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Posts posted by MayfieldFan

  1. So you want to start a party based on the premise that if someone doesn't agree with you about something, or if they are different from you in some regard, then you don't care about them.


    Interesting concept. Should be a very popular party inside your imagination.

  2. I think the left does a better job of lying to blacks and latinos and promising them things they will never get. It's easy to believe a politician when they tell you with all sincerity and heart they are going to do this for you. When in reality its all a lie to get the vote.


    What do they promise Latino and blacks?


    PP, you are going to have to come to a few of the liberal meetings. We generally have a False Promises Pavilion set up. Sometimes we have one for blacks and one for latinos, but sometimes for a smaller meeting it is just one for blacks and latinos.

  3. Here is my cost-analysis:


    Government Benefits that are conferred upon illegal aliens: A Lot.

    Taxes that illegal aliens pay: Not as much.

    Value of labor, and sales taxes paid, and consumer spending: A lot.

    Final Balance sheet figure: Who can really say

    Continued Presence of illegal aliens here driving conservatives crazy: Priceless.

  4. Virtually every step forward in our history has been a liberal initiative taken over conservative opposition: civil rights, Social Security, Medicare, rural electrification, the establishment of a minimum wage, collective bargaining, the Pure Food and Drug Act, and federal aid to education, including the land-grant colleges, to name just a few.* Many of these innovations were eventually embraced by conservatives only after it became clear that they had overwhelming public approval for the simple reason that almost every American benefited from them. Every one of these liberal efforts strengthened our democracy and our quality of life. George McGovern, 2002

  5. Most Ironic Thread Title Ever.


    Trump and I have an equal chance to become President. Zero. No, wait, I have a better chance than him, HRC could still theoretically pick me as a VP which could then turn into the presidency.


    I predicted he would win the nomination and it would doom the republican party. And the beauty of it is that is going to happen now, no matter what anyone does.


    So, the reality of candidate Trump is setting in, and in the form of another 8 years of Dem Presidency, a liberal SC for the rest of all of our lifetimes, control of the Senate, gains in the House, and a dismantling of the opposition party. So thank you Trump supporters for giving the people you dislike the most (liberals) everything we could ever want.


    The only thing that could make it any better is if this trainwreck could somehow happen in slow motion between now and November and all the Trump supporters could argue with it, deny it, try to reason around it, and just generally go frothy at the mouth until the reality could no longer be denied. Oh, my bad, that is exactly what is happening. Fun times.

  6. I will throw my hat in with @Getslow as I tend to agree with him in this particular thread. It was an interesting article, but I don't really buy into the idea that Plato's ideas are a particularly insightful comment on our present day circumstances. Not that it is a bad jumping off point for a discussion though.


    Certainly some of our political process was designed to protect against the tyranny of the majority, and the case can be made that Trump represents, or has harnessed, the type of support that could be a tyranny of the majority.


    Eh. I see this as a good thing, we need this in a way. I wish we had a better choice, one that I was more fired up about, but in the end Trump is about hate, about hatred of the other, and that is a good basis to have an election over. Now is as good a time as any to decide if we are going to give in to our worst passions.

  7. Let's take a look at the "stats". 184 posts on this thread. 66 by conservatives. So conservatives have made a little over 1/3 of the posts on this thread. And close to half are meant to be negative, or to insult the liberal point of view.


    In the "Conservatives believe..." thread, 69 total posts, 11 by libs. Roughly 15%, 3 of which were pointing out quotes that were inaccurately attributed to the wrong person. And few of which could possibly be construed as negative (and I'm including a couple posts I made in that number).


    Really, I don't mind conservatives posting in this thread if it's legitimate discussion, or if you want to call us out for inaccuracies in research or quotes. But the majority of the posts are just meant to inflame, and are not directed toward meaningful discussion.


    So conservatives have more posts in the "liberals believe" thread than they do in the "conservatives believe" thread?


    And some of the quotes in the "conservatives believe" thread are misquotes and/or misattributions.


    And many, if not all, of the conservatives' posts in the "liberals believe" thread are demonstrably wrong and inaccurate.


    And if one takes both threads and assigns a "subject matter" to each conservative post, the most common subject matter for the question of "what conservatives believe" is that they "believe in using false statements to insult liberals"


    Sounds about right.

  8. Interesting that so many non-liberals are posting in here instead of in the similar conservative thread. It would seem that it is more important to put the other side down, then to build your own side up.


    The threads were a nice idea, @mcpapa. It's too bad that some don't respect the intent.


    Well put.

  9. You are making my point for me and we are in complete agreement. The interests of the majority of the electorate are not served by either party. Regardless of ideology, is exportation of jobs through free trade, importation of guest workers, open border access to our labor market ( and social programs) , absence of support for veterans practices that we should tolerate as a society?


    The interests of our nation state have been sold out. Trump's candidacy represents the only push back the middle class (and especially the lower middle class) has had in my memory.


    Do you think the 1/4 billion $ of negative advertising against Trump is to protect the interests of the 99%? People only spend that kind of money if their interests are threatened.


    The candidate who most consistently addresses these issues is Bernie. If the only thing Bernie changed was the name of his party, from Democratic Socialist to Republican, he would have won the Republican nomination already.

  10. So you say it shouldnt enter into public life, correct? Well then how about praying out loud at a restaurant in a public place. Can people pray at work in a public place?


    I just want us (all of us, which includes religious folk) to follow the same rules. The rules we have are the Constitution, and what the supreme court has ruled the Constitution means.


    So, you asked about praying out loud at a restaurant. The rules say that is okay, so I do too. The rules prevent the government from endorsing religion. So prayer at public school is a violation (public school equal the government). Prayer at a private school is okay (private school is not the government). This distinction between private and government is confused in this thread, so I thought I would try to make this clear.


    I really don't know how this applies, if at all, to the person around which this thread started. It sounds like the story is muddled, and perhaps even muddled on purpose in order to make some sort of "point." There are enough legitimate situations to be concerned about.


    Your other question was prayer at work. It's too general to answer. Why not work while at work? I can say this, people start claiming the "right" to pray at work, and that always, and already has, mushroomed out of control. There should be no "right" to pray at work, and no "right" carved out like that. That is where the separation of church and state come in. If you happen to work for a private employer that allows you to pray on the job, great.


    Those are my thoughts and opinions, but I believe they are all very consistent with long-established constitutional rules.

  11. Oh the irony is strong in this thread. Was not aware some of my Christian friends had ever heard of separation of church and state. Only been about a thousand threads on BGP and this is what it took for some of you to acknowledge the concept.


    I am not going to comment on this situation because there is no consensus about what happened, was he fired, failed to be hired, etc. etc Well, I won't comment except to say...


    Let's assume the worst. Let's assume he was fired, from a government job, for his religious beliefs. You all seem to think that is a pretty bad thing. Now, just realize that this is EXACTLY what you all are doing to everyone else more or less all the time.


    Remember when I posted those links to the law passed in Mississippi? If this guy was fired, from a government job, because his religious beliefs conflicted with the sincere religious belief of his boss, then the firing would be okay.


    You guys are not the victims of religious oppression, you are the perpetrators of it. That the means by which you oppress others occasionally come back and bite you in the back side is not a tragedy, it is an amusing process to see you all suddenly see the light and the wisdom of separation of church and state.



    Of course he is entitled to his religious beliefs. And of course they should not enter into public life. We should in fact have a world in which there is separation of church and state. I advocate for this separation very consistently.

  12. Takeaway ? -- not enough people by % paying something. The attitude that bringing the topic up is a micro-aggression is nearly as idiotic as zit faced teens on college campuses crying for whatever the latest hop topic is . The bottom line is we are 19 Trillion in debt , and unless you are an ____ , I'll say uninformed , debt matters . Our infrastructure is horrific , our military is depleted and moral is awful, and we do a awful job of caring for the most vulnerable in our society ( elderly and truly disabled ) and too large a chunk of the 45 % are truly lazy and nothing more than leeches on the big govt tit . Now what % of the 43 % is robbing the system ? I'm not sure , but I could name dozens in my own personal circle . It's my disdain for those robbing the system that causes the system not to be able to help those who need it that infuriate me . It may earth shaking news to a few on here but conservatives do care about people .


    Here are some better targets to go after instead of the working poor.



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