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Posts posted by SportsGuy41017

  1. Last night and this morning 21 officers from multiple agencies have been injured along I-94 and other parts of Minniapolis and Saint Paul. There was a molitov cocktail thrown at an officer last night, -I-94 was then closed, not sure if it is still closed.


    ALL sides need to come together and work this out very quickly! I don't care which side someone is on, everyone needs to see the concerns of the other side and work this out before anyone else gets killed on either side.

  2. This was planned long before the recent police shootings, and has nothing to do with them. BUT, all one needs to do is look at the comments on the guys FB page who shot the live video to see how sick some people are.


    Now listening to CNN, as I am sure with any media, they have ZERO clue! Talking about a "terror group"? Then bring up the gun control debate? This is the worse part of 24 hour news, they have so much time to fill that they start talking about anything and everything, which at the end almost everything they said ends up not being true.

  3. Dixie Highway location? That place was a good time after a night on the town.


    Yes! Before I got into a gripe with the regional manager over something one time.


    And as far as my last paragraph and my questions. Signs my surgery about 2 months ago, I will never ever be able to vomite again.


    On a side note, this week I had my first taste of alcohol in about 3 years, there are some Crystal Palace fans coming to the match with FCC who want to have a drinking competition with a few of us, with vomiting being when you are out. I'm not going to take the challenge, but if I did, I'd get sick, but I'd never vomite. :)

  4. I have been feeling down the last two days so please forgive if I already mentioned this in the past day.


    An honest question, Should Trump and the right just leave this go and move on? The reason that I ask is this morning I was talking to a person that is a minority, they were telling me how they are fed up with what they heard about what Trump said at his Cincy rally and what some of the pundits on TV are carrying on.


    The person was telling me that since Hillary was cleared of any charges, and that Trump and the right wing pundits are still calling for her to be charged, as well as that now the R's are talking about investigating the investigation, they told me that they can relate to Hillary now more than ever, as she was cleared, but "the man" is still trying to bring her down.


    If a number of minorities see this the same way as the person I know sees it, it seems as if they may relate to her as a victim of a rigged system trying to bring down someone who was found to not have committed a crime.


    Even though I'd never vote for him, personally I'd want Trump to start talking specifics on what he would do as president, specifics on what his policies and all would be than to just go on about how the system is rigged.


    Just my opinion

  5. I totally agree with you I would tell any cop right away. They already know if you have a CCW or CHL when they run your plates.


    I was stopped at a check point in OH a month ago and I told the officer, he simply said "don't take yours out and I won't take mine out."


    Unfortunately, it's my believe that there was a fair amount of profiling in the MN stop.


    Not to threadjack, but since you and I are mentioning Ohio, I'm sure that about 2-3 years ago you saw the PD video of a guy around Akron where the PD came up to this car in an area known to has prostitutes?


    The guy appeared to be a bit, I'll just say "slow", he did attempt to tell the officer a few times that he had a CCDW and that he had the weapon on him, but the officer did in fact interrupt him each time, basically telling the guy to be quite. I can't imagine me not obeying an LEO and just spurt out over top of him that I have a CCDW and I'm carrying. Maybe with the guy being "slow" had something to do with it, but in that video it's was well known for the officer, upon seeing he had a weapon, yelling that he should shoot him, or something like that.


    Sorry for the rant, I just can't think of a situation of just keeping your hands on the wheel or the dash and calmly informing that you are carrying regardless of what the law says or doesn't say. But, I'm hearing one of these two incidents the guy did inform?

  6. The more I think about this the more it ticks me off!


    I really wanted to get behind Jones, the UFC guys that I know knew him and talked about how he was a nice guy and all.


    NOW, I'm not going to say anything his character, with not knowing what drugs he tested positive for, and not knowing if those drugs give one an addictive behavior or not. Such as with OJ Mayo, as I recall they didn't say what he tested positive for, but the list is the NBA substances include drugs that can be very addictive, so in cases like Mayo's I won't judge a persons character when an addiction could have just taken over.


    Do PED's cause strong additive behaviors if in fact Jones had PED's in him?

  7. That surprises me I thought in KY you had to report.


    The only time I was in a situation was about 2 and a half years ago when my vehicle stopped on the far left hand SB lane of the Brent Spence Bridge, (just before the bridge, just above Merhing Way) at about 2am on a Sunday morning. (about the scariest thing in my life!)


    Cincy PD officer shows up and I immediately inform him that I had a CCDW and that it was on the front passenger seat, all he said was "oh that's ok". Personally I would tell any officer no matter what state. I do wish that they would make it mandatory to inform, it would seem that it would make it easier for all involved, but in this incident it seems that isn't the case.

  8. Completely true! I have encountered way too many LEO that have NO business being LEO.


    I brought that up as no line of work is void of incompetent people, you can have a hundred police shooting threads and it doesn't begin to describe the overwhelming majority of good and great officers.


    In my beliefs it's like Muslims, over 1.6 billion Muslims (23% of the worlds population) and if only 1% are radicalized that's 16 million. Over 1 million LEO's in the US and let's say 1% shouldn't be in the line of work, that's 10,000. Still high but doesn't represent everyone.

  9. I haven't been feeling well so I didn't watch the videos on this situation or the one in Louisiana.


    BUT, there are people in all walks of life, jobs, careers, that have no business doing what they are doing. Any of these LEO involved incidents only deal with those LEO's that are actually involved.


    I just hope that these videos are not as bad as some of you all are saying.

  10. @hoops5


    In Ky you do not have a duty to inform by law, but it is recommended that you inform.


    237.110 (15) The licensee shall carry the license at all times the licensee is carrying a concealed firearm or other deadly weapon and shall display the license upon request of a law enforcement officer. Violation of the provisions of this subsection shall constitute a noncriminal violation with a penalty of twenty-five dollars ($25), payable to the clerk of the District Court, but no court costs shall be assessed.

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