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Posts posted by PepRock01

  1. This one is one of the best. The first one in 1968 will always be the sweetest. There have been some great ones. The top ones in no particular order: 2001 with revenge against Male, 1985 with the come from behind win over x in the playoffs, 2003 after the 0-4 start, 1994 with the comeback against Central and the upset over Boone County. this year, almost no one outside the family thought we had a chance. WOW!!!



    :ylsuper: :ylsuper: :ylsuper:

  2. I don't speak for the team but for me it was Trinity's thrilling win over Manual at Manual. The whole fourth quarter I walked from one end of the field to the other. Then to win on a hail Mary 73 yard TD pass!!! It was great. I hung around the stadium for what felt like hours talking to anyone that would slow down enough to listen. Then walking down to Checks and busting through the doors exclaiming "How About Those Rocks!!!". Then sitting around reliving the game with some good freinds and family over a few cold ones. It doesn't get any better.


    Although, a win Friday would push that win down to #2.



    Up to this point I agree 100%. I was sitting there thinking "This isn't over yet, but how in the world are we going to make up that deficit in about 3 minutes?" It was an amazing game and one heck of a display of mental toughness on Nick's part too.

  3. JOHN HARDIN!! :eek: :rolleyes: :eek:


    If you look at the Region 2 District 3 team, there are NO members whatsoever from John Hardin. Were they being boycotted? :irked:



    They obviously had the unfair advantage of having a coach who had won a state title at a non-Louisville 4A school in the past. :walk:

  4. Compared to last year, I think they have matured. Most of the problems last year, defensively, can be attributed to youth. Now, all of those guys are Juniors and Seniors this year. I think the defense has done an excellent job. Last year I think Catholic had to almost solely rely on their offensive capabilities and it showed against Corbin and Belfry (i.e. the defense struggled and gave up yards). I do not want to take anything away from DeSales, but this defense was able to hold Trigg Co. to 10 points (until the last 2-3 minutes of the game with 2 freakish plays) and contain an outstanding Ft. Campbell team. I'm sure that DeSales has some great athletes, however, I don't think that it is wrong to say that there aren't too many teams at any level that have 5-7 legitimate D1 athletes like Ft. Campbell. It is safe to say that Catholic was outmanned at almost every position against Ft. Campbell. I think the ACES were given one of the toughest challenges (if not the most challenging) that they will face the rest of the year.


    Catholic is a very well rounded team.


    Fair enough. :thumb:


    Go Colts!!!

  5. How does this O-Cath team compare to last year's? Is their defense very similar? I assume their offense is still pass oriented, but the reason I ask is because the Aces had serious trouble against a good line and 2 good running backs in the state game last year against Belfry. It strikes me that Desales may be very similar to the Belfry team that the Aces played last December. I am not saying anything one way or another but I am curious as to how the Aces look compared to last year.

  6. But this thread is about athletics.



    But if the thread is soley about athleteics then you are essentially saying to private school supporters that the many other reasons they send their children to private schools are irrelevant. In essence the only reason anyone would leave a public school is because of sports, at least that is how it looks here. The difference between perception and reality is that perception is stronger, that much is obvious in our constant roundabouts with those who believe we give full scholarships and/or athletic scholarships. Concordantly it is the same in this instance just slightly modified.


    I have a student, a freshman, at OCHS who's brother went to Trinity. Both brothers are exceptional soccer players, and yet I once asked the younger of the two brothers why his older brother went to Trinity and he did not. He told me with a straight face that it was to straighten his older brother out, which he said worked quite well.


    There are many instances in which parents choose private schools for any number of reasons, athletic and academic concerns aside. Some do it for prestige, others do it for discipline, I can go on and on.... The point here however is that by popping out one of the legs of the table of private education for the sake of discussion inherently puts the private school supporters at a disadvantage if we are not allowed to use our full faculties in order to respond.

  7. It is not about competing....it is about everyone playing by the same rules.



    There is a big difference between the KHSAA rules and the rules of individual school districts. Are you telling me that Manual and Male play by the same rules as say Mayfield, Boyle County, Mason County or Paul Dunbar? Open Enrollment will give you the same disparity my friend. It is just easier to lash out at schools that aren't public. Many schools don't play by the same rules.

  8. :laugh: You are too funny, LSU. Champagne corks. Good one. :lol:


    Tell me, were the Trinity faithful donning black armbands at the prospect of ending the "rivalry games" with hapless Eastern and Ballard?



    Not particularly, I generally don't care too much to attend a blowout however there are two exceptions and they happen to have been mentioned in the above quote.

  9. You're right (about co-ed schools). But not all schools are co-ed and not all must comply as a result.



    That is true however his example was a multi-million dollar football complex, if I recall correctly only 1 private school in this state recently built such a facility, Trinity. Hence my point that if it were a co-ed private school the same rules would have applied had a public school built it.

  10. My team usually doesn't make it past the first round anyway, we never get a chance to lose to St X. I think your misunderstanding my point out of anger.


    In the long run I think this helps the private programs, unless they take actions out of spite that hurt themselves.


    Like I said, I think the current playoff system is a joke anyway. Anyone who wants to tell me that the Danville team I saw three years ago won't have made it to the later rounds of a 4A playoff and I'll laugh in thier face.


    In regards to your first point you are probably right I admit.


    I don't see how it helps the private programs. Trinity and St.x will have no one of a moderately close size to play against in the "playoffs." The smaller schools, if they have to play us, will be brutalized. It is less equitible for the small privates than anyone else.


    That Danville team was good, but they wouldn't have touched Trinity or x by the end of the season AND they wouldn't have gotten by the 3A champ Boyle County that beat them handily during the regular season. At best they would have made it to the Semi's.

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