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Posts posted by theguru

  1. 2) School districts don't self impose boudaries. To change a school districts boundaries they have to have state board approval. For example, Laurel County schools couldn't decide to include half of whitley county in their school district. And since those that live outside the Laurel County district don't pay taxes, they can't afford afford to let those students come in mass. I think you don't get get it, or are ignoring it.



    Again, if it's okay to seperate by size. I don't see the problem in seperating by the mode in which students are attracted.



    You are wrong! Schools do self impose. Their boundaries are set (but that doesn't mean a thing) because any school that wants to is free to take students from anywhere which means public schools and private schools are both able to take students from anywhere but some public schools choose not to do so.

  2. Guru, explain please the following question without bringing any other sport.


    If it's okay to seperate FB into classes based on size. Why is not okay to also provide seperation based on how schools get their students. I don't think that anyone would argue that private schools have a competitive advantage over similar sized public schools. Just like big 4A schools have a competitive advantage over small single A schools. So if it's okay to make classes based on competitive advantage in FB, which is currenlty being done. Why is it not okay to also apply that same theory to Private schools. They still compete for a state championship, it's just in another classification.


    I misunderstood this before.


    To answer your question because even if it was the way you are stating (it is not) it is still apples and oranges. Football is classified because it is not fair for a school with 100 boys to have to compete with a school with a 1000 boys. This is exactly why basketball and baseball should be classified too.


    Now, on to how schools get their students, I will repeat this again because everyone either ignores it or just doesn't get it:


    You can't self impose restrictions on your own school district and then complain that others won't do the same. The practice is not only stupid but it is un-american.

  3. Guru every time someone comes up with an argument your response is work harder. That in itself is a disadvantage, if a student at a private school does not have to "hustle, raise money, share playing fields, find someone else other than their parents to ride them to and from practice" then they have an advantage.


    That is some funny stuff. What do you call paying tuition on top of paying taxes?

  4. Guru, are you trying to say that the system in place now creates a level playing field? Are you also saying that the large private schools have no significant advantage over public schools? If you answer yes to the first question and no to the second, you obviously have blinders on. Saying that, I'm not for creating another division, fair or not if you are a competitor you want to beat the best.


    I am asking a question, I want to know what advantages private schools have that are unavoidable. For example, Trinity and X do have a size advantage but that is NOT unavoidable.


    How about this, you tell me what unavoidable advantages private schools have and I will defend against you. :D


    I do believe that Title 9 (or lack of) in an all boys or all girls school is an advantage. Not sure how much, but it is an advantage. However, this is still the government getting involved where maybe they shouldn't be so you could still argue this is not an unavoidable advantage.


    Titan, to sum up my thoughts on this issue, I think most of the "advantages" are perceived, the public schools are their own worst enemy most of the time, and most (but certainly not all) public schools need to do a better job. In other words, public schools need to put all this effort into improving their own school(s) instead of trying to eliminate the competition.

  5. You mean those 100's of hours I spent fundraising for my public school was simply a waste of my time? Because Uncle Sam would have given it to me. WOW. Someone needs to tell us these things in the public school because we sure don't know about.


    No, you are taking it out of context. Read the post I quoted again. All I am saying if "some rich booster" is a sugar daddy then what is Uncle Sam?

  6. What space are you talking about? There is a farm behind Dunbar that is not Dunbar's you can't steal the land. Other than that there is a parking lot where the band practices. The softball field and the baseball field. What land are you talking about?


    I never said numbers was a huge thing I said it helps because you don't have girls anyone would agree with that. 1400 Boys and 1400 Boys and Girls Doubles your boys. I never said it made you a better team I said it helps and I think anyone would agree with that.


    If space is an issue you guys need to get out and hustle or rent space.


    On the size, that is NOT unavoidable, with less public schools in Fayette County you could have larger schools. Don't divide your talent and then claim someone else won't do the same thing.

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