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Posts posted by Watchmen

  1. I'm not sure what this accomplishes other than symantics. You basically have this today with every team having a chance to play thru their respective districts.


    Putting some of these lower ranked teams against the regions best simply sets up a lot of lopsided scores in the first round. I also enjoy the banter for district seedlings and how those regular season games play out


    I guess fun to play with but again I'm not sure it accomplishes much other than giving out participation ribbons

  2. First game I've seen in awhile and have to say the girls were rolling.


    Footballforever, I don't think the sk girls have the same assessment as you do as many of them are friends with the highlands girls. Regardless, show a little respect and act like you have been there before


    This team does have its weaknesses just like any other team out there. What I saw was a team that improved defensively and has things going in the right direction at the right time. I think they can play anyone San king as they are solid in defense.


    Highlands, USB a solid team and sk caught them on a bad night when they weren't having a good night. I expect both teams to do well in their respective regions

  3. SK is pretty darn good! It's tough to hang with them for an entire game if you can't match the horses.


    I think you are correct. I said it in another thread, SK is a different team than what they were earlier in the year. Meier playing with some emotion, Harney has become more comfortable and is playing very good basketball, niece still steady as ever, harmeyer hitting shots, jones playing good d but finally starting to heat up, Gilliam play very well on both ends of floor and Buckner finally coming back from injury and starting to show flashes of being back

    This team still has an upside and I think belong in top 3 or 4. They can be beat but if they play well they can beat anyone


    Really curious to hear how they look against sacred heart. I think they are a great measuring stick to see how all these pieces have grown together vs first part of year

  4. You guys say it and watch it every day on these threads. The key to this whole thing is not to be derogatory to one group or another. The minute you use these "escalator" words you turn off the very group you are trying to reach leaving nothing accomplished but people further diffing in their heals.


    To me this video is very dividing not welcoming. Why? Your attacking or demeaning one group. Regardless of who they are.


    Unlike this lady, they need a leader that is a uniter not a divider.

  5. I blame parents, AAU, and message boards. I also blame a culture of entitlement that today's teens have and that they don't have to work hard to win/get playing time.


    If it is any of the above then that is 100% on the coach. I don't believe parents, aau or message boards decide who is playing and how much. If the players don't respond to the coach, there is this thing called a bench they should be sitting on. If their not, then that's the coaches decision.


    Now if parents are deciding or "influencing" playing time. Still the coaches problem for getting himself in that situation.


    I guess that leaves the coach responsible regardless how you look at it

  6. anyone else hearing about some team turmoil with SK


    I can tell you if I have a choice rest of season I'm going to watch the girls.


    I think turmoil has been in the program for years. When you have as many good players leave over the years as they have I believe that speaks for himself. While he just completed a large exodus a few years ago. They are poised for another one in next years or two.


    I've said before, very few players turn into great players in this program I can't give or won't share my opinions but this school should have produced some standouts and hung a few regional banners. However they are more accustomed to first round exits.

  7. As I said in another thread about sk. Ryle is a much different team now than when both teams played; much better. I don't see this being a blow out, this is where SK bad habits may be exploited. Tired legs make for easy straight line ball drives preassuring the bigs and possibly getting them in foul trouble and can impact your shooting. Sk coaches have been trying to puns ball inside. This may be the type of game where you see the importance of that mentality


    Keys to this game.


    guards must stop ball from getting into the lane

    Meier needs to be in beast mode on the glass and scoring

    Shot selection

    Guards must use their physical strength in paint

    Limit Ryle to one shot per possession



    Guards need to preassure sk bigs by forcing them to help

    Make some shots

    Perimeter defensive preassure


  8. It's been an interesting perspective as I haven't seen them play every game but have seen them in segments. I have to say this team has really come along and is very good right now. They are def a contender in my book.


    They are a much much different team than what I saw before the lex cath tournament. They seemed to have started figuring the pieces out and the latest version I have seen is much much different in a very positive sense.


    Baily Harney seems to be setteling in quiet nicely.


    Meier is now playing with energy and is a beast when she gets after it


    Niece is doing a much better job handling point duties. When the ball moves there energy level is different


    Harmeyer is getting hot and she feeds off her shooting. Hope she continues to develop and not just rely on shooting


    Jones is providing some speed and energy on both ends of the floor. Can be key for this team at times. Shooting is off so look out when she gets dialed in


    Gilliam has really handled some adversity with grace. She seems to have relaxed is playing very solid basketball right now. I believe recently rewarded by moving back into the starting rotation


    Buckner is starting to get a lot healthier and gaining a little more confidence from her injury. She is going to be key for this team to run deep. Need her length and athleticism against the top teams


    Stamper comes off the bench and is a warrior. She is pressing things so she comes in and helps tremendously


    Bush started a few games to challenge Meier and I believe it helped both players. Her size and athleticism can bother opponents on the defensive end


    Dressman also can come off the bench and provide some needed muscle and size at times.


    Vickers is also earning a level of trust and is very stable contributor when called upon


    This team can go deep and can be scary good if they continue to improve defensively. Defensive rebounding is the biggest weakness I see in them right now as some girls sk play haven't figured out how to block out. They also have to continue to work on securing the ball. They can get sloppy in spurts


    Good luck ladies the rest of the year

  9. I don't disagree at all regarding Williamstown's overall performance. They deserved the game. They wanted it and their kids really got after it. Great win for them, I think you could see this coming from how they played SK in the previous years.


    My point with SK's two Bigs. Play a high low game.....have both of them in position to rebound missed shots. Be a threat on the boards. Use your advantage in a game like that.


    SK should show more diversity than they do.

  10. The "tall players belong in the post" argument is lazy. Hawkins is a terrific player and best serves his team with the ball in his hands, regardless of his position on the floor.


    Please understand I'm not making a comparison when I ask, can you imagine where Kevin Durant would be if his HS coach had buried him in the post?


    Ok let me be clear. I'm not saying anything negative about the kid.


    Comment lazy? Durant is one of the elite skilled freakish players in the world. But even he will bury a smaller player in the post and will do that until an adjustment is made. That's common sense and taking advantage of your attributes. Not lazy


    I have only seen sk maybe attempt that on occasion. My point is that should be automatic and consistent. Not every now and then. I think this team would see their scoring efficiency, time of possession etc.... go up. And most importantly.... W's


    This could develop into the crunch time set when you really need a basket


    by the way, if I had Durant in the local high school setting? He sure as heck wouldn't spend 80% of his time outside the 3 point line. I would put him in multiple positions to take advantage of what we had the most of that game. I would have to think that would be down low controlling the boards or in the mid range area shooting over kids with the occasional 3. As teams pack it in and he can't move in the lane then you let him make his outside presence known


    Point being.... take advantage of what you have. Sk seems to have the same game plan no matter whom the opponent is. That's lazy. Develop these kids to learn to attack their opponents weakness

  11. They really don't have that big of a height advantage outside of their center. Everyone else is on the perimeter. Take your size and put it on the block and pound the glass. Play guards that are physically ready and can play defense that can help you now.


    You know what doesn't work.


    Definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results

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