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Posts posted by THE SHERIFF

  1. You said you don't believe chemical weapons were removed and asked for proof. I provided proof.


    We don't know where the weapons used last week came from - hidden from inspectors or newly manufactured?


    President Bush was raked over the coals because the inspectors turned up no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and rightfully so. Syria has used chemical weapons less than 3 months from the end of Pres. Obama's final day on the job.

    The former president gets no free pass here.

  2. Oh, I get that. I was trying to explain some of that stuff to folks at the bar the other night when the airstrikes hit about how many moving parts were involved in terms of who is allied with whom and who would be upset with us. I felt like a global politics expert for a time until I realized I was explaining this stuff to very drunk people who probably never pick up a newspaper. :lol2:



  3. If our airstrikes were a little less "surgical" we could get something done. But I know why we take that route also.


    Yeah, it sure looks like shutting down the airbase was not the objective. With our capabilities that would've been child's play. Why? We will probably never know.


    My concern is there are many moving parts in Syria and we may or may not fully understand the consequences of our actions.

  4. Was it though? I read this morning they are back using the airbase we allegedly destroyed.


    I believe there is a reason the airbase is still operational. Basically we are all ignorant regarding the situation in Syria. Very limited information to us simpletons. This seems to be a complicated issue. We need to proceed with caution. We're dealing with a number of bad actors at once. Assad and ISIS among others. Throw in Putin and his band of merry men and you have a powder keg. I've said before, destabilizing a country like this can have a domino effect, this is the only reason Assad is allowed to maintain power.

  5. Alford's life will be very difficult next year dealing with Ball when Ball's middle son is not starting and spending a lot of time on the bench.


    Yep looks like Middle Ball got the same defensive foot speed gene that Lonzo got.

  6. I thought Trump was moved to action against Assad because he was moved by all of the horrible pictures he was shown of the innocent children that were killed and injured in the most recent chemical attacks. And as a result of his emotions he attacked Syria, albeit it was an empty attack, but an attack nonetheless.



    I've said it multiple times that I wish Obama had ignored congress and attacked Syria like Trump did. I definitely would have been behind it then like I am now. I'm just not buying this whole "Obama was weak" argument from a bunch of people who never liked anything the man did and I'm no buying that Trump sent a message to Assad when Assad and Russia are clearly sending a message back to us. I'm ready to see Trump do what the other big options on the table were. This attack on Syria was the small option. Do the big one. Let's show these folks who we are and what we do. I'd don't like beating around the bush. I like burning it down and then shooting it and then burning it again.


    I understand your frustration with the comments about Pres. Obama. I don't think he is a weak person, I applaud him for even attempting to deal with Assad the way he did. Attacking another country and sending young troops to die is beyond my comprehension. The decisions required of the United States president is above the pay grade of guys like me. It's easy to say I'd do this and I'd do that but in reality none of us know how we would respond in decisions of life and death.


    I have the utmost respect for the responsibility of the person carrying the weight of the presidency on their shoulders. That includes every president that has existed in my lifetime. I may disagree with decisions they make or the way they act,but I would never disrespect the person or office. That includes Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

  7. I'd have nuked Syria without congress authorization in 2013 but I wasn't the POTUS.


    Again, how is Syria different now than in 2013 when congress wouldn't authorize an attack on Assad?


    Syria is not different now than 2013. That is the problem, Pres. Obama was very patient with the Assad regime. Donald Trump was not president in 2013, and obviously his patience has worn thin.

  8. President Obama committed a cardinal sin for a sitting American president. He made an idle threat. Assad was told that he would be held accountable, that never happened.


    America has been accepting refugees from Syria for many years now. That has not stopped the atrocities. At some point action had to be taken. Murdering innocents with chemical weapons should be dealt with swiftly and firmly.

  9. He can but he doesn't care because it's exactly what he wants. People talking about him means he's relevant and that's what he wants to get his name and brand out there


    Or he's a buffoon who happens to have a kid that is a good basketball player. Time will tell.

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