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  1. Dougherty with a nice field goal. 17-6 HHS 8:22 left in the 3rd
  2. Touchdown birds, extra point good 35-7 with 5:27 left.
  3. Cheerleaders are allowed to cheer throughout the entirety of the game whether it be on foul shots for their team or their opposing team. They however are not allowed to put up any stunts while a shot is going on for safety reasons. They are not allowed to block the lane during the game. They are only allowed on the court during pregame announcements and full-time outs. For 30 sec timeouts they have to stay on the sidelines. There are not many restrictions when it comes to basketball for cheerleading. Most of the restrictions are in terms of stunting because the basketball court is not and approved surface for certain stunts.
  4. I think it was the smart thing to do... With the WC game starting at 8:30 CST, instead of the originally scheduled 8:00 CST and with the long drive on both ends, those boys will be tired and in no shape to play the next day. Those buses won't be pulling out of WC until 11:30 CST. And with a four hour drive with a stop along the way, means they won't be pulling into HHS until 4 am at the earliest. I think with injuries that the Varsity team has sustained over the past few weeks has really meant that they have probably had to pull up a lot of their JV games.
  5. I believe they still play the fight song after the extra point.
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