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Posts posted by leatherneck

  1. I agree with your comments except for Braun. He used his position to lower his property value something like 60%. That is abuse of office and some kind of self dealing that is probably border line criminal IMO. Since he's been in office I don't know of anyone else in Campbell county whos property has decreased in value. Mine are up 25% with his latest assessment. His home which was valued at $312,052.00 in 2010 is now $125,000.00. He won't be getting my vote.


    Don't know those particulars. Was a bona fide appraisal submitted to justify the decrease in value?

  2. Kind of funny the police unions saying it's all about integrity. Got to love CC politics. It's always been about the race to the bottom around here.


    I'll respectfully disagree; well at least partially. I'm pretty tuned in to CC politics. We've had some very good elected officials in CC and have some really good one's now. Pendery has done an outstanding job as the Judge Executive, even though I've disagreed strongly with some of his positions (the anti smoking ordinance for example). By a wide margin, the positives way exceed the negatives. Daley has done a great job as jailer, which in my opinion, can be the second most important position in the County because of the cost of running the jail and the impact of the jailer on controlling those costs. Nothing against "one of our own" Guidugli, but Daley is WAY more qualified: former KSP officer, ran the N. Ky Drug Strike Force; and an attorney. All of which help him considerably in the position of jailer. Guidugli's qualifications? Good guy and a tough nose son of a gun. Daley all the way for me. Garrett, Painter and Rechtin have done a very nice job as County Commissioners (although Rechtin has recently converted to campaign mode as he will be on the ballot in November as the D candidate for Judge Executive). Braun does a really nice job as the PVA. Franzen does a nice job as the County Attorney. Snodgrass does a nice job as County Clerk (but is not running for re-election if my memory serves me correctly). We've got well qualified people serving as the Circuit Court and District Court judges. So in my opinion at least, we have one of the best group of elected officials in CC that I can remember.


    We do have some folks involved in CC politics that I'm not particularly proud of, such as Kidwell. For the most part, those folks have remained marginalized, but they have been able to exercise some influence (which is concerning). Which is why voters must turn out on the 20th and vote to keep those folks from having more influence and to keep the well performing elected officials in office.

  3. Have seen tons of brisket since I've been in Texas. My advice would be to watch it closely and not to get too down on yourself if the first one doesn't turn out like you like. I've seen people who are pretty experienced at smoking them mess parts of one up, and it seems like it's something that's easy to do (usually it's too dry).


    Smoked my first brisket Friday night. I'd read how hard it is. It was simple. Perhaps because I went with a smaller one (5.5 lbs). Used a Weber kettle grill. Kept it around 225 degrees. Used a pre-made dry rub purchased at Krogers. Wrapped it in foil for the last 1.5 hours.Came out extremely moist and juicy. Used it as an appetizer for a gathering of folks down the farm. It was devoured. Grilled venison burgers for the dinner, with topping choices of bacon, spam, metts and/or ham, with sides of salad and Cincy style chili on mac n cheese (basically a 3 way). Grilling season is indeed here.

  4. I got killed on here for saying this before he was even hired. I said UK was making a mistake for just giving him the job, because they were in a good spot as a program that if they hired the right coach they may have been able to take another step forward.


    I wasn't a fan of the hire either, but wasn't Brooks' age becoming an issue on the recruiting trail, and to offset that problem, a decision made to name Joker as the HCIW? The hire of Joker obviously did not work out, but at the time Joker had a pretty good record as a recruiter (although Stoops is blowing his doors off) and as an OC/asst coach. Hope Stoops proves me wrong, but learning how to become a HC in the SEC (particularly doing so at UK) is no easy feat.

  5. Agree, make the regular season a little more meaningful.


    No disrespect, but I find the regular season to be extremely meaningful. I'm sure my sons did too when they played. Wanting to win every game regardless of the impact on the playoffs was meaningful to them. Plus winning the district games had a big impact on whether you stayed at home the first two playoff games. If we have to play CovCath in the playoffs, I sure like it being at Highlands, which means the regular season game against them is HUGE.

  6. No, not at all. The difference being I'm a CCH fan. I just don't exaggerate and make them out to be something they are not just yet. When they beat Highlands we can lift them up. Just because their is only 1 elite team IMO in NKY isn't a knock on CCH or anyone else, it's just what it is. CCH can actually be a good team without having to be labeled and put on the same level as HHS. I just don't understand the bruised egos from those who continue ue to put CCH up on th same level as Highlands. They simp,y aren't, why does it have to mean I'm a hater when I speak the truth.


    Guess what? I also didn't put Cooper or Beechwood on the same level as HHS either. I am a realist. I don't blow smoke like some people seem to do.



    When was the last time CCH beat Highlands? When was the last time they won district? When the answer is 8 years ago, that does not put them on the same level as HHS.


    HellBird, there have been some recent years that Highlands was heads and shoulders better than CovCath and there have been some recent years that, while Highlands won the games, the two teams were pretty close. Some years that the Birds won state, I felt that CovCath was the best team Highlands played all year; other years I've felt that Johnson Central was the best Highlands played all year. So perhaps you are partially right and Bluedad is partially right.

  7. This.


    I miss the old days when folks actually hammered out deals and got things done.


    Ironically, McConnell's willingness to hammer out deals and compromise is the very reason the Tea Party folks can't stand McConnell and are supporting Bevin so fervently.


    McConnell has his flaws; no doubt about it. But I will be voting for him. Much better choice for the country and Ky than Bevin is, in my opinion.

  8. I may have missed something, but did Marcus Lee ever "announce" he was returning??? I thought his brother was asked what was going on, and his response was that Marcus will be playing basketball at Kentucky next season. He didn't announce, and he didn't need to. It was very clear cut that he was coming back, but to mock him even if he did decide to "announce" he was coming back to Kentucky is just rude. I'll give a warm welcome back to Mr. Lee, even though I knew he wasn't going anywhere. Still gets me excited.



  9. If we slice off some the amount of financial aid that is sent all over the globe to take care of other countries, we would have the money to take care of OUR taxpayers' need for this bridge replacement. Do you honestly believe this toll/tax will be eliminated once the bridge is paid off? I do not think so. But, I guess I'm in the minority because most people must be in great financial shape and don't mind paying additional taxes.


    Do you honestly think the US will be safe and prosper in the future if we again adopt the isolated, "island fortress" mentality? If you think China is a threat to the US economically and militarily, you just might want to examine how much foreign financial aid they are giving out. Right, wrong or otherwise, foreign financial aid equates to influence in places that people much more knowledgeable than you and I in foreign affairs think we need influence.

  10. Before I joined this site, I was a gigantic Kentucky fan.

    So many of those on here or were on here have made me root against them almost every night, especially in basketball.


    I can not stand U.Conn.


    Excuse me, but if what you say is true, your reaction says a lot, a whole lot, more about you than it does about the UK fans that have made you root against UK.


    First, it is extremely sophomoric to turn against a program, any program, because of its fans. I've read people say they won't root for Highlands because of some fans on here and other sites. That's sheer silliness. My guess is that you didn't become a "gigantic Kentucky fan" because of reasonable UK fans. So to later turn against UK because of some fans is, well sophomoric.


    Second, who in their right mind would join a website focused on Kentucky sports and not expect to find some way over the top UK fans? It would be like me joining an Ohio sports website and becoming upset that there were over the top OSU fans. Heck, I'd expect it and it wouldn't affect my thoughts on OSU football one bit.


    Third, for someone that each year asks BGPers for help collecting links to newspaper articles on Ky. high school football and information about Kentucky high school football players, your strongly stated distain for UK isn't going to help you very much. That's not very bright.


    But play on if you must.

  11. Wow, reading through most of this, many seem to think it's no big deal because it happens all the time. That may be true, but that doesn't mean it's not against the rules and maybe it is unfair for schools that actually do follow the rules. It may happen in the summer all the time, but once the season starts, you are only allowed to practice against others on your team. Period. That's why they give you two scrimmages and once the season starts, there are no more scrimmages allowed. Because you are ONLY allowed to practice against the players on your team.


    Same with boys vs girl practices. It's all about liability. Not whether it's okay. I know for a fact that HHS got their hand slapped by the KHSAA for having their girls varsity practice against their freshman boys team last year. I also know for a fact that other teams do it, but I can tell you that HHS would never do it again. So others did it this year and HHS didn't...if that fair? Wouldn't having your girl's team competing against any boys 2-3 days a week create an advantage over a team that doesn't? Heck, that's why they do it! On the record, I have no problem with girls practicing against boys and making them better. I promote it actually, but it's illegal (whether you agree with it or not) to do it. Same with pulling in "volunteers" during the seaon, regardless if they are former college players or not.


    Do I care that Cov Cath did it or that other girls teams have said they bring in people. Not really. I really could care less, other than an unfair advantage. But to say it's not a violation is not true. It's breaking the rules. Maybe they don't enforce the rules like they should, but when it's in B&W in front of thousands of people, I think they have to act in some way.



    And for those that are caught up on "college players" or "students", did you catch this part of it. It says "persons" for a reason. In season, no one but your teammates are allowed to practice with you. Heck, I coach softball in HHS. I know plenty of ex-college pitchers. I would love to have them come in and pitch batting practice against my kids everyday. How good of hitters would we be. But you're not allowed!!! Anyone that practices with kids or instructs in anyway, must go through all of the KHSAA requirements. Bringing in anyone outside the program is highly illegal...college player, dad, whomever you want to say.


    "Ineligible persons practicing with the team or participating in any

    manner while representing the school potentially jeopardize

    the insurance coverage, including catastrophic and liability

    insurance, of all participants and the liability coverage of the

    school and school system."


    Bingo. Possible loss of catastrophic insurance coverage is a huge concern for the KHSAA. Best I recall is that the insurance only covers injuries incurred when eligible players are playing/practicing against other eligible players. I'd think, but do not know for certain, that if eligible CovCath players practiced during the season against any person that is not an eligible player it would be a violation of the KHSAA rules intended to ensure that the catastrophic coverage is not lost.

  12. At least they are significant and playing for state championships, let's be truthful Scott football is the third wheel in Kenton County football. Heck I played on a couple of 1-10 teams that had victories over Scott. Do they still have a program? Just sayin


    Come on BB, that's too harsh in my opinion. Scott improved dramatically the last couple of years. I like what is being done at Scott.

  13. There's definitely something wrong with it.


    But once again we have a headline problem. The act is considered licit under THIS PARTICULAR STATUTE. The law needs to be rewritten to ban this as well.


    "In a state of partial nudity" is not a phrase I would have any idea what to do with were I trying to defend this law... but I know exactly how I'd tear it down, which is just what this lawyer did.


    If I recall properly, several states have previously re-written their statutes to make this behavior illegal. The Mass. legislature had not done so yet (but I'm sure they will now).

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