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Posts posted by Don't_Hate_the_Playa

  1. Both teams looked good in spurts. If Bagley plays the whole game I don't think MSU is able to keep it close. MSU will be tough all season but especially in March. Duke's zone defense could be the key to their early success with a young team, it looked really good early on.


    Don't think it works like that - Bagley plays the whole game no way Allen goes for as many points. Duke may actiually have been less efficient with Bagley in the game as there is only one ball and 3 points count more than 2.


    Quick question - how many times did Allen score going to his right?


    Hint - it's a very low number. Kid is great pulling up going left. To his right it's all set shots and drives. Teams will pick up on that, and things will get more challenging for Grayson. From there...


    It's early. Duke is talented, and their legs are fresh.

  2. Duke will cruise in this game, I wouldn't be surprised with a double digit win.


    Agree - always take Duke early in the year. They have a lot of talent and run a very basic offense so they will be more cohesive. Their starters haven’t played 4000 minutes and broken any bones in practice, so they will be fresh and at full strength.


    Later in the season the result will very well be different.

  3. How can the Beechwood 7th grade team be expected to beat Sts Peter and Paul?


    They'd beat St. Peter.


    They'd beat St. Paul.


    But beating both together? Tall order - even for this scrappy (and not entirely agnostic) Beechwood crew.


    Little known fact that St. Peter is also the patron saint of the corner 3. St. Paul was known as a great on-the-rock defender.





    I am curious as well. Just ran through the numbers


    from 2002-03 to last year


    15 year run




    6 District Titles


    1 Regional Finals Appearance


    0 Regional Titles


    and lets not forget the infamous "stall ball" game in 2012 where they lost to NDA in the Regional Semi Finals 8-13


    AGAIN, I think what coach Richey is an amazing person and coach just curious how the staff is "one of the best". Just a bold statement to me with not much to back it up.


    Not much to back it up. 300 wins in 15 years. Holy Cross is the only 9th Region team to win a state title. Hardly like HHS is the only 9th region team to fall short on that metric.


    How many HHS girls have gone D-I over the last 15 years? 5? 10? 15? More?


    Or less? Hard to argue that Richey is under-performing in the talent factory that is Fort Thomas.


    Here is what I SEE when I watch Highlands:


    - Players that consistently play to their skill potential

    - Players that consistently play to their athletic level

    - Players (1-9) that compete for 32 minutes at a very high level

    - Multiple offenses - both against "man" and zone defenses

    - Multiple defenses - including press variations

    - Great motion and selflessness on offense

    - Very sound on-ball/off-ball fundamentals on defense


    Here is what really strikes me about Richey - when her team NEEDS a basket she doesn't just give the ball to her best player with instructions to "make a play" - she draws something up that gets a good scorer a great look. Her ATO plays are exceptionally effective (Levandusky's are good, too).


    I've watched enough 9th region basketball to see just about every variation of the dribble drive offense (including against zones) know to man. Highlands is IMO consistently better schematically than the other teams in the region - like watching a college team.


    I don't think this team will be exceptionally talented - no Held, Scherr, - but I think they have the pieces to be successful. And the coaches to put those pieces together and put the team as a whole in a position to compete every game.

  5. Didn't realize Highlands was going to be so good as well.


    Highlands - IMO - is one of if not the best coached team in NKy. And they are talented - assuming Macke will be back on the team which should provide a real boost. I thought she was very, very good last year as a frosh at HC.


    I think the competition this year in the 9th region will be fierce - a lot of talent and experience across these teams. Whoever emerges from this region will be a worthy representative at the state tournament.

  6. There is no such thing as an objective opinion. That said, here is mine:


    - Trinity is the most talented team in the state

    - Trinity is playing at home

    - Trinity will be looking to make a statement - this game and through their playoff run

    - Trinity is a match-up nightmare for 99% of the teams in the state, but especially challenging for CC, who struggles on the perimeter both offensively and defensively, and gives up a lot of yardage in the middle of the field

    - It remains to be seen whether CC plays with any confidence. They had real motivational challenges in Independence. They will have a lot more time to think on the way down to Louisville


    This is another shutout for Trinity. The clock could be running early 2nd quarter.

  7. Moeller would be a big step up for Eviston - a real challenge with huge upside.


    GCL and top tier D-I Ohio vs. 5A Kentucky? Not even close. If LaSalle opens up it's a similar opportunity even though they are D-II.


    If the guy wants to take the next step at the HS coaching level this would be it. Oh - and I think Moe could find a little $ to make it worth his time.


    It's also possible this job attracts more qualified, appealing candidates...

  8. Did you hear what Lasorda said to Dave Roberts last night after the game? :lol2:


    I heard about it and think it's awesome - the guy is 90 years old and still throwing down. If I'm not mistaken that's been his message to Roberts since the playoffs started.


    He's right, too. I can't imagine anything in sports more disappointing than losing in game 7 of the finals - at home.

  9. I would love to hear Vin Scully call at least one inning tonight.


    That would be terrific - Scully calling a walk-off in game 7 at Dodger Stadium. Wow!


    Two reasons I'm pulling for the Dodgers - Scully and Lasorda. Class acts, both.


    Regarding Joe Buck - I've felt he's been a little distracted this post-season. Perhaps Kyle Schwarber's struggles - Kyle was his man-crush last year - have weighed on his mind.

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