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Everything posted by airSABU

  1. No reason to be sorry Final4 said it was 15 beers ago i mean 15 years ago when he cought that whopper so we were both wrong
  2. finals4 told me u were wrong it was 12 8 ounces get it straight will
  3. fORGIVE ME It was rather late when i made the post and had planned to mention that it was wwI . thanks for bringing it to my attention.
  4. There is one option that people who plan and participate in these peace rally's havent pushed for and it's something that I don't think they have considered. #1 Why don't we back of of everything, no more being the world Policeman. To put it in simple terms just stay here at home and not get involved, if Saddam Gasses people tough its not our problem, I f all the Middle east comes together and attacks Isreal no problem it's not the US's problem. If Hilter's Great grandson comes to power and decides he wants to expand no problem. If The south American countries begin to battle each other and wipe out the rainforrest which supplies 35% of earth's Oxgen no problem if Canada become a dictator ship no problem. Tell me where our world will be in ten years, my guess chaos! We are now and have always been in the nation build business its part of being a world power, right now we are the only one. I dont want a war but if you have to have one then do it right. The problem today as it was in 60's is people dont know why we have war's they are too enlightened by CNN, MSNBC, fox and the majors and you will be hard pressed to see pro war stories. I love knowledge but we as a nation need to learn a remember a few things. If Sept 11 had happened in 1941 what do you think our nation would have done? I would guess Truman would have sent a couple of our fatman/little boy experiments to someone's backyard. Our soldiers our hero's fought and died for this nation to stop a mad man. What did Germany do to the US before we declared war, they warned us not to get on english liners so innocents wouldnt be hurt but we enter the war to save lives. The pupose of History is to learn from out mistakes, How many innocents were killed by our bombs we dont know. why? Because the networks didn't stick it in you face each night. When you declare war it is on a nation and our educated people havent understood that since Nam. We didnt declare war on the Nazi's we declared war on Germany all of Germany, if a bomb hit a school in ww2 guess what it hit a building no news no cnn no crying liberals. But now it's on tv and if one "innocent" is hit guess what cover of time and Larry king interviews the family. Right now im not sure I want this war but it not the Presidents Job too convince me or everyone, only the majority. And right now 56% think we should so guess what our nation has spoken. Las tyear i hosted a forign exchange student from Germany and he sent me an email, his statement was Bush was looking for a reason to attack, but Germany's greatest fear was not of bush or the US but of a mildle eastern Madman and what he would do in the region and in Europe, and this is according to what he is seeing and hearing. It is a frightning time i agree. One last question if Castro were to announce he was in the process of starting nuclear research and balistic weapons program would we see peace rallys poping up saying stay out of cuba. But then again they are only 90 miles away from us. Love your country, Love your nation, if you dont like it vote its your right but keep your signs out of my yard.
  5. i dont live in the 16th, so i will be honest and tell you i dont have a dog in this fight but i do have a few questions, how long has rosehill been a private school, how were there teams before they got coach hall, and would any of these threads been started if some of you just cant stand to lose to someone you were beating before. I only ask this because i know in my region when a team that normally doesnt do well the "usual supects" go nuts because they cant stand to lose to them.
  6. I beg to differ. Up until this year we had a small private school "The Piarist Schoo" which im not sure but i dont think that they won more than one game in the 6 or 7 years which they had a varsity team. I do know that I saw their coach call atime out to celebrate a block one of their players made even though they were behind by 73 points at the time. I know, I know its an extreme but i kid you not I really beleive that 4 of the 15th regions girls teams could have beat them. If there are any 15 region fans out there that saw them play they would agree with me. Im not making fun of them I respected them for playing for a pure love of the game but I for one don;t think I could have put my child out there for some of the beatings that they took when they were playing.
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