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Posts posted by UmayBright*but

  1. 10 for 10 or buy one get one free.


    Do they actually use the word "gimmick"? If they do that is a farce!! 10 for 10 and bogof is a legitimate sale price. If they consider that a gimimick than that is funny. I guess Walmart ..oh nevermind!!:lol:

  2. I don't understand "tuition" students. You can live outside of a school district and still attend that school. That would be a huge advantage over schools that don't allow this.


    It is and it isn't. Tuition students are very important to $chools. Most schools take them. Holmes takes them, the Kenton County schools take them, Ludlow takes them. I could go on and on.

    Boone County doesn't take them, but that is due to the growth issue in the county.

    You don't just get into a school because you want to, you have to be a decent student and a good citizen.

    Good athletes who are not good students are just not worth the risk. State testing is to important.

  3. I agree that they are fine academic schools. However, kids will learn anywhere, if they want to learn. This is even true of Holmes (no offense Holmes! but the academic index speaks for itself) Just sending a kid to these schools is no guarntee of a better education, that is up to the kid. However, if my little Johnny wants to play for a winner, I will send him to Highlands or Beechwood, because of academics. :sssh:


    I just cannot agree with the , "the kids will learn anywhere, if they want to learn"

    I don't want to call out any schools or kids, but I know of kids who changed schools to attend better academic schools and struggled in their new environment.

    I seem to recall a certain transfer to Beechwood who was a straight A student at his former school and struggled to stay eligible after his transfer. He did eventually succeed in the classroom after a lot of hard work.

    I also recall an A/B student from a school last year who couldn't score high enough to be eligible for his Div. I scholarship.

    I also know of kids at BHS and HHS who ranked in the halfway part of their class and scored 25+ on their ACT.

    These schools will continue to receive good student athletes based on this alone.

    Schools and Boosters need to hold academics first if they want to build a better athletic program.:thumb:

  4. Would anyone on BGP actually be naive ehough to think these teams are that great without getting players from outside the district? regardless of whether or not they are approved transfers or tuition students, I see both of these teams year in and year out with superb players from outside their districts. Would they still be good teams without these players; YES. IMO, that is what is taking these teams to the next level.


    As Noel Rash would say, "It is what it is!"


    ...and your point is...You have superior academic schools with superior football programs and you are going to take issue with those schools because people want to send their kids to school there. I don't get it!!!

    Every school can do this. No school district is not permitted to build a good football or any athletic program. Maybe the answer is to make your school safer and more academically successful.

    You know "Build it and they will come":scared:

  5. I'm positive that Beechwood would much rather have a W on the field than one in the stands. Shame this is what CovCath is now known for as it is simply a small sideshow compared to the grand event that takes place on the field. I will be rooting for Beechwood and couldn't care less about a student section. Go Tigers:thumb:

    I am SO with you on this!!!:dancingpa

  6. So did I type something wrong? Did I say anything bad about the public schools? All I did copy and paste the newspaper article, pat Beechwood on the back and look at the web page of both CovCath and NDA to see how they did and reported it. :confused::confused:


    So where did I take a pot shot at the public shcools?


    The pot shot was were you had to include the self reported scores of CCH and NDA. Every post of yours seems to include how absolutely wonderful and great the students at CCH and NDA are and what great kids they are too. I happen to know that there are a lot of great kids at those schools and a lot of not so great kids and some of them happen to be kids you have applauded in the past. It gets a little old. I'll be glad to PM you when if info the next time you praise someone questionable!!


    Beechwoodfan your PC is alittle old.:flame: I think I've told you that before:eek:

  7. Highlands composite was 24.1 last year. They must soared in the fall and dropped off below 23.5 in the spring to average that.


    Actually that was for a different group! Then again I am a Catholic educated by the public schools, I'm probably wrong or misinformed or just plain unloved as are my children.


    It is very difficult for the lay person to continually compare scores because so many results are for different groups of students. The only thing that they seem to be consistent is that the same schools are continually at the top.


    Social Economic are a MAJOR factor here!


    A question here, where do I get the results for the Private Schools?

    Are they published for the general public or are they a "secret" only for the eyes of the chosen?:rolleyes:

  8. Beechwood tops NKy in ACT test scores


    From Nky.Com


    Scores released Thursday from the ACT exam taken last spring by the state's 42,929 public school juniors produced mixed results for 21 Northern Kentucky high schools.


    Thirteen of the schools scored above the state average composite score of 18.3. Scores ranged from a high of 23.5 (Beechwood High School in Fort Mitchell) to a low of 16.4 (Holmes High School in Covington).


    Click on the top of this link for the rest of the story!


    Congrats to Beechwood, not only good on the football field but also in the classroom!


    BTW from what I could find out NDA and CovCath both had composite scores in 2007 of 24.1. To be honest however, I am not sure if the score was for the entire school or just for Seniors!


    Had to get that last part in didn't you!! The public school results were for HS juniors. Did you ever think that ACT scores also have a lot to do with the social economics of the school district. I think everyone here knows that you consider Catholic education the only right way to show your child you truly care.

    The fact is that a lot of Catholics in NKY chose to send their children to good Public Schools.

    I'm sure you would be appalled at the number of Catholic Parents who choose to send their children to Beechwood, Highlands, and other high ranking public schools. Guess what! They get a good education and sometimes they even turn out to be good people!:argue:

  9. Wow Mrs FF, it seems like this stuff only pops up when a person is ready to go. I really can not remember the name of the medicine, however, I think it used to be a script. It is a cream that you rub on....it worked well for me. I really wish I could tell you the name of it. A pharm. could tell you I'm sure.


    My grandma used to make a paste with baking soda and put it on us. I was too young to remember if it worked or not.


    Zoverax Prescription only. Nothing is going to get rid of them right away! If they are there, they are there.

    Best bet is to use zoverax($$$$) as soon as you feel you might be getting them, also some sort of antacid for your stomach.

    Another thing you could put lots of perixode on it until it drys. The truth is if its got you, its got you.


    I have a lot of experience in this area. I also have a prescription for Zoverax.


    Now I'm due (overdue) for one and the above is what I will be doing.:ylsuper:

  10. :thumb:Well said which means before long Beechwoodfan, UNC-5 or ZX3 will post a comment that you don't know what your talking about. It seems the only ones upset by this soccer issue happens to be those 3. Oh yea and the FORMER Coach.

    I agree HJ, quitting as he did when he did causes me to believe IMO he has lost all creditability. I feel sorry for the girls on the team. They deserved better.


    Add me to this LIST! Unless you have a lot more info than what is posted on this BB you don't know what you are talking about!

  11. People who let their children use those roller shoes in a retail store! People who talk on cell phones while being waited on by someone in a restaurant or other service area. RUDE!


    At Home: this may sound weird but it drives me crazy when someone uses the hose and doesn't roll it back up. I think I am the chief hose roller here.

  12. Taylor Snyder leaving Beechwood is a sad thing for the Tigers. I really do not know if this was in the works before the Volleyball/Soccer, mishandled/misspoken,friendship breaker, losing a great coach incident. Taylor's father (RIP) was a NCC grad and I could see him making a decision like this!

    Good Luck Taylor, Beechwood sure will miss you and your family after Nate graduates.

  13. :lol:Ok whatever but something tells me these same board members will get re-elected when the time comes. The ones I know are all quality individuals and long time Beechwood supporters.


    ...and it doesn't change the boneheaded move they made in their choice of a superintendent!:irked:

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