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Posts posted by UmayBright*but

  1. Hard work itself isn't enough to earn respect, Winning is the only way. I really admire that in a person. I quess you have taken it upon yourself to prove my point.

    Unless you win we won't support you.

    You still insist it is the coaches, Thats pretty easy. I can tell you this you are not close enough to the program to make this evaluation.

    It is the simple things that show the lack of support.


    Cheerleaders-- By the end of the year their will probably be no more than 6 of them, when we started the season with @ 12.

    they only want to cheer for football. Spirit ribbons, not during basketball, Locker stickers,one a week like football, no you get one a year for the season.


    Pep Rally-- There are 4/5 football/volleyball pep rallies a year, the last two years there has been 1 each year for BB Boys and girls combined. I can tell you this the kids consider them a joke. because of the effort that goes into them.


    Pep club--- It ceases to exist after football season.


    So the picture you paint at Beechwood is if you win you are great we really care,but just work hard and dedicate yourself to something you believe in and you are not worth our time.


    I'm going to end my participation in this thread by taking The X-pert off may ignore list and maybe becoming a little more open minded because I certainly, now know what a Beech-Nut is

  2. Tigerswin,


    I truly think that you have learned that their are people out there that do support Beechwood basketball and not to beat a dead horse but, could you point out in your posts where you suggested the possible problems. That is besides the coach and the weak(I suppose you mean strenght) players.

    I couldn't find them. Thank-you

  3. Not only do I think there is a prejudice about the BB program around the school, I know for a fact there is a prejudice about the basketball program around the school. The kids who play basketball are contantly ridiculed for their choice to play. THIS IS A FACT.

    Maybe you need to Question your insight into the challenges of the Beechwood BB Program if you do not want to accept this. Everyone wants to play football because they do not have to worry about being cut and they have plenty of company standing around in practice and on the sidelines during a game, and Hey! just maybe they will get a ring(there is awhole lot of people running around Fort Mitchell with these rings, who fit this) for doing less than the few basketball players in the stands who blindly support the football guys efforts.

    Maybe your intention was not to dig the Coaches or the kids but you cannot blame anyone in the program from carrying a big chip on their shoulder, because of the disrespect(that you are obviously unaware of) they receive from their peers(coaches and kids).

    As far as baseball and the athletic department is concerned. you too seem to have a chip on your shoulder, To answer that chip, I have plenty. Starting with the fact that they do not have to play each Div. III team 2x. Which you obviously do not want to address.

    But a public forum is not the place to discuss this. Open your eyes and maybe you will figure it out. Basketball, why bother.

    As far as harping on Division III, you infer that people are reading your post sand misinterpreting them, if you, were reading the other post, you would see that the answer to your critizism for the basetball program is Div. III NKAC.

    It is obvious you would much rather infer blame on other things and not hear the real reason. You don't want an answer you just want to ridicule, so stay in the stands and with the rest of the part time coaches and contiue to spread your negativity. Then things will just have to stay the same and the Basketball program will continue, with or without your support, but remember a couple things everytime you critize these coaches and kids, from the stands, ask yourself how you would feal if that kid was you or maybe that kid was yours.

    I'll say it again the coachs and kids that play basketball at Beechwood have more guts than anyone else in that school.

    One last thing Tim Couch broke his leg playing in the Nfl,not because he played 4+ years of High School Basketball.

  4. Baseball is an issue, so go ahead and bring it up. Tell us how BHS and other Div. III teams don't have to play each other member 2x and then continue to tell us why the athletic dept. at Beechwood won't support the coaches and basketball supporters push to get out of Div. III. Instead of disrespecting the program try supporting the effort instead of digging the coaches and the kids. You don't come off as a supporter of BHS, but more like a supporter of baseball and football. If you have a solution, offer it don't critize you know little about. The effort of these coaches and kids should be applauded, not constantly put down. IT IS GETTING OLD.

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