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Posts posted by PepRock01

  1. Originally posted by CheerNbHappy

    Saving the forum Pep. When no one posted in the Sports Entertainment one, it got the heave-ho. Just doing my part to save endangered speceies. I did my part, and all I get is flack. I'll stop trying. Let this forum and spotted owls die out. That's my goal for this weekend.


    Just as long as you don't surpass me in shameless self-promotion I'll be fine. :D

  2. Originally posted by Watusi

    Thank you Guru.


    The political "commentary" has spread over the general discussion forum like a virus lately and every thread has been infected with it. I for one have come to the point where I am so sick of the childish bickering and antics that I hate checking the general discussion forum. Even threads that have nothing to do with politics are being overrun with obnoxious nuggets of political "wisdom" and wise cracks.


    It is rapidly choking off the General Discussion Forum I have come to know and love. And it used to be such a fun place to hang out. :cry:


    Ain't that the truth!! Those threads have completely soured this forum for me, I rarely venture in here anymore for that simple reason. It kind of makes me wonder if Guru's April Fools Joke this year would have been a good idea consdering what has transpired here.

  3. Originally posted by 3wishes

    Is there a link to that somehwere that you got that off of or did you make that up? I was wanting to show my english professor that and see what he makes of it.


    Someone posted a link to it a while back in GD, but I don't know if it is still there or not.

  4. Originally posted by eli50

    Has there been any thought given to getting the thoughts/impute of the members prior to

    making a rule?


    Why should there be? I feel certain Guru discusses this with all the mods. Guru and the Mods are in constant communication with the other members, in a sense they can test the waters that way before implementing anything of that nature. Besides from what it looks like, most members are in favor of it. Are there some members that do not want to use proper grammar?

  5. Originally posted by RebFan21

    Come on now take into consideration we live in KY. Be gentle.


    Also, bear in mind that it is now harder to become a teacher in the state of Kentucky than just about anywhere else in the nation. You need at least 150 field hours of observation time before you can student teach, not to mention all the areas of certification required. ;)

  6. Originally posted by Getslow

    One of the best lines ever created by a public relations department... "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."



    I prefer "Guns don't kill people..................I DO!" But then again I am sick like that. :creepy: :bunny: :bunny: :creepy:

  7. Originally posted by Sideliner

    While this was a "policy" of the Carter Administration........if you are thinking that our operatives have not used this "considerable adjustment".........rethink it


    Changes to the CIA were made by that administration that prevent assassination attempts. The current administration may change it, and it is likely they will, but until then no assassination attempts may be made by our CIA.

  8. Originally posted by CentreRocks

    One thought...


    1. Many protesters assert that Iraq is not a threat to the United States or our hegemony. Arguendo, I'll concede that point, but my question is, where were these protesters during our Clinton wars/military deployments with Angola, Haiti and Bosnia? Surely the might Angolan army was not a threat to our nation.


    Good point. We were engaged in more "peacekeeping" operations during the Clintonian era than almost any other. Lord knows his foreign policy didn't help our international image.

  9. I should point out rockmom, that the CIA has been banned from using assassination since the Carter administration, that idealistic moron. So we could not take him out in that way. If you ask me the best agency to take him out would be the Massad. I don't think there is an intelligence agency in the world that compares to these guys. I'm just glad they're with us.

  10. Originally posted by Chant_50

    Easy with what you say about attacking civilian populations. I know it was justified, and saved many lives, but Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both civilian travesties. When we dropped the two nukes on them we took out a lot of civilians; that could be considered a crime according to your reasoning. Watch what you say because you may be backing into a corner of double standards. I agree that Saddam is a major threat, and needs to be delt with. I hope we cripple them completely this time, no playing around. This rogue regime is the worst sort. They spend all their money building a military and weapons while their nation starves. The people are bearing the brunt of this regimes wrongs. The Iraqi people are scared into supporting Saddam, afterall he did kill almost the whole government as a show of power when he first took over. He is a nut, and needs to be placed into his final shell.


    Saddam gassed his own people, that is what I intended to point out. To be honest with you the bombing of Dresden in WWII is one of the greatest untried war crimes in history IMHO. Many more people died there and Wurzburg from firebombing by British and American forces than in Hiroshima OR Nagasaki. The civilian deaths in Japan due to the dropping of the atomic bombs were collateral damage, the targets were specific industries in both cities. My primary issue with Saddam is the fact that he used chemical and biological agents against HIS OWN PEOPLE. Against his own populace. That is my biggest reason in wanting his elimination.

  11. Originally posted by airSABU


    The problem today as it was in 60's is people dont know why we have war's they are too enlightened by CNN, MSNBC, fox and the majors and you will be hard pressed to see pro war stories.

    I love knowledge but we as a nation need to learn a remember a few things. If Sept 11 had happened in 1941 what do you think our nation would have done? I would guess Truman would have sent a couple of our fatman/little boy experiments to someone's backyard.

    Our soldiers our hero's fought and died for this nation to stop a mad man. What did Germany do to the US before we declared war, they warned us not to get on english liners so innocents wouldnt be hurt but we enter the war to save lives.




    Don't take this the wrong way, but you were mixing your wars there with the English Liners.


    As an interesting parallel, Hitler himself said that had the French opposed his reoccupation of the Rhineland that would have stopped his ambitions right there. The German Army was at that point nowhere near the strength of the French and as such would have been easily ousted. The point here is that all that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

  12. Originally posted by red71

    Wow this is a huge surprise the Germans are backing a dictator that gases his own people because of religious differences, and the French happly go along with it because they fear military action, and the Germans, oh and they disagree with the Brits and have economic interest at stake. Who would have seen that coming?:rolleyes:


    Just to clarify something, Saddam is not in any way a religious fanatic nor did he gas his people to religious reasons. He gassed Kurdish villages because they supported Iran during the Iran-Iraq war. Saddam is as atheistic as they come. Nonetheless releasinv nerve agents and chemical weapons on a civilian population is criminal and should be punished.



    I feel that the protesters have a right to voice their opinion, but I still believe that they do not have the slightest inclination as to what Saddam has done not only to soldiers that fought against Iraq, the Iranian soldiers who are still coughing up their lungs in hospitals to this day, and to his own people, the Kurds who will be cursed with birth defects for at least three generations due to the nerve agents released in their villages. :mad:

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