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Posts posted by MayfieldFan

  1. Carl Everett's exact quote......"God created the sun, the stars, the heavens and the earth, and then made Adam and Eve. The Bible never says anything about dinosaurs. You can't say there were dinosaurs when you never saw them. Somebody actually saw Adam and Eve eating apples. No one ever saw a Tyrannosaurus Rex." :lol2:


    That quote is about as ridiculous as banana man.


    Banana argument - RationalWiki

  2. It sounds like you want to be educated about religion, not about dinosaurs.


    I don't think the Roman Catholic Church has any explicit teachings on dinosaurs themselves and I can't imagine any reason why they would.


    Not about dinosaurs explicitly, but the catholic church has stated that the theory of evolution is not inconsistent with doctrine, teaches evolutionary theory in schools, and generally has a very progressive attitude. (Kudos to the church).


    The link below shows the tile medallion at the science building at Notre Dame. The quote on the medallion reads "Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the light of evolution” from Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900-1975).


    Galleria // College of Science // University of Notre Dame

  3. What was the explanation about bones and skeletons that have been found?


    The explanation that I was given back in my formative years was that God wants us to have faith. So the earth is given an "appearance" by God that makes it look like it is billions of years old and fossils and such, and then we use faith in the Bible to come up with the truth.


    This was also the explanation given for why God doesn't do anything anymore...if God went around answering prayers...then no one would have any faith, because God would be capable of being proven to exist.

  4. I don't really see this as an either/or .......at least mathematically. What difference does it make what the gap is between the amount you are guaranteed or the amount you could get on a coin flip. You are not getting ten to one odds on a coin flip, you have 1 in 2 odds on that flip, the other amount (the amount that was given up) doesn't affect the coin flip odds.


    I think the better way to process this is to say would you PAY 100K out of your pocket for the opportunity to flip a coin for a million dollars?

  5. That's my beef with country ham. I like it but you can only eat so much. I'll destroy a city ham and I like destroying city hams. So city ham it is for me. It's good hot, warm or cold. Can't beat that.


    This post is entertaining, especially if you read it with Randy MachoMan Savage's voice.

  6. I hate to see it happen.


    Some questions/thoughts. Could the politics forum be "enter at your own risk." Between the "block user" function and the ability to just avoid the politics forum, can we just have it more or less un-moderated? Does it spill over into the other forums? I have not noticed that, but have not been looking.

  7. Melania just issued a statement that she said she crafted herself, here it is:


    They know that do accuse me. I know none.

    If I know more of any man alive

    Than that which maiden modesty doth warrant,

    Let all my sins lack mercy!—O my father,

    Prove you that any man with me conversed

    At hours unmeet, or that I yesternight

    Maintained the change of words with any creature,

    Refuse me, hate me, torture me to death!

  8. ^ Like many, I think it has been one giant ego trip. How anyone can seriously consider the guy for the White House boggles the mind.


    Here is my theory.


    Republican party for years has worked up its base by pandering to fear, racial prejudice...etc etc. This has resulted in, predictably, a base that responds to such things.


    In the R primary, Trump got hold of that base and nothing could cause him to lose it. They don't respond to reason, logic etc...they respond to fear and hatred of "the other." That's why his percentage was so locked in. Could not climb above, can't lose them.


    The other guys made every wrong decision and Trump slowly begins to do even better, as it gets down to the two most offensive candidates. Finally Trump gets a bit of a bump as the R party gets behind him, sort of.


    Now he is going back down, as the sane members of the R party come to the inevitable conclusion that he is a danger to the future survival of humanity. But he won't ever drop that base. The base of white middle aged men. The haters lol. Those are his no matter what. He can insult POWs, war heroes, babies, women, handicapped people, african americans, native americans, immigrants, mexicans, gay people, victims of sexual harassment. There is no amount of vulgarity that will cause his base to desert him because his base shares all of these ideas. They like it when picks on other people.


    Good news is it all will all be over soon. HRC will be president and the R party will be destroyed. That crazy hateful base? This is the last time anyone ever cares about them, or listens to them. They are going out in a blaze of orange-skinned glory and will only be a sad footnote in our history books.


    We have a clear choice and the country is gonna make the right choice, by convincing margins.

  9. Mayfield i know you are as liberal as any person on here , but Newt the founder of all that is wrong with our country ? C' mon . Heck the R's havent had any major legislative wins since Newt left 15 or so years ago. The time with Newt keeping slick willie in check and them actually working together was the best time in the past 2 decades . The worst times have been the past 12 years or so . Spend like a drunk Bush and King Barry . We need to go back to a fairly moderate prez ( Bubba) and a conservative congress .


    I guess it depends on how you define "what is wrong with the country." I define that, in large part, with the division of this country, our inability to compromise, the inability to respect each other when respect is warranted, the constant lobbing of "you aren't a good american" insults. I think all that stuff is poison to our country, a cancer. And yes, I think our modern version of this malady can be traced to patient zero, Newt.



    Newt's ideas about how to win elections are the dna of this election and our divided nation. We have had several threads in the past year or so about "how did we get so divided" and Newt is my point of ideological origin.

  10. Advice from Newt. I love it.


    The guy who advocated life in prison for a first time drug offender and the death penalty for multiple offenses.


    If I had to pick one person to blame for the ills of our country, it would be Newt. That said, obviously its not one person, but he would be my first pick. He is the creator of the "demonize your opponent" strategy. I think that line of thought, while perhaps good at winning elections, has proven ill-advised for the good to the country. Trump is the child of that strategy, as are his supporters.

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