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Posts posted by Don't_Hate_the_Playa

  1. Micheal Spencer did not play on Covington Catholics JV team from someone I talked to , Both Mayer's are playing basketball per Covington Catholics JV coach . They both were at picture night Wed evening . Not sure how you can help Cooper's varsity when you couldn't play for Covington Catholics jv team ? Not sure the group you mentioned can match up with Fredrick , Ruthsatz , Walters , Davin , Mayer , Mayer , Thelen , Deere every kid listed but Ruthsatz is 6-4 or taller. Going to be fun watching Sullivan and Ruthsatz . If Covington Catholic reached the finals this will be Ruthsatz six straight finals of the regional in seven years guy has done the best coaching job in the state year in year out . If Sullivan can knock off Covington Catholic it will be an upset . Losing Hendrix and McNeil are major . Most nights those two players were the best basketball players for a Cooper .


    Cov Cath is supremely talented but you can only play 5 at a time and realistically in an evenly matched contest you will reduce your rotation to 8 (maybe 9) players for continuity purposes.


    My point? Cooper might not go 1-12 with Cov Cath but the Jags have enough talent to compete with Cov Cath. McNeil and Hendrix are huge losses, but Sullivan does a great job developing players, and he also does a tremendous job of getting the most out of his role players/bench. Cooper didn't miss a beat last year when McNeil went down with the knee.


    It's easy to look at Cov Cath's roster and think they have too much for any team in the region.


    Too easy...Cooper will be right there with them when the games mean the most.

  2. Overall test scores are a poor judge, IMO.


    Look at the socio-economic breakdown of the schools when looking at test scores. Like I said tell me something being taught at Beechwood/CCH (not religion) that is not offered at Boone area schools.


    And for some Beechwood/CCH is a shorter drive time wise from their house and more convenient.


    You asked what these schools offered besides athletics.


    I responded - “better academics outcomes.” Which is true - and meaningful to many parents.


    The combination of academics and athletics is undoubtedly a draw to students and parents.

  3. Tell me what CCH and Beechwood offer that cannot be found at the Boone County schools outside of athletics.


    Look at the test scores, academic ratings and college placement stats for Beechwood (and Highlands for that matter). Boone County Schools benchmark against themselves - they are not on the same level as the incorporated school districts.


    For a child who is looking for outstanding academics AND athletics Beechwood is a great fit.


    Likely CCH compares favorably to Beechwood academically - athletically that school is establishing itself as outstanding across the board. I understand the Catholic education creates a unique consideration - nonetheless CCH is undeniably a destination school.


    Many long-standing Boone County residents seem to be satisfied with the overall experience Boone County Schools are offering.


    Others drive 30-45 minutes to Ft. Mitchell or Park Hills each morning to drop their kid off.


    And those kids are just athletes.

  4. I think schools that are committed to ambition and excellence in any field - whether academically, athletically, performing arts, community service, etc. - will attract students.


    As a student or parent - why should the going-in expectation of a HS experience be that you won't have access to the best resources/opportunities, especially when there are accessible schools in the area that are capable of delivering more?


    It's about more than athletics...

  5. SK will win comfortably - if the weather is good and Shearer is on - running clock.


    The true test for Highlands Friday will not be SK or the final score, but whether they can play with pride and toughness for 4 quarters. if they do, they may not win, but SK will know they had a fight on their hands.


    If Highlands quits the score will (once again) be the least important aspect of the game story.

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