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Posts posted by PepRock01

  1. So what can we do to give Iroquios a fighting chance? I'm not say that to be a jerk but to point out that we aren't going to find fair any way we look at the situation. Like I said I'm against classes to begin with, I think the champion should be the best team regardless of any advantages they might or might not have. Prop 20 just further extends the absurdity of trying to make "fair" championships.



    They can choose to not play a district schedule, there is a school that is supposed the be in Highlands district that isn't playing one for similar reasons.


    My complaint is this, if you have such problems with making sham championships, then why in the world aren't you even more infuriated about this than we are?

  2. Most of the schools are not sponsored by the Archdiocese of Louisville. Most of the girls schools are sponsored by a religious order. St. x is sponsored by the Xavieran Brothers. Trinity was founded by the Archdiocese but has been governed by an independent board for quite a few years. The number of kids at each school is determined by the number of kids that want to go to school there. I don't think any of them turn students away.



    DeSales is run by the Carmalites.

  3. That would be the private school's choice to do so if they feel that is in thier interest. That would be out of spite and I question whether it would be good for the private schools to do so.


    Again I'm against multiple championships, but I see the real difference that prop 20 makes is that it divides the state to have more champions. So if St X and Male want to discontinue ther longstanding rivalry it won't be because of prop 20 it would be out of reaction to prop 20.



    Well I hope you enjoy your championship that doesn't go through St. X, maybe you'll finally win one for the first time in about 40 some years. :irked:

  4. Is it guarenteed that these WON'T play each other? The Prop is just for playoffs as I understand it. Like I ask ram2003 why wouldn't some of the more competitive public schools want to avoid the ticket draws of Trinty and St X?


    About the smaller schools, how is there situation any different than it is today. Only a handful of those schools compete for championships anyhow. What difference is it to lose in the first round to Danville vs losing to StX? I really don't see how they are being hurt or are any worse off than they were before hand.



    Methinks my horned friend has misrepresented his knowledge of 1A football here. In 2004 the HC Cougars played state runner-up in 1A(Danville) down to the wire in the semi-finals.


    In 2003 Holy Cross was one play away, had they punted it instead of going for it on 4th and 1, from being in the state game against Beechwood. There is every chance they would have won that one too.


    There is a big difference as they have a fighting chance against Danville, can't say the same against the Big 2.

  5. Hey private school critics.....


    Before Kerry Combs went to Colerain, I honestly knew nothing about the Cards and never saw them in the playoffs.


    But he instituted a top notch off season program, gets all the athletes in his school out for football, gets the kids to by into his system, coaches the X's and O's effectively, has a ton of fun doing it.


    He has done pretty well against the Big Bad GCL, which is the premier set of private schools in the country.


    Colerain's enrollment is 927 for boys; Elder has 833; X has 11111; Moeller has 724; Lasalle 531 but he still doesn't dress close to 100 Jrs and Srs as Elder, St. X, and Moeller do. Yet he still competes and beats them regularly. Some even say they will beat X this year.


    A good coach can compete and beat the best private schools around!!!



    Wait, no! Say it ain't so!!! Private schools are doomed!!!!!! :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

  6. What makes you think that Manual or Male won't want to enjoy a St X or Trinity ticket draw?




    What makes you think that Trinity or St.X would want to play either team knowing that they voted to kick us out? You think that we'll just say "Oh schucks, they want our gate but not to play us in the playoffs. Why the heck not?" You better believe there is some seriously bad blood between the JCPS, ALL OF THEM, and the Catholic schools now.


    I have been in a public school student teaching these last few months. I know what has been going on behind closed doors. The victimhood mentality of the public schools disgusts me. I have never been anti-public, but the events of the last few months at deliberately discriminating against private schools has made me question my stance on the morality of such organizations. I have nothing but disdain for the JCPS, many of the people that I work with at my current school feel the same, the rest of the state I don't know about yet. Either way this will not go unforgiven by many private school supporters for some time. Whether it matters to you people or not is irrelevant to me, I am just stating my opinion on it plain and simple.

  7. First of all I'm personally against Prop 20. I want my team to compete against the best for a championship.


    However I've had a question that I've avoided up until this point. Why wouldn't the Private Schools support prop 20?


    Personally as I see it Kentucky doesn't even have a state championship anyway. We have four class championships and we're forced to assume who is the best. I'm against classes, I think they hinder the ability of small schools to "show what they got". So in my perfect world there wouldn't be classes. How is prop 20 much different than what we already have in existance. The Privates will still be able to play the publics during the regular season. They just don't get the oppritunity to beat the 1/4th of the Kentucky public schools in the tournament that they got to beat before.


    Yes I assume St X, Trinity, and other private schools will no longer have to play district schedules. I wonder if that is a disservice to them or not? I would think that would allow them to schedule like Notre Dame and get all the big games and big tickets. I'm trying to grasp why they are so against the policy, it seems to me that prop 20 would probably end up propping those schools to even higher levels than they already are. As it stands today I have heard some X and T people say that the X and T game are more important than winning the championship. Doesn't prop 20 allow them to have more experiances like X and T games or playing major national high school programs?


    Again let me say that I'd rather every team play for one championship, but I would like to hear why it is that the privates are so against a policy that, from my point of view, will elevate thier status. Does St X really need feel they are losing something replacing Iroquois with Moeller?



    There is something to be said for crosstown rivalries between schools that have lasted for years. I will admit after all is said and done, if this indeed makes it through the red tape, I will miss pounding the bejezus out of Ballard and Eastern. I will miss our rivalry with Manual, I will miss those tight games with teams from out in the state. There is something to be said about being from KENTUCKY and being a member of the KHSAA competing for a state championship against other schools from Kentucky. Now yes I admit all the other private schools are from KY too but answer me this.... If you're looking for fair, how much more fair is it for Trinity or St.x to play LCC, CAL, KCD, NCC, Louisville Holy Cross or DeSales than it is for us to play Ballard, Male, Manual, Eastern, Shelby County or Oldham County? As much as people gripe about an "unlevel playing field" things are a whole lot more level with 4A public and private schools than if the big privates had to play the small privates.


    Sure it is fair for the big publics who no longer have to face "Big Bad Trinity and St.X" but no one seems to give a rat about the small private schools that will suffer horrendously for such a vote. Trinity and our comrades at St. X will survive athletically. My heart goes out to those smaller schools that will get trampled in the process because some people are out for themselves and never stop to think about the smaller schools that never receive the same amount of publicity.

  8. I stand corrected on my comment that St X's new capital project has Archdiocese funding. However, Trinity has received $4.8 million from the Archdiocese for its capital projects according to multiple reports in the Courier-Journal. Although that money is earmarked for property acquisition and to construct academic buildings, given the fact that DeSales and Holy Cross appear to be in much greater need of upgrade, I find it curious that such a large sum would be given to Trinity--a school that can evidently raise millions privately for discretionary purposes like athletic facility upgrades.


    Sources: Courier-Journal articles dated September 10 and December 10, 2003.



    Those funds were never used for athletic facilities. Those funds were directly funnelled into the new Duerr Hall(more classrooms), improved technology throughout the school and numerous updates that were sorely needed in older parts of the school. None of that went to athletic projects. The fact that the Archdiocese donated money to Trinity does not put Trinity under Diocesesan control. Trinity is a separate entity plain and simple.

  9. How exactly are alumni donations and private doners equivalent to Archdiocese support? The Archdiocese of Louisville provided NO money to Trinity for their new athletic facilties and the same goes for St.x. Trinity is not part of the Archdiocese anymore and hasn't been for some time now. Yes they are still Catholic, but they are not a subsidiary of the diocese.

  10. I agree that sending your kids to a private school if you are a public school administrator could be a CLM (career limiting move). However, one can't reasonably surmise that Sexton, a public school employee who sent his kids to (GASP!) public schools, wanted to send them to private school but declined due to fear of career reprisals.



    Not in his particular instance, but the threat IS there. I am not basing this on idle speculation either, believe me. I know many individuals whom this applies to, and I was SHOCKED and appalled when I first discovered this some years ago.

  11. I graduated from Male with one of Mr. Sexton's daughters. The Traditional program isn't offered at Eastern, but they are both part of the Jefferson County Public School System. It's not like he worked for the JCPS and sent his kids to Kentucky Country Day.



    No, it is likely that he wouldn't have ever advanced any farther in the JCPS hierarchy had he done that.


    Before you respond bear in mind that I am in the educational field and I have had considerable experience with administration, teachers and coaches in this school system and I have a unanimous consent wth those that I have spoken to that if you do not respond to a particular question favorably on the yearly questionairre then your chance for advancement is effectively nil.

  12. So, toe the line or out the door? And the end result is perfect outcome? That is not exceptional perfomance, that is simply exceptional performance perception.


    As for your "never" comment, I referenced an action by this coach vs. your comment never to label students as undesirable.


    Your quote:

    There are no "undesireables because we would never describe anyone as undesireable


    However, to list kids who could not cut it in a sports program on a Wall of Shame is not a compliment. It is rather degrading. I am simply pointing out your contention of never as not totally accurate.


    And that is an unfortunate aspect of that coach's reign that many of us are not at ALL happy about and it was stopped very quickly once it was known.

  13. If there is no acceptance to this on any front, then continue to expect Prop 20 to come up again and again. The days of being able to take from anywhere at anytime is coming to an end. The other concept to just let everyone, play anywhere has absolutely no support. As for the Diocese being a boundary, that I do not think will fly.



    Isn't that what CovCath's boundary is? Not for nothing, but they are indeed religiously affiliated schools should they not have a religiously affiliated boundary?

  14. As far as number 2, there are plenty of kids in my parish who have attended catholic school from K through 8 and they do not live within the 20 mile boundary. I can think of a lot of parishes in metro Louisville that are more than 20 miles from X or T. That is a lawsuit waiting to happen.



    Now if they wanted to make the boundary for the Catholic schools in Louisville the Archdiocese of Louisville, then maybe that would be something that would appease those who complain we have no boundaries. On the other hand what of those Trinity Alums who live in southern Indiana and want their boys to play for the Rocks? Is it fair to keep a part of our Trinity family from fully participating in our athletic programs?

  15. I'm through with this thread. I'm sorry that I care more about my local community and want to keep my socialist money here. I feel someone has to invest in my area because nobody outside of the mountains cares.


    Well I guess the state of Kentucky's laws that take funding out of our areas and funnel them into the rural areas of the state are just plain uncaring. If we're going to be uncaring, we might as well be indifferent and put the money back into our own schools since it clearly isn't appreciated.

  16. I'm not familiar with anyone by that name. My point is that in another city (Nashville) I've learned that a diproportionate number of public school teachers pay for their children to attend private school. I wonder if it were that way in Louisville.



    In the JCPS if you send your children to private schools, your chances for promotion disappear. This is NOT heresay either, I have heard this from numerous educational professionals at different schools in different parts of the city. Some are the big name institutions, others are not.

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