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Posts posted by theguru

  1. Tubby,


    Since we went to the paid format I am making some money but it is nothing to write home about especially when you consider the hours I put into the site. It's not about the money for me but the extra perks the site has provided have been very rewarding.


    As far as the new rule goes, we had a couple of members posting garbage and before you knew it a couple turned into about twenty. Disaster was just around the corner...


    As long as everyone makes an effort there won't be any problems. For the record, grammar is one of my weakest suits but I do the best I can and that is all we are asking.

  2. Originally posted by fanofbreathitt

    This is probably a good rule, but for my sake I don't spell very well. Let me just say this......"Keep your customers happy!!!" Someone said on here, not mentioning any names, said something to the effect, "Spelling makes the opinion valid or not". What is wrong with this scenario?


    I think this rule will make the majority of our customers happy.


    I don't know if valid is the right word but remember, perception is often reality.

  3. Originally posted by BluegrassFootballFan

    Like password and Guru have said, apparently some people are not understanding the spirit of this rule.


    I think the rule is not to shut down a thread if someone types "their" or "thier" "theyre" or instead of "they're", or has a few common typo's or spelling mistakes.


    It's to avoid the 500 word posts that don't have a single period, comma or colan in them -- no punctuation marks whatsoever. Those same posts are usually the posts without a single capital letter in them, and a ton of spelling errors. These posts appear quite a bit, and are often times borderline incoherent.


    At least that's how I interpret this new rule.



  4. Originally posted by Mtnfootballfan

    Don't make me point out all the mistakes in the moderators' posts!!! You too MCCalum...I know I'll get censored for this, but you are guilty as well big time!!!!


    You are missing the point, no one is saying perfection is the standard but we do expect some effort.


    We have had a handful of posters posting messages on a 3rd grade level (at best) and several others were starting to follow their lead.


    It's a slippery slope.

  5. Originally posted by LC99



    What happen to the spell check that was on here a long time ago? Is there anyway of adding it back?


    No there is not, the contract between the two companies ran out.


    Also, I don't like spell check because it makes it a little harder to tell which members are worth or not worth paying attention to.:cool:

  6. Attention Bluegrassprepers:


    We have decided to start a new policy of shutting down threads if they have too many spelling, and grammatical errors. The purpose of this new policy is to make it easier for everyone to read all posted messages, and make communication on the board as clear and concise as possible. Please attempt to use correct capitalization, punctuation, and grammar when posting on the forums.


    This new policy does not mean that we will close down every thread with a misspelled word or improper punctuation. Nor does it mean that you should point out others mistakes or report a thread with bad grammar. However if the thread is hard to understand, or unwieldy due to bad grammar or lack of capitalization the thread may be closed or edited by a moderator.


    Thank you,

    The Management

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