot come up with a perfect idea. Some have claimed that publics just want to win. I don’t believe this is the true origin of this issue we are faced with. It is the fact that students have stopped playing sports because they don’t have a chance of winning against their friends who were able to attend a private school and dominate in their chosen sport. Yes, they could have attended that same private school, but remember these are the students who are not self-motivated (for lack of a better word), and have had discipline problems.


    Now I don’t think that the propositions we are given is the answer to the problem. I think what the public schools want the population of Kentucky and the private schools to know is that there is a problem. I don’t know what the answer is, and I don’t want the private school removed. I do however want more kids participating in sports.


    What is the answer? Higher better coaches? I think the public schools are having a hard enough time just finding a coach. Work harder to become competitive? I think the public school coaches are already working as hard as they can. Have the public schools encourage more participation? I believe they are also doing the best they can at this.


    I’m just trying to shed a little more light on the subject. I know the line is drawn in the sand, and those for and against will not budge. I however lean toward the public side, but do not like the choices we are given. (If I had a vote I would vote NO on all of the props as they are now written).


    Thanks for reading.


    Wishing for the good ole days


    :jump: :madman: :eek:

  3. So the only reason it is frivolous is because it will cost the schools money?


    Was the lawsuit that ended segregation frivolous? It put the school in a lose-lose situation? Had they won it would have still cost them money to defend against the suit.


    This is funny because IMO private schools education is segregation. Those who will not fit into a certain mold may not attend. (I'm not suggesting this is a bad thing, but all behavior problem students get the heave ho).


    Once again. GET RID OF COMPULSORY EDUCATION, this will solve all problems in education. (but this is a different argument)

  4. Why would you consider it frivolous?


    If I want a private school education for my child and the valuable lessons that come from participation in sports why should I not test if this 20 mile barrier is legal?


    It would be frivolous because it buts the schools in a financial lose, lose situation. If they are sued and win they still lose money for legal representation.


    Why don't we just allow everyone to recruit athletes into their school systems? Make it legal. Whats the worst that can happen?


    Oh wait a minute we can't do that then those power schools will win all the time, other schools will not be able to compete with them, those schools that can never compete will drop their teams for lack of interest. Then the 3-10 schools can fight over it themselves.


    Hmm this sounds like prop 20. So we must all be on the same page since it will all end up the same way. :rolleyes:


    by the way I am NOT for prop 20 nor will I ever be.

  5. Some private schools have more resources than others obviously. I think you would be surprised how little some schools have to work with and of course it is self-generated. Trinity and St.X are able to do more things with the money they are able to generate versus small private schools like Brossart or NCC or Holy Cross or Latin.


    Brossart was the one who made this comment.

  6. APNW:


    A few years ago (10-15) a catholic school approached me about starting a wrestling team. They asked me what the cost would be.


    At that time I told them about $10,000 for mats and uniforms. The person told me "Thats all, we can get that easy" He said his title was something like financial advisor for sports or something like that. They may not have money on hand but they have a hand to take it from. :D

  7. What if the kid is a really good swimmer? Should he go to Brossart or NCC where there is no swim team?


    You would need to start a swimming team at that school. Privates schools have a much easier time starting programs than public schools. (Less red tape) :thumb:


    This would also be an honerable thing. The more sports a school has the better to serve the student population. :D

  8. The arguement with Banks can go both ways.


    Banks is able to defeat some very tough wrestlers, but sometimes he takes a lose to a wrestler that maybe he shouldn't lose to.


    Last year was a great example. He lost to Mines and then defeates Smith for 3rd.


    Two year ago he did a similar thing. He defeated Bankemper, then lost to Weston and Sanders. (Bankemper defeated both of these easily)


    Of cource this is just in the state tourney. But this is where it counts. :ylsuper:

  9. I'll try and clarify my statement. Since the allegations of recruiting, Highlands is under a magnifying glass. This has forced them to make sure all athletes are legitimate, and follow the KHSAA guidelines. Whereas if they were a private school some of these guidelines they would not have to follow, such as district violations.

  10. No but it is an example of a public school program that has great community backing, great academics and great athletics. In other words they have all the things that you use as reasons for separating the public and private schools. They have won more football titles then any school, public or private.


    Isn't that a disproportionate number of titles. For the good of the majority they have to be separated. :rolleyes:


    In your world how often should a school be entitled to a championship?



    In Nky they are highly highly critisized for "attracting" (for lack of a better word) football players from their surrounding districts. And why they only officially won 2 games last year.


    Highlands must defend, and keep an eye out for recruiting violations every year, while private schools do not have the same problem. (Incoming Freshman is what I am talking about)

  11. I have a question for you. Name me a sport on any level where a few programs usually are not the cream of the crop?


    This is usually related to a coach or coaching staff. When that coach leaves the program then it usually declines.


    Is it because the private schools have better coaches, even after a legend coach leaves? This may be true in football (since that is the focus of this issue), but in most sports IMO I don't think so. (Sorry if I offended anyone)

  12. I would hope that most do not think that prop 20 is the correct answer, but what others need to realize is that more regulation is needed.


    In my opinion prop 1 has some possibilities but not passed as it is now. I have heard some say, give every school district a 20 mile radius, as long as there are agreements with other school districts.


    I would say try this first and see what happens. I thing this would blow up, and cause poor school districts to loose students. (this is not what we are trying to accomplish)


    I have said it before and will say it agian. IMO the only true way to solve this problem is to get rid of compulsery education.


    What all of this has done is brought the problem out into the spotlight. Maybe greater minds than ours will be able to find a real solution to the problem without hurting either public or private schools.


    Fortunatly or unfortunatly, depending on where you stand on this issue. LBC is correct. Those who look at this issue will look more at district and regional titles. I know the issue has been brought out as state title issue, but it goes much deeper than that.


    Maybe this issue will force the KHSAA to look more closely at classes. I think only football and track are the only class sports in KY, but that is another argument.

  13. As I read KHSAA ByLaw 10 there is no legal recruitment. I suggest that if any poster has not read the document that you do so. Open enrollment is a choice of the local Board of Education for each public district. Open enrollment does not cross district boundary lines. For students living in one district to attend another district and have their ADA follow them contracts between districts must be signed. The receiving district may also charge tuition. If a district is allowing students to attend without receiving their ADA or tuition equivalent they are doing a disservice to their own patrons, educating out-of-district students for free.


    I believe the only rule, probably unwritten rule, is that when a teacher teaches in a district they may have their child attend that school without tuition. This may be an open contract between school districts. I'm not sure how it works.

  14. It depends on what you are referring to as best team. Best dual team or best tourney team.


    I personally have to go with Larue at the state tourney.

    They have some proven talent comming back.

    2 finalists and a 3rd.

    Parker, Miller, and Banks could all be in the finals scoring big points.

    They also have Carman and Barnhill (who both placed last year) at 152,160. Most of the tough competition graduated from those wt. classes. Moving them way up.


    Sheldon Clark only has one proven stud.

    Howard. although I think Wells could make some noise if given a good draw in the state tourney.


    This is all based on passed state tourney accomplishments, I don't have any firsthand knowledge/ties and therefore IMO makes it impartial.


    However I know both of these teams usually pull a few wrestlers out of the woodwork that few know about and could change my mind quickly.


    This is only my Pre-season prediction. :D

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