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Posts posted by Watchmen

  1. I have the feeling your comment was directed at my comment...I am ecstatic that everyone wants the ball this year and not putting the pressure on one or two to do the bulk of the scoring, as it is harder to stop 5 that will take it to the hole vs 2. I was just stating that the 2 from last season haven't IMO really played to their full potential in these first 3.


    I am so confused with you Dixie. You pm me to tell me you know who I am and then you give me names of people I don't even know. Accuse me of having others back me up. Heck, i don't know a single person on this site. At least I don't think I do. Rcc9 has 'liked' me a lot and couldn't begin to tell you who he or she is.


    You are reading way to hard into my assessment of this team. I think they could be great and do extremely well. That is why I am following the development of this team. They are well coached and have tremendous players but they have to figure out how to do it as a team. That's it. I have never singled out a player negatively, you reference two above.....I don't know who they are (I assume one is niece, and I would say she knows the importance of her role; the other I don't have a clue). But I would say this time of year I don't think any kid is playing At their peak level. At least I hope not. Hope that comes later in year.


    I did like what I saw at notre dame and think that's great to build on. Hope they string two together tonight. They seem to be starting to feel comfortable with each other. I know they are still missing one girl (buckner) that brings a different dimension so hopefully she gets back soon too. Nice to see stamper, harney, jones and Gilliam get out and pressure the ball. My favorite kind of ball to watch

  2. I wasn't trying to stir the pot with my comment. Rather, I was talk to you later to stir conversation. I agree with all the responses above. I thought they had a great draw in the state tournament a few years ago. I also thought that set some unfair high expectations. But also curious to see if the team progressed over the next few years to approach those expectations. One variable you also can't ignore is the coaching change. I do not know whether that was a good thing or not but it is a question

  3. Please re read what I wrote purplepride I never said country was in chaos etc... nor stated that voting for trump was pro American or whatever you stated


    I asked if you hoped trump did well? I stated , more or less, that it's sad that people in this country hope it goes into chaos because they are distraught because there candidate lost. THAT stance is not very pro America.

    Just curious on your beliefs with that. That's all. Jus looking for common ground

  4. It's coming. Wait for it.


    I'm not sure I understand unless your simply trying to antagonize for which it doesn't


    My question to you is do you hope that trump does well? Some people are so distraught they actually hope he fails and our country goes into chaos. These are the individuals I truly have problems with. I struggle with the people promoting unrest because there candidate didn't win. Not very pro America

  5. Don't say anything. Just wait for it. It's coming.


    Let's all hope your wrong. Regardless who the president is I hope they do tremendous. I've thought that for every president regardless of party because in the end, we are all Americans so I never pull for my team to fail. Feel for those that do. They simply don't know how fortunate we have it as Americans

  6. I'm agreeing with you. But the root problem for any politician is they wrote it, they believe it. Step away from who eleased it (by the way, I don't condone) but to not also recognize the fact that what was released tells you a lot about the manipulation of that candidate. To deny things publicly and then have emails released showing they believe the opposite. That's a HUGE issue. Wouldn't you agree?

  7. Julian Assange has already answered that question in an interview. He stated that they saw nothing interesting in their emails. With trump, he is already an open book. Of course, I just paraphrased but am much closer than what the nyt would lead you to believe. Everyone worried about false stories etc. if you take a little time to do your own research you can most of the time get thru the garbage In this instance, I found an interview where he stated the above. He may be lying, but st this point he has a better track record than the nyt

    I've found the nyt is not reliable so I don't consider them a source any longer. If you can't discern there slant then you are simply wanting their stories to be true so your not seeking the truth to begin with. They have on occasions admitted as much. They have become no more than a trash tabloid so I view them no different than the enquirer for political stories.

  8. It doesn't matter who hacked the emails. Everyone screams for transparency until you get to look under their coat. While we need to deal with cyber attacks, the DNC must realize if they hadn't written such toxic emails in the first place there wouldn't be an issue.


    Root cause: writing the emails and being very underhanded and manipulative in the first place. Weak current president that doesn't defend the country against such attacks.

  9. I wouldn't worry about individual scoring. I would worry about who is playing defense and hope the ball is being distributed like it was against notre dame. Absolutely nothing wrong with what they did the other night. Chemistry is the key for this team to achieve their goals. I would rather be balanced which is a nightmare to play against vs guarding one or two. Easier to stop one or two vs 6 or 7.

    Defense will carry you into post season and keep you in games on off nights. You have to be able to score; which I would hope they learned from the passing clinic Mercer county put on sk. That's when you know you can have something special.


    Love the cal quotes. We can all eat if we are a band of brothers (sisters)

  10. If sk plays hard and together. They win. Sacred heart doesn't have an answer for sk center if she shows up and plays hard. Guard play should be interesting. If the ball is moving and Sks guards are aggressive at driving to the rim and dropping to Meier then it will be tough on sacred heart. If sk sits back then I think Berger has to much command of the offense and sacred heart can run their sets. That would be bad news for sk. Sk doesn't not win a shooting contest.


    Keys for sk

    Tempo , defensive disruption, ball movement, post play


    Keys for Sacred heart

    Tempo, rebounding , stopping ball penetration and ability to run offensive sets

  11. SK came out of the game with very balanced scoring. It looks like the coaches are still playing with rotations and figuring out who can do what. Which is excellent this time of year. I thought SK gave better effort this game and really loved to see them working hard on defense and taking care of the ball. This team can be really good when they figure out all of the pieces and everyone hopefully settles into their respective roles.

    Well coached team.

  12. I will be traveling and watching this game and will be curious to see this matchup. I've heard a lot about young players for Conner so I'm anxious to see how they hold up to CC offense. I think coach Menefee offense will stress Conner to play solid defense the entire game.

    I'm taking CC in this game as I think the camels are the better team at this point

  13. I agree with about everything you said.


    The best solution is to give their homes back to them and their way of life. I think the U.S. made a grave grave mistake when President Obama decided to pull out all troops from Iraq. (No interest in discussing the war in the first place, just discussing mistakes since then). The second big mistake was allowing ISIS to move into Iraq and we sat on the side line until PM Malaki resigned. I don't know we could have prevented the issues in Syria but we certainly were in position to help Iraq. President Obama's own cabinet has admitted to two bad mistakes. First, not keeping a thumb on Malaki and telling him to legislate as he seems fit because they are a sovereign nation. Mistake because of the 1000 years of secretarian violence and allowing it to go unchecked with Malaki. Then playing hardball with Malaki after the fact. Isis was seen, known to be advancing and could have been destroyed before reaching Mosul. Now another thousand lives are lost.


    If we as a country or people truly care about the Syrian or Iraqi people. We have a very capable military that could resolve this issue in a matter of months. The UN or World powers can then step in and help them rebuild their Cities, Schools, Hospitals, Neighborhoods etc.... I honestly believe that all the Syrian and Iraqi people would be thrilled to rid themselves of such a horrifying group such as ISIS. However, we seemed to be more concerned politically than truly helping these people. Bringing them here to the U.S. or Europe or Austrailia etc... does not help them.

    I have a very very good friend who was a refuge from Vietnam. His family, like many in the current day crisis. Were separated throughout the world. While he has many wonderful experiences here in the U.S. he still longs for his family to be back together in the place his family is from for at least 5 generations.


    We are simply taking the easy road and keep telling ourselves how wonderful we are. Go take care of business. If you don't, as we have all witnessed over the past years. The issue will continue to fester and cost lives around the world.

  14. OK. Here is a silly attempt on my part to have a rational conversation on this topic.


    Its a simple question that I have often wondered after watching interview upon interview of these refugees.


    Focusing on the refugees impacted by the Syrian and Iraq conflict. Just about 100% of them state their respective families have lived in their homes for multiple generations and they did not want to leave. These areas have been their families homes for 100+ years. They are devastated to leave these areas they have known their entire lives to go into these strange new areas. I couldn't imagine having to give up your land, houses, business and lives after being over ran but such an awful ideology.


    In the business world and my coaching experience, I was mentored to fix the root problem and not the symptom. Following this advice, I have always found that to be 100% successful in no matter what I did.


    If I apply that logic to this situation with regard to how difficult this situation is; and if I truly care about the refugees. The obvious, but very difficult, solution is to give them there homes back. Most, if not all, of these refugees do not want to be uprooted. If I truly cared about them, then I do everything within my power to give there homes back to them. Moving them is simply ignoring the real problem.

  15. Thank you Panda for posting the pictures. I was only able to see the 2nd half of this game and by that time it was out of hand or most certainly close to being out of hand. Montini def. had some players! Very impressive team


    Very contrasting from the Ryle game. SK simply overwhelmed Ryle and hard to tell much from that game. I can almost say the same thing with this game however it was SK that seemed to be getting overwhelmed.


    Offensively, SK really struggled to take care of the ball. I would like to know the live ball turnovers alone in this game as that creates all kinds of issues defensively and obviously impacts the number of shots you are able to get up. Montini size seemed to bother SK as well. I'm guessing they were close to 10 blocks and SK also shot almost double digit air balls. I think the size and pressure from Montini had something to do with that.


    Defensively, the guards really struggled again stopping ball penetration and getting thru screens. Montini was very well coached and very talented. They used multiple 'set' plays to get open threes and their girls seemed to knock them down every time. SK also missed multiple, multiple block out opportunities that allowed Montini to get second and third chances. Outside of ball penetration, rebounding is starting to be an issue for the team. The better the competition you play the more that has to be cleaned up. Simple pride; concentrate, stop your player from penetrating, block out. Be in solid defensive position every time and the sky could be the limit. More focus on defense vs how many points I have. I'm sure these coaches will grade the players out and they will all learn from this.


    Great team to play against early in the season. Hopefully these girls will learn from this experience and continue to grow as a team. Team ball, ball movement, ball security and better defense. As coach Cal says... they will all eat, otherwise..... ughhh

  16. I agree with the assessment that if this game is close, sk will have a lot of work to do. Not interested in final score as much as seeing how the game is played. Coach stowers often works on bench, plays, players early in season.

    That said, I will find it interesting to see how sk guards stop ball penetration from Ryle. Sk has a huge advantage in strength at the guard and interior positions so I expect sk to be able to play a little bully ball. It's the finese part I'm curious to watch.

    My first game to take in this year so I'm also curious to see how much ball movement they have vs settling for outside shots. Curious to see team chemistry. This team is going to have to learn to take high percentage shots if they want to make any run at the state. From what I was told about Merced scrimmage, way to much ball penetration by Mercer and they took sk to a clinic for ball movement and our rebounding wasn't lacking.

    Early early early but I'm confident we will see improvement in these areas

  17. 1. Holmes

    1. Simon Kenton


    3. Scott

    4. Highlands

    5. Campbell county

    6. Holy Cross

    7. Ryle


    I have my top 7. From what I heard regarding sk scrimmage they have a lot of work to do defensively. Guards consistently allowed merger to penetrate causing the defense to scramble too often. That's not a horrible thing this time of year


    Highlands will surprise some people. Very athletic and if they play together they will be tough by year end


    Campbell is tough as they force all 5 to play defense. Some teams that have a few holes in their D usually struggle with all their backdoor cuts


    Ryle has one of the best 'point guards' in nky. That is what makes them dangerous. She will make her teammates better and that always makes a team dangerous. However. They lack numbers and an inside presence. I don't see that changing anytime soon

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