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Posts posted by ukcatfan17

  1. Went out Friday afternoon with my 2 sons. We each now have a place to hunt from, either ground blinds or 1 ladder stand. One son had a small doe out by his ladder stand and I eventually came my way and ate corn for awhile. An even smaller deer joined in and both returned a couple more times. I’d say the larger of the 2’s back was no more than 3 feet high...maybe a yearling, so I didn’t shoot. She likes to hang out around my feeder so maybe will lure in a buck later. Also had 6 turkeys show up, then walked out to where my other son was sitting in his blind. All hens. Can’t shoot them since we bait with corn....rats. Also had a squirrel and rabbit show up, then a noisy large screech owl flying around the woods. Saw it in a tree as I walked out...probably a good 18 inches tall and a long wingspan when he flew away after I lit him up with the spotlight.


    Just looked at trial cam pics and there is a buck with a huge rack I’ve not seen before further up in the hayfield nearer my mother’s house. It was at night so the pic isn’t great, but looked to possibly be a 10 pointer. He makes the 8 pointer look small. Now I wish I had a blind set up in that area....lots of bucks, but only after dark. Need to figure out how to get them out earlier so I can bag one.

  2. That was almost a sure first down and you go from the wildcat to a pass play? Seriously? On 3&1? Kentucky football at its finest


    Sorry to correct...3rd and a long 2...still put it in Snells hands to get since he is your cash cow. QB has eaten too many this game.

  3. The Marathon station at Hands Pike and 17 has a guy at the pumps to fill your tank up. They have a sign in the lot that says full service no extra charge. Being older, I had him fill my tank and paid with a credit card and didnt give him a tip. My 20 something son said I am supposed to tip him for filling my tank. In the olden days, we never tipped for full service. Has this changed?

  4. I bet you get “the bird”a lot!


    Doesn’t bother me. Rather have them mad and watching the road, esp if they end up behind me and potentially rear ending me.


    Saw a woman putting on eyeliner while driving last week....really? Can’t you just get it done at home before you leave?

  5. Agreed. I think at any given time, over 50% of all drivers on the roadways are driving while either texting, surfing the web, or talking on their phone.


    When I see someone driving with their phone up looking at it, I honk my horn and wave my hand and point down to tell them to pay attention to the road.

  6. I put out a moultrie programmable feeder this year and set it to feed 1 time a day about 5:45. Been having does on camera a lot and some bucks, but not as consistent and mostly during the night which stinks. I drove my utv out Thursday eve to put out corn in all my other spots and saw a doe at the feeder when I rounded the bend. Hopefully they will keep coming when crossbow starts.

  7. I had the 5s in 2013 as my 1st smart phone and loved it. Upgraded 3 years later to the 7plus due to the larger screen. Verizon gave me $400 trade in and my bill pretty much never changed... I’m sure I’m getting it somewhere. I’d look into a new one next year, but i won’t if it will raise my bill. I already give them enough. I have given thought to switching to Samsung... maybe this will push me in that direction if it is $100s less. My boys love theirs.

  8. Kicking myself right now. Went to Walmart for deer corn a few days ago and walked past the grill section. Everything on markdown and they 1 Barrel House 18c smoker marked down from $197 to $30. Didn’t know much about it so I went home and did research on it later in the eve. Seems like it is a great system. I went back the next morning and it was gone. Called some other local stores and they didn’t have any either. UGH!

  9. Bought a bottle of Virginia Black American Whisky on clearance at Kroger today under $20. It’s a 2 year old, distilled in IN, so we all know it’s MGP. The website says it is a high rye bourbon so it’s strange the bottle doesn’t proclaim that. Can’t wait to crack it open Friday. Also found a bottle of IW Harper for under $20.

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