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Posts posted by NKYknowitall

  1. I'm sure this post will draw the ire of all the referees and referee apologists on this site, but the first people to recognize bad and inconsistent officiating are the players themselves . . . the 15 - 18 year old kids. It's not the parents who see it first. It's the kids who are in the arena, on the front lines dealing with refs who are not in position, inconsistent, and sometimes appear to have an agenda based on familiarity with a particular coach or school who they have worked years with. Referees, just like any other workplace, form a bond and familiarity with their peers and that influences their decisions/calls as well. They cover for each other. This is accentuated this time of year when these kids are playing their last games as high school players, and sometimes their last games in organized basketball. You'd love to expect well-called, consistent officiating at the district and regional level . . . hopefully getting the best of the best to do these games. Unfortunately that is simply not the case.


    Blaming crazed parents is often a cop-out for referees who face little accountability and grading by supervisors or peers. Just like there is no place in high school basketball for a verbally-abusive, violent, cussing parent in the stands, there is also no place in the sport for a referee with an agenda, grudge, or skin too thin to survive an Upward Basketball game let alone a career-ending district or regional game. I'd much rather see a two-man crew of honorable, fair referees than a three-man crew with one weak link or hot-headed ref who makes the game about him/her or goes out of his way to affect the game.



  2. I’ve followed his recruitment for a while, being a UNC fan. His parents are hell bent on keeping him close. They’ve said they loved Carolina but it’s too far away. I’d be really surprised if he lands anywhere other than IU. Obviously I want him in Chapel Hill but he’s been so quiet it’s hard to pick. Either way, someone is getting a solid player.

  3. Harding is POY by who? I didn't see an overall POY listed above. If he was named POY by some other organization, then it isn't an issue with the above. Every group is entitled to their own opinions and there often isn't a consensus pick.


    KABC. It is what it is, everyone gets a trophy.

  4. Excellent news!! Love seeing players that go the JC route and make it to the next level. Missouri State is in the MVFC which is the toughest conference in FCS, the SEC of the FCS football. Best of luck to him!!


    Held offers from Missouri St, Arkansas St and Youngstown St. Said he felt most comfortable at Missouri St. He has worked his tail off and has over come a lot of obstacles to get go this point. He’s one of my favorite kids that I had the pleasure of coaching.

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