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Posts posted by SportsGuy41017

  1. We all need to? I'd say the scumbags killing cops are the ones we need to eradicate to get the numbers down.


    Anyone that will kill an LEO, will do anything. They have no respect for any law or society as a whole.


    Yes, we all! No matter who or what anyone is, we all need to work together. As I also pointed out in a later post, about an hour ago CNN had a representative from some police organization, he said the same exact thing. If we don't stop with the rhetoric on all sides, we won't be able to root out those who want to cause harm and kill.

  2. Obama had his to say.

    Obama said the motive behind Sunday's killing of three officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was still unknown


    Well maybe he should have just made up some motive like he has before and blamed police.


    He knows good and well the motive was to kill white cops, just like everyone on here knows.

    He just had the BLM leader who was arrested last week over to the WH. The rhetoric hasn't slowed down as has the protest as they blocked the interstate in Baltimore.


    THIS! This is a perfect example why Obama can't win no matter what he says or does. Before Obama you ran with the "Obama is going to say and or do this", then he doesn't do or say what you thought, so you say what you did in your second paragraph?


    Also, you claim that the motive was to kill white cops? At least one of those officers tragically killed was a black officer.

  3. Just where are you seeing these "statistics"? And if you're simply comparing them to other years, which years? Technology has increased the likely hood of surving a gun shot, changes from revolvers to semi auto in LE,Etc.


    Why don't you look at a more accurate number to tell the full story, like perhaps felonious assaults on police officers or how many have been shot or shot at and survived.


    At least a few people have brought those facts up in at least a few other threads lately. The full story? The numbers are there.


    But again, which should have been the key part of that post of mine, my last sentence that points out we need all need to work hard to get the numbers down.

  4. That may have been true a month or two ago. Is it still true today?


    If a police officer sees someone walking down the street with a weapon, is he/she going to approach that person the same way today as two months ago?


    I'd say it does depend on who that person is who open carries, I truly believe that in most cases it's the way a person presents themselves, in this case, people who are carrying. Not all cases, but I believe in most, that LEO's will react to those who carry open or not, and make the correct decision. It also depends where they come across those who carry. But yes, LEO need to assess people, and not only those who carry.

  5. Isn't this already the common standard in most cities. Seems as though they are going to have to up the standard to two officers per car and at least have another car respond as backup for any call or traffic stop.


    Most that I see such in Cincy are one per car, but as has been pointed out, more and more when I see blue lights flashing I see at least two cars. To me, the two cars with one LEO each working together is the safest way to go now, and that will back up the response time a lot more.

  6. The fact that police officers are being openly murdered will have an impact on the number and quality of recruits willing to serve in most major cities.


    Sadly that is true. As the Dallas chief said last week "we're hiring". Also sad is with how dangerous it's becoming and not enough recruits, many departments are going to have to lower their requirements in attempt to fill all the spots available.

  7. It's getting to the point of Vietnam and Iraq War.

    Soldiers didn't know who to trust or couldn't tell who was about to pull a gun or bomb or being set up for an ambush.


    Cops can't tell what a person is about to do now, all this cop killing and people saying how much they deserve it and how more should be killed. Do you blame cops for not taking more precautions and its forced them to have hair triggers.


    Agreed that LEO's, in many or most areas, don't know or can't know what to expect now. On the people saying that the LEO's deserve it, or applaud it, they are very few, sadly they are very vocal. I blame that as being part of the bad side of social media, a good number of people don't think before they post.


    It's on all sides, people don't think, such as those people who have mentioned the president lately, one being a fireman from Alaska, who is now jobless because he let his anger override his common sense. Again, there are people like this on both sides. We need to take all talk like this serious and those people need to be dealt with harshly. Once people see that this is not acceptable, hopefully most of this garbage will stop. It amazes me how may people don't think first, this past week there was a kid, I think they said that he was 12 or 13 years old, and I think it was also in Baton Rouge, where he was arrested for making threats on the life's of LEO's. How the hell does someone this young feels that it's a good idea to even make threats like this?

  8. I've been getting emails about every day lately looking to hire protection for people and groups going to Rio.


    All expenses included, plus overtime. Normal pay starts out around $600 per day with assignments being from August 2nd to August 22nd.


    Brazil, which usually loves to goug US tourist with their high visa cost has waived the visa requirements for the summer. They are fighting to get people to come, but they aren't or can't pay for the LEO's and other government employees the pay that they already are owed. Brazil is paying these employees as they Brazil is fighting to pay for the cost of the Games. A couple of LEO's I know from Brazil are not going to work their jobs next month, as they know they are not going to get paid, but instead they going to work private security and details where they know they will paid.


    Someone may feel that they can go and be fine, but I'd never take my family to Rio this summer, it's not going to be a pleasant few weeks. But one thing that the Rio Games may do, is get the IOC to finally clean house and get rid of some of the corruption.

  9. That's not possible everywhere.


    Sadly that's correct, as has always been stated, there is really no such thing as a routine call anymore, it's a sad time in not only the US, but the entire world, that LEO's can't be safe alone, or two per unit, or even in a group. If LEO who are armed are being attacked, that doesn't look so good for a potential target that is unarmed and untrained.

  10. Prayers for all who chose to serve and protect. Thank you and take care of each other.


    Agreed 100%!


    Also, at times I'd open carry, but it seems now it's best to hide anything that can be used to take out an adversary.


    All LEO's need to receive more training. I know I sound like a broken record, but if agencies would start sending at least their top people, or trainers to Israel to learn their technics to then come home and train the others in their departments, that would be a huge start! Or, them getting a person like Ran Nakash to come train LEO's here, he does this a good part of the year, and it's well worth it!


    The LEO's also need a huge pay increase.

  11. yep


    And with the double killings of the two NYPD officers who were sitting in the same car, in many areas two in the same car isn't going to help anymore.


    It's also unbelievable how many people think that their lives are so bad that they have to end it, and that they want to take other lives with them before killing themselves. I'll never understand it.

  12. Police Officer sitting in his car in Milwaukee was also shot this morning, shooter then walked into a nearby yard and killed himself.


    Sad, headed towards where LEO's are going to have to team up, one LEO per car and two cars always together, to look out for each other.

  13. Its not a new phenomenon. Police are expected to run faster, shoot better, be able to talk anyone down, defuse aby situation, solve any case, etc.


    Yeah, a lot of idiots would blame police.


    Personally I'd say "uninformed" people. Yes, some are idiots, but I'd say the majority simply do not understand what the LEO's do. As an example, about a year ago I posted a video of an LEO agency bringing in some of the community activists who were protesting against the police. They put these people in several situations where they had to make swift decisions it the person they encountered were good/bad, and if they were a threat. This showed these activists that the time that LEO have to make a very critical decision is very short. In fact, someone else posted that same video recently.

  14. Of course but they are limited in what they can do, right? Are they then going to follow the guy around all day?


    If the LEO's are trained properly, the LEO's can get a very good idea of the persons intent after a very short friendly encounter.


    BUT, I've said this many times. All of the LEO and all in this country are going to have to use the Israeli approach and training. In fact, all of the citizens in the US needs to learn what every single Israeli knows in the area of protecting themselves and others, as well as what to look out for. Sadly it's this simple, if you need to rely on anyone else 100% of your protection, your a sitting duck.

  15. A very good point against open carry that I had not thought about previously.


    What should police policy be? As I think about it, it seems a police officer should drive up close to the open carry person, remain in his vehicle and tell the person to put down his weapon, move away from it and lie on the ground. Next you have to tell the person to remain where he is while you wait for backup to secure the area and make sure a second person is not sitting in an ambush position. Police procedures are going to change.


    Or open carry laws are going to go away.


    Which choice is better?


    If one sees a person open carrying, they are almost always the ones you do not need to worry about. In most case it's the weapons you don't see that one needs to worry about.

  16. How could police have prevented this? There are ALWAYS going to be officer involved shootings. There will be some that are questionable and some that are murder.


    People say everyone needs to come together and that's great, but as soon as there's another shooting, justified or not, that looks questionable, we'll have more protests and more people wanting to kill police.


    This is crazy. How many police have been shot and/or killed this month? 20+?


    I didn't say that this could have been prevented. We all wish that this would never happen, but this planet is not a paradise.


    I agree, sadly there will always be senseless murders on all sides, but rhetoric from both sides is not going to help. I also agree where you say that when there is another shooting it's going to start all over, and both sides with have some guilty parties. This is why the Israel can't find peace, as soon as their is a person or people from one side killing the other (in fact Israeli security foiled an attempted suicide bomber this morning) then the side that had the loss of life will want revenge, and it will never stop.


    Yes, every loss of life is a tragedy, yes there are some out there specifically targeting LEO's, but the statistics don't show an increase is LEO deaths/murders. BUT, that's not saying that we shouldn't work hard to get these numbers down as far as possible.


    There are a number of people who think that people are wrong in saying that more and more LEO's are either bad or racists, in fact a 2006 FBI report warned of white supremacists infiltrating the LEO ranks. BUT, the overwhelming majority of LEO's, all 1million plus of them, are honest and good! It's the 1% or whatever that are bringing all of the bad press.


    Same as with any group that is protesting, BLM or whoever, most are good people with honest concerns, but a blanket statement that all of them are bad is only going to continue these tragedies. As the Dallas PD stated, the protesters and officers were talking, joking, posing selfies with each other, and ONE person not only ruined the peacefulness, but that one person injured many and killed innocent officers, who when the shots started, bravely ran towards the gunmen to save the lives of citizens.


    A very sad short video that I saw from this past week, it was at the funeral of one of the Dallas officers, his 13 year old son, hugging the casket. IMO EVERYONE needs to see that video, if they are not moved by it, they aren't human. Same can be said of any death, regardless of who or what they are, their death has left a void in the lives of others.


    This is where both sides need to come together, and address the concerns for all. Will the senseless killings stop! We can only hope, wish, pray, but we all know, again, that the world isn't a paradise.


    Wouldn't it be amazing if all LEO's, soldiers, protection agents all lost their jobs because we became like a paradise and that everyone and everything were peaceful? Sadly we will never get there.


    I don't have any issue with any LEO agency getting military type gear, as we can clearly see, a number of LEO's need it, but we don't know where this will happen next, so they all may need it, in every agency, such as the tragic murder in WKY of an LEO. And if I am mistaken, there was a second event where an LEO was shot at by someone who he just helped? This is where people have to understand, sadly this can and does happen anywhere, so people are going to have to come to reality that LEO's need to have heavy presence and armed with heavy power and protection.


    The concerns on both sides needs to be addressed in a civil manner, and the blame game must stop, which will be the only way to curb this non-sense all the way around.

  17. ^ agreed! But, if this was planned out by him, he killed a heck of a lot of people for it, many on both sides. But hey, why would a rising dictator care about any lives? He has to stop caring sometime.


    BUT, he called people to go out into the streets and defy the military and curfew, I don't know if I could post it, but I saw a video of many of those people get run down by a military vehicle, the camera was right where the vehicle started running them over.

  18. I'm not saying this being dramatic.


    Clinton and President Obama have now openly supported and are offering help to an Islamic, pro-ISIS dictator.


    Turkey is getting ready to go from secular to Sharia Law.


    I'd say the US, the west, and all of NATO, but as you know Turkey is an odd ally and very problematic for us, can't make them too mad, if so you lose a so called ally, and NATO member. And let's not forget, we can't afford Putin coming in and wanting to be buddy buddy with Turkey.


    I agree, this is going to get ugly and Turkey is headed out of the remaining democracy that remains and NATO very soon.

  19. This failed attempt, which some are saying was staged, is going to throw Turkey out of Europe so to speak.


    The Turkish president is going to use this to tear down what's left of Turkey's democracy. I heard that already over 2,500 judges have been removed. The joke of Turkey being a so-called safe-zone for refugees is now out the window, which is good for refugees in Greece who may have been deported to Turkey, as that all ends now.


    The Turkish president is gaining steam in his pursuit of becoming more and more like Putin. His party when it came to power around 2004 started shredding democracy there, and "removed" a lot of the military leaders from the start, as in the past, the Turkish military would step in when they thought that Turkey was losing its democracy and freedoms in the past.


    And now Turkey and it's president is demanding that the US turn over the person that they claim was behind the coup, and he happens to live in Pennsylvania. Turkey now says "any country that harbors him is no friend of Turkey", see how problematic this has become? The US won't turn him over, then what? How far from the US and NATO does Turkey get? When the US doesn't turn him over, how long until Turkey kicks the US off of the bases over there?


    This thing isn't over, this will get very messy all around, within Turkey and outside of Turkey.

  20. I agree with LB, this has CIA written all over this. Possibly they purposely started when the president was gone?


    It's tricky with their president being in power for a number of years, we need Turkey as an ally, so as not to upset them the west kind of turn our heads and ignored some of the stuff he was doing.

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