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Rick Rude

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Posts posted by Rick Rude

  1. Was this just an bad showing for Cooper or is Holy across better than we expected


    YES......this was a bad showing by Cooper and yes the Cross was better than expected. What Holy Cross lacks in athletism they make up with their overall b-ball IQ. I guarantee Coach Sully wasnt satisfied by his teams offensive execution and overall effort. Only the first game. The season is just about getting ready for tournament time. Thank goodness you don't have to be peaking after the first game.

  2. A number of people and schools were with you. Morehead didn't even recruit him I don't think. I wasn't one of them I'm happy to say. Nice of you to admit it. Many people wouldn't do that. Class move.


    I will admit it too. I thought Shaun Alexander would be moved to another position and never play running back at Bama. That shows my ability to evaluate talent....Lol!!!! Way to work your butt off Drew to become the player that you are!!!!!

  3. They are both special players, and I hope that is not the last time they are on the same floor. Dontaie does have exceptional physical gifts, but he does truly work his tail off to maximize them.


    Jake and Dontaie are both good kids who work hard and play within the team game plan. I find it unfortunate that some would criticize them because they are, on most possessions, their team's best option to score. I have yet to see either one of them take a shot when they had a teammate in a better position to score.


    Congratulations to both of them. I hope they both continue to play the same way.


    Sounds like both of them are very fortunate to have coaches that will allow them to maximize their talents.

  4. Holy Cross was definitely better than expected. Once their football players get back in the groove they will give a lot of teams fits. Cooper really looked sluggish on offense and never seemed to have a good flow to it. Only the first game and both teams will only get better. Heck, the only reason that these games are played is to hopefully be peaking at tournament time when the games count.

  5. Observation from watching Pulaski on Saturday:


    Landon Powell barely touches the ball. And when he did, he shot some pretty atrocious bricks. Danny Butt was playing the 1 and bringing the ball up while Landon played off the ball.


    Also, they never look in the post to Sylvester. He even yelled "Give me the ball" one time when he had the post defender on his back. He didn't get the ball.....


    The concern would be if they will have long term chemistry issues. Long season. Lots of time to get stuff fixed.


    Powell and Sylvester better get used to not touching the ball as much. You know Fitzgerald and Butt are gonna get theirs know matter what. They may get wins but I bet a lot of their teammates wish they would have stayed where they were.

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