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Posts posted by THE SHERIFF

  1. The US ended its diplomatic relations with Iran in 1980 over the hostage crisis. That means we no longer kept an Iranian embassy and no longer recognized their visas or passports. We don't have diplomatic relations with North Korea either. Or Cuba until very recently. It's a matter of governmental relations between two states.


    To equate diplomatic relations to rejecting any immigrant based on their nominal religious belief irrespective of national origin is so categorically different that it boggles my mind you all are straining to make such a connection. This is akin to saying we will no longer accept non-white immigrants or will no longer accept female immigrants.

    I'm sorry that I boggled your mind. Why did you quote me, I made a simple observation regarding two very clear cases of discrimination. Are you saying that one of these is acceptable and the other is not, if so we shall both be mind boggled.

  2. That is what I've been saying about Cruz. Trump's lost voters will be his gain. He knows this and why Cruz has staying power.


    I should qualify my statement regarding the Republican party chasing away Trump, that's if there is enough party backlash that he drops in the polls, I thought this would have happened weeks ago, now I'm beginning to wonder.

  3. People do realize that Iran is one country out of multiple that has a religion predominately comprised of Muslims? Had Carter turned away all citizens from Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, etc. that would make more sense. Something tells me Trump wasn't thinking of Jimmy Carter when he stated what he did. Or if he was, the irony is hilarious in that Republicans are using Jimmy Carter to make a point.


    I would think if those other countries would have been taking Americans hostage that he would have taken a similar action. It's also rather comical that some people would label these actions as totally unrelateable.

  4. There are very very few quality candidates on either side of the aisle. The only one that could get my vote is Rand Paul, and unfortunately he's got no chance. Senator Rubio is a quality candidate as well IMO. VP Biden would've been another quality candidate had he chosen to run IMO.

    I think there is a very real possibility that Trump is chased off by the republican party and runs as an independent. This would open the door in the republican race to several candidates that are currently lagging behind. While he comes off a bit creepy, Cruz has been smart enough to echo some of Trumps thoughts on a more reserved scale. Could be a most interesting election.

  5. As I asked in the related thread. Was President Carter's action directed toward Iranians, or Muslims?


    Subtle but extraordinarily significant difference.


    Carters actions were directed at Iran, which currently is about 98% Muslim. Extraordinarily significant difference may be a little overkill.

  6. The one thing Trump's candidacy has proven, without a shadow of a doubt IMO, is that this country is full of nut jobs.


    There are actual real life oxygen breathing people that support this guy. Boggles the mind. :idunno:


    I know exactly how you feel, and these were my exact thoughts when we reelected Obama.

  7. Obviously they existed before. But the reason they existed before were the same reason they still exist. Yes they exist because they hate everything about the western world. But they can't recruit by saying to " join ISIS if you hate capitalism" they say "join ISIS because the western world has declared war on Islam" they invoke the thing that they care most about and the thing that defines them. By Trump saying to keep Muslims out of this country he is giving ISIS the ability to twist what he said and make it actually read "keep Muslims out because we hate their religion." It's crazy thought. But that's how they recruit. ISIS knows that they lose if Muslims around the world start siding with America. That's why they are persecuting their own people.


    If your recruiting theory is true I would imagine that you don't like us killing Radical Islamist , wouldn't watching their loved ones die really drive up enlistment numbers?

  8. Probably won't go after the non-Christians. I expect that evangelical Christians will be near the top of the list of those discriminated against. They deserve it since they are so "intolerant." We tried to keep them from building a Creation museum on their own property purchased from a private citizen. Some of them believing in a literal Noah's ark is very threatening and so they must be shut-up and if that won't work, they should be eliminated.




    As a conservative, let me just go on record as saying that Trump is a complete buffoon. He sounds like a middle school child. He won't win the Republican nomination. He is a megalomaniac who is in love with the idea of sitting in the global office and "ruling" from the White House. He is more of a Megalomaniac than either Presidents Obama or Clinton and that is saying a lot. I can't imagine a presidential election only offering an imposter on one side and a spoiled brat on the other.


    Perhaps America deserves that choice, but I shutter to think what the consequences will be four years after.


    Trump may be loud and outspoken, and no doubt has a huge ego, but he should also be credited for singlehandedly tearing down the wall of political correctness which has prevented any real progress on sensitive issues in America. He has forced politicians and everyday citizens to begin seriously discussing issues that are extremely important to the American way of life, not the least of which is immigration! Again I might not agree with him 100% on his ideas, but I've had all I can stand with the PC, otherwise known as poo! I have sensed a growing indifference in the American people for the last 20 years, I believe this is about to change.

  9. The CCDW permits you to conceal carry defense other than firearms, this may allow you to match your defense with the setting. Know the laws and think through possible scenarios. There is a huge responsibility that comes with your CCDW, including possible liability!

  10. Why are these people radical though? Why do they hate America so much? Is it because they just hate capitalism so much? Or is it something a little more personal like attacks on their religion? I'll take the latter but feel free to choose whatever reason you want that they are killing people. But it's ignorant IMO to act as though these people aren't actively recruiting more and more Muslims because of comments like this. Its not about being politically correct or anything like that. I am about as anti-PC as it gets, but these comments aren't about PC these comments are about humanity. I don't think being tolerant of a religion is PC, I think it's the right thing to do. We can't expect to defeat ISIS when more and more people are joining everyday. We have to cut off the source of growth for ISIS before we can attack them head on.


    Mainstream Muslims are easily Radical Islams number one target, not Americans. These people believe that they will be rewarded for murdering nonbelievers. It isn't that they have a special hate for Americans, the fact is they hate anybody who does not agree with them. What they are doing is nothing new, they have been butchering innocent people for hundreds of years, the recruiting effort by these groups is well underway as Homeland Security is currently investigating about 1000 ISIS related cases. Would Kentucky residents feel differently about this threat if San Bernandino had happened in their town?

  11. The process could take up to two months, and just because you have your CCDW permit doesn't mean you have to carry, it just affords you that option. 180,000 background checks on black friday alone, if the government is keeping a special list they are not checking it twice.

  12. This is the type of ideology that ISIS wants all of us to have. This is how they recruit. They recruit by showing statements like this and how Americas has declared war on Islam. This is why we are losing to people like them. To beat them we have to invoke the help of the Muslim people. We have to show them that we are accepting of them and that they are welcome to practice in the United States without fear of any persecution. The Muslims are tired of ISIS too. Terror groups like Al-Queda and ISIS have made this extremist view of Islam not the religion itself. It's like people who look at Christianity in this country as the WBC. It doesn't make any sense. These people are being terrorized by ISIS just like we are. They are scared of ISIS and they are horrified at the acts they are committing, but they are scared of America too because of comments like this. How do we not see that the only way to defeat ISIS and Al-Queda and any other terror group is to make their recruiting tactics obsolete. For every comment made like this, another Muslim converts to extremism.

    Could you explain how you would make their recruiting tactics obsolete?

  13. The Department Of Homeland Security has been under much scrutiny recently. Many republicans voted no on this issue citing the fact that there are a significant number of Americans whose names should not be on this list. The terror watch list has apparently grown to nearly 700,000 names, including 72 people who work for the Department Of Homeland Security. I would provide a link, however most of the articles that I researched seemed to be politically biased! Interesting reading though!

  14. If you were faced with a shooter, in a crowded venue, what are the chances that you would have brought your AR15 to the event with you? In the event you carried it around with you, how wiling would you be to fire it in the chaos and confusion?

    I have answered you as honestly as I can. I would like to ask for your opinion on this scenario. Let's imagine that All guns have been destroyed, none exist anywhere on earth, would you think that these terror attacks would stop? Do you think that American on American murder would stop?

  15. Then let's make the laws consistent across the nation. Let's consistently apply the penalties. Let's make sure when a small child finds plays with a gun that is improperly stored that we don't just shake our heads about the tragedy, and that the owners and/or caregivers responsible are held to a standard that punishes them foe not keeping weapons out of their hands. I'm tired of hearing that the families have been through enough by just losing the child, when no tragedy would have occurred if they had displayed responsibility. Let's make sure that nationwide, background checks are being done in a manner like Kentucky applies. If more people wind up having guns like the AR15, it seems to me that it would be reasonable to have the laws more stringent. As I have said hundreds of times on here, I do not propose taking away anyone's constitutional right. But with rights come responsibilities. And right now, I feel many people feel that that responsibility is minimal.

    I couldn't agree with you more regarding consistency in our laws, both in the way they are written and enforced! I also agree that people ignorant enough to let a child have access to a weapon should be held accountable. However, my main concern is the threat that is being posed by radical groups such as ISIL. How do we ban chemical weapons?

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