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    On A Beautiful Sunny Beach
  1. My daughter and her roomates are huge fans of the show. Their theory is Izzy is dying(this may be her last season, Possibly pulling an Anthony Edwards, that really worked for him. )Rumor is brain tumor.... Anyway, Denny kept saying I'm here for you because he is going to help her as she dies.????????????
  2. My daughter lived in them last year and they weren't that bad. There is a bus that picks you up to take you to campus. You can also walk....she lost alot of weight doing that. In addition its next to the arboretum which is a really nice park to walk, . The apartments has a kitchen ,living room and two bedrooms. Each bedroom is set up as a dorm room with two twin beds, two desks and two chest a drawers and a big closet. My daughter lucked out because two roomates moved out at christmas so the two remaining each had a room to themselves. You can also pay extra if you want a room to yourself. The summer before she moved in the page the school had bought all new kitchen appliances, new furniture, painted, new bathroom....it was nice.
  3. link to large school all area in The Independent
  4. I second the motion! Leon Hart for Basketball Coach!!!!
  5. Have any boys decared a college commitment. There was a lot of talent at Russell, Ashland, Lawrence, etc. Will be see any of them continue playing in college?
  6. those types of comments really hurt the moral of a team, and keeps late bloomers like Kovach from coming out
  7. the Freshman team was made up of Drew mcdavid 7th grade, Tyler Reliford 8th, Wilcox, 8th, Alex Wheeler 8th, joe smith 8th grade, ian holbrook 8th grade and some Freshman boys that didn't get much playing time
  8. One of the fathers of the group of boys that graduated last year made the statement the reason none of those boys played was because flynn told them in the 8th grade they weren't good enough to play so don't bother to try out. So none of them did. So i looked in the yearbook at the Freshman team for that year. It had 7 or 8 players from verity middle school on the freshman team. None of the stars that had played on the 8th grade team the year before, the ones that would actually be Freshman.
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