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Posts posted by P_G

  1. Read through this. Interesting. Can one also say that millennials are lazy? After reading this, many of the things I see that they don't like are in some way connected to not wanting to put in the effort/energy.


    I don’t remember which CEO said it, but it was something along the lines of “I assign the most impossible of tasks to lazy people because they will find the most efficient way to do it.” Hence, Amazon and online banking.

  2. Nope, that's not it at all. You're entirely missing the point. They can promote and do whatever they want. More power to them.


    They just need to understand that there's a very large segment of their potential audience that isn't interested in hearing their opinions on things.


    When you go through the checkout line at the supermarket, do you care what your cashier's thoughts on gender equality are? Maybe you do, and that's great if so, but me, I just want them to check my groceries out so I can get on with my day.


    I go to the self-checkout if I want to avoid human communication.


    I've held back thoughts because "what if the audience doesn't care?" and I really hate that feeling, so if the cashier has some thoughts on a subject, even if it may be out of their wheelhouse, what's the harm in listening?


    Are those additional 30 seconds about human trafficking really such a nuisance to your viewing experience? If so, HERE are the people you should be mad at. They're the ones putting up the money so these no-nothings can spew their agenda-driven "causes."


    Like, we're tired of people giving a public speech when placed on the business end of a microphone. Is that not at least a little bit ridiculous? Why don't we just have one presenter sit behind a big desk with a gavel, and once everyone has had a chance to look at the winner as they walk across the stage to accept their award, and once the winner waves at the crowd to signify their thanks, the MC slams the gavel, a hush comes over the crowd, and on to the next one?

  3. So if I've learned anything here, artists' and athletes' are incapable of and should avoid promoting a worthy "cause" because they are merely here for our entertainment? That pretty much get it?


    Is it because they're famous? rich? open to the possibility of a reality outside of that in which they live? Help me understand.

  4. If that's how you see it, that's cool. I simply don't really care about the lives of famous people. I watch a movie to be entertained. I listen to music to be entertained. I watch sports to be entertained. I don't care about the individuals in those fields, unless I personally know them, and I don't personally know any of them.


    And I'm sure you're not alone in this thinking, but why, then, are athletes and entertainers transgressions made so public? If we don't care about them as people, why do stories about their history of sexual and domestic abuse continue to be published by the hour? Why do we have seven pages on LaVar Ball but seven threads about the actual games being played in the NBA?


    I feel like an atheist telling a christian that they can't pick and choose when the Bible applies to them.

  5. It would help in these award shows, not only music but others such as the Oscars, if they would stick to the subject and reason they are holding the event and leave all the other non-awards topics out of it. Too many are grandstanding and posturing for a “cause”. Jeez, just show some highlights of the nominee, say a few nice or comical words about the individual, and announce the award winner. Then the winner should come up and give a short thanks speech and go sit down. It would make the evening go much smoother and easier to watch imo.


    Certainly they're free to talk about whatever they see fit. I'll always support their right to do so. However with that comes the realization that a lot of people don't care, and don't want to hear it.


    Frankly, I don't care what Kendrick Lamar thinks, I don't care what Beyonce thinks or Ed Sheeren, I don't care what Rose McGowan thinks, or Ashley Judd, or Tom Cruise, or Tom Hanks, or Oprah, or Meryl Streep, etc.


    Only reason I care to pay any of them even the slightest attention is to be entertained by their music or acting performances. Short of that, they serve no purpose in my life.


    I suppose I shouldn’t have used quotations since I wasn’t actually quoting someone.

    But the point I’m making is I’m tuning in to watch an awards show, not all this other stuff. They have the constitutional right to do it but they need to use other outlets to do it. And I also think many of them are simply grandstanding in front of their peers. I don’t have proof of that but just a feeling that a few want to be in the limelight on these special nights but don’t take it much further than that afterwards with their money and other actions.

    But my main point is these nights are for the awards and that’s the primary reason most people watch them.


    I don't know how else to put it; This is essentially "shut up and play," like we heard with Kap. Not trying to paint anybody any type of way. Them's just the optics.

  6. First, I don't think this is unique to UK fans, and that's already been mentioned, but rankings are how ~95% of fans gauge how good their teams are.


    The overwhelming majority of fans in all sports have a limited understanding of the game, so "experts" giving an estimation of how good a team is could be the only way they know if their team is any good or not.


    It's why we get caught up in the Cinderellas in March. "They weren't ranked, shows what those experts know."

  7. It would help in these award shows, not only music but others such as the Oscars, if they would stick to the subject and reason they are holding the event and leave all the other non-awards topics out of it. Too many are grandstanding and posturing for a “cause”. Jeez, just show some highlights of the nominee, say a few nice or comical words about the individual, and announce the award winner. Then the winner should come up and give a short thanks speech and go sit down. It would make the evening go much smoother and easier to watch imo.


    "Cause"? In quotations? So dudes being creeps and inequality in the industry are just "causes?" Are we not tired of suppressing these dirty little secrets?


    Just curious what issue would be so worthy of dropping the "..."

  8. By laying up, he effectively said he wasn't trying to win.


    Right, but it took him four minutes of deciding the best way to try to win, before he decided he wasn't trying to win.


    Also, funny to me that I'm up in arms over four minutes when NBA refs take that and more regularly to review plays.

  9. Agreed, Basketball or Football...never buy it!!!


    Fun fact, since Oregon won the first NCAA tournament in ‘39, schools west of the Mississippi River have won 26 times.


    Considering 11 of those are UCLA’s, it’s hard for me to not have an East Coast bias.


    That said, Arizona won in 97, KU in 08, so we shouldn’t be far off from another, unless Gonzaga blew the region’s only chance at a title this decade.

  10. You can't win now. For pop song of the year Ed Sheeran was nominated along with four other women... you would think that is progress! Then he is announced as the winner and his win gets blasted on social media.


    It's not his fault he won, but when you consider the messages of the songs nominated and the social climate of the times, it was pretty tone-deaf for the academy to pick his as the winner.

  11. I was happy to see Day get the win.


    I didn’t have a problem with JB waiting, since if he eagled he would’ve tied at-10, but waiting and then deciding to lay up didn’t help. Noren couldn’t have been happy about that.


    I can't wrap my mind about having a clear green ahead and taking four minutes to hit the ball.

  12. No chance either of those guys would get drafted at this point. I've not seen any mock that shows them in either round.


    Luckily for them, they don't have to declare at this point. I just think they'll both be at the combine this summer.


    Richards? No way.


    He still has somewhere between 11 & 20 games to raise his stock.


    I think he's gone. I forgot PJ, but I think he goes too.

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