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Posts posted by OptionFootball

  1. If you are a program with numbers like Trinity, X, Central, Ballard, Highlands, Bowling Green, and small schools like Desales, Christian Academy. Most do not have the luxury of being able to platoon the way that they would like. I was just saying that out of about 176+ playing schools only about 35 to 40 can be run effectively like a college program. I would say most coaches would love to be able to platoon 1) It takes about 5 good coaches, 2) It takes at least 25 players that can play not just suit up. The reality you are ignoring is the fact that High School coaches are very underpaid and many times teach a class load that is very difficult. In addition, they may only have para-professionals that put everyone at risk in liability situations, because they are not suppose to coach a position unless they are certified by the KHSAA through coaching certification

    . Remember these are just opinions on being around the game for 50 years.

  2. I do not think it is fare to compare the peanuts that are paid to a high school coach to say what a guy a college guy that is an assistant making 500,000 in a losing program. Most coaches do not make enough to pay for their gas, and I do not like the fact you would even compare the two. Most college coaches do not teach, do weight training, or keep mom-mas happy. To me high school football coaches are the last strong hold of discipline left in teaching toughness and survival.

  3. Bottom line they must hire a winner. I do not know if anyone out there other than the privates, and or a school with deep tradition of winning can explain hiring an established coach and inherit their sick days. Boyle made that commitment because they want to WIN. But in today's climate when teachers have not had raises in 7 or 8 years it is hard to hire someone that might have a couple of hundred sick days. Most coaches have assistants ready to be a head coach and it is imperative today to cultivate all that want to do it.

  4. Coaches role and responsibilities are changing in the classroom and on the field. Expectations are very high and most schools want an immediate winner. This year I have seen more 1 year type replacements than ever before. This is a sign of the times. Most of these guys work for very little and give up a lot, but I have also seen a lot great coaches just leave the profession the last few years. Not enough time and Not enough help = cannot do a good job, just sad times. Football takes several coaches, but you can coach other sports with fewer coaches. This will be huge in the times to come.

  5. There are several coaches out there would be good hires, but the coaching profession has taken a turn and no one is willing to move unless they are going to get support and time. The program has to have numbers and in school weight lifting, and with out those things then you might as well put your equipment up. I do not think Lincoln is ready to make this commitment. If you only WIN 23 games in 6 years then things have to change, and it starts with the Principal.

  6. You have to hire winners!!!, if you want to WIN. The problem is that there is not much emphasis put on High School Football in our state as far as being successful goes. Schools today do to budget shortfalls and so on might only have one full time coach on a staff and the rest para-pros. Not to say there are not a lot very good para pros, because there are. However, if you are the lone ranger you eventually run out bullets, energy, and like many time to get the program on its feet.

  7. Been running the option out of the Gun since the mid 90's. Seems to me that I did not see much of the cut block penalty called until the Mummy System creeped in and everyone wanted to protect the QB, and then you saw more of it. However, I have noticed a tendency the last few years that if you get blitzed (LB/Safety), and it is obvious then you have it called more. It is very difficult for 145lb lineman to block a secondary defender going full speed straight up, but I know it is for safety. This is a good thread.

  8. Lincoln should be a diamond in the rough. Phillips, Jaggers, and French were all very successful there. It seems to me if you stay away from the basketball players and just get the one's that want to play for each other then you can have a very good program. However, if you fall into the trap that I have to have all the good athletes to WIN and you use that as an excuse, then you will not win at Lincoln. Jaggers would be a very good candidate. With the now situation at Larue, he may be ready to move.

  9. The one thing I have noticed on this thread is that most of the coaches mentioned also have played against tremendously tough schedules at those schools. Developing a reputation for those programs that would not otherwise get any, positive or negative. If you are a school that has been a traditional loser,but become a sustained winner then you might not get the same treatment as a program that is expected to win (EASY to Hate), because everyone is suppose to beat you. That being said what could be done at some of these schools where excuses are made year after year. Just an opinion, but overall a solid thread with many good coaches.

  10. Very athletic, just needs consistency in the program. Someone that has been around awhile understands the work that is necessary to get this program off the ground. They are about 6 or 7 Hart County kids, and 4 or 5 Barren County kids from being a team that could compete year in and out. It has not been that long ago when Weaver had a winner there. He just did not have the needed feeder system at the time under him to keep the ball rolling.

  11. I think Coach Hilton is legendary, but like anyone you have to have a great staff. I think most fans do not realize that guys like Tom Greer an assistant that could have become a Head Coach many times have helped make Dudley Hilton what he is. No different that the many men that are still at Boyle County helped both Chuck Smith and Larry French Win, Win and Win. So with that being said when you have the right person in place then building a staff become crucial, maybe the most important thing done. (Randy Frazier) was on Dudleys staff at Bell and has built a great program back at Middlesobro. Do not walk to close to the ledge counting on Elvis?

  12. At this point, I think anyone that would take the position would be under the gun. Remember this is Corbin, and Jewell pretty much had done all he could do. Being in 3A, was not good as good as 2A. They had built tremendous rivalries throughout the state in 2A from Middlesboro to the center of the state with E-Town/Larue/and Green Co. It was just good football. Throw in Somerset and Danville and 2A back in the late 90's and early 2000's these were great times for high school football. 2A is still solid and has competitive with competition, but 3A is very spread out and hard to build a schedule like in 2A. Just an opinion. I would be happy with Jackson, Frazier or Bird.

  13. Jackson, Frazier both are great choices and have done good jobs where they are currently coaching. Personally I think Jackson should have stayed at Pikeville, but Ballard is a better job. Frazier has tons of experience and knows how to win. However, if I am the new Principal and being the football coach at Corbin in most minds is like coaching at Alabama, just ask Jewell. You never rebuild in most minds. If you want to think outside the box the go after a legend like Steve Bird. You do not have a better opportunity than now. If you say as a community that you want the best, then hire the best. Do not let this opportunity pass by and settle for second best.

  14. As a coach you can win and win big, do all the right things, build a program from K-12, but if you are in a basketball school that does not win on a regular basis, but every athlete can play for the cats, or if the right person does not like you then you will probably be looking after 3 years. Pretty much the cycle anymore. Loyalty today pretty much in non-existent in the coaching profession. If coaches do not look out for the themselves then they will be in the unemployment line. Very troubling in my opinion.

  15. Johnny Utah, right on, and now you are responsible for more than ever before from Skin Rash to Heat Index. (Amazing), GCHS this so that they do not have to tie themselves us and can hire a new coach every 4, do not believe the smoke and mirrors of this. This is nothing more than a safety net for the school. Most great football coaches are also great teachers (Not the other way around).

  16. Cats, do not get your fur up. What I am saying is that most of the Private Schools do not have down years. The incentives have been dried up. It used to be that they could offer some stipend to cover cost of tuition, but this is not allowed anymore. I am thankful for people like Jim McKee that has endured this and others in 6A, because you know that everyone should have a down year or two. This is the reason that in every state but ours that Public and Private do not compete for the same championship. Just an opinion.

  17. I think some would be shocked if they knew how many 2A and 1A programs are run without any full time assistant coaches. While this can be done, most of the coaches that do this, do it because they love it. When you stand alone with no backing, then when something does not go as expected then the support for you as well your program is gone. I know of several programs that were run this way for a number of years. Programs were extremely successful but Coaches did not get along with AD/Principals in many ways. Now it seems many programs are under this situation. You cannot coach football effectively with 1 full time coach, and it is not safe.

  18. This is problematic... Don't think it is wise to take a HC job if you cannot already have that in place, IMO. One of the reasons a lot of "searches" don't work out -- you need assistants in the building.


    Danville is Danville. They will always have men that can play. Much like Highlands they just re-load, and Danville is a school the size 2A where SPEED does matter. It amazes me when a new Coach comes in and everyone second guesses everything.So that being sad give this guy a chance on all those that are willing to step up a chance.

  19. I think following Sam Harp would be similar to following Joe Paterno. When you follow someone that Wins, you must not put that Coach down. I do not think Coach Clevenger has done this. As you may remember the Coach that was making millions following Paterno actually blew a gasket on National TV about this situation. Give the new Coach time and I think he we be a great one. As I remember with numbers if you have 19 players on the team that can play then you would have 8 more than a team with 50 that only 11 that could play.

  20. Coach Wyatt is an outstanding person/football coach/football player. Problem is the Jesus syndrome!! Even Jesus no matter what took place was never excepted in his home town. Seen this many times. So many times the natives are jealous of what others are able to accomplish. This is sad, but the way things are taking place. You can be the best COACH in America, but if you make the wrong person mad or Look bad then you are expendable. The day is coming that no one will coach. It does not matter the program (WINNER/loser), you see coaches moving or getting out at a higher rate than ever before. Best of Luck to Coach Rogers and to Coach Wyatt, both fine men and coaches.

  21. Booby, great players have to have a place to play. With the problems between Boyle and Danville over the years, if consolidation takes place I would not be surprised to see several athletes Baseball, Basketball and Football follow Perry if he is hired. One thing I have learned over the years is that when Mercer/Harrodsburg consolidated that they were really good once. But have never had what Harrodsburg had. If consolidation happens you have other issues to deal with. Because now you have 100 parents that think there child can play with 22 spots.

  22. Best of Luck!! Young coach with a lot of experience. I think Whitley has mad a good decision. It is really a WIN/WIN. If he does well it is a Win. If it does not go well then he has no ties and they can part ways. Whitley has a great structure from top to bottom, but must get out of the habit of playing down. They need to step up the schedule. When 1A and 2A schools play much tougher schedules that says a lot. Time for this program to move forward. Again, best of Luck to Coach Chappel.

  23. Amazing, it only took Tom Jurich 3 days to hire Petrino. The 30 day rule does not apply if there is a vacancy. Must be someone inside that does not want Perry, because this a no brainer. Everyone today wants to act like this is the Happy Valley of High School football. If I was Perry and have been apart of 7 State Champions, it would be a huge step down. He may ought to re-think his decision and move on. This is becoming a joke, and I thought that the Supt. would not let this happen. Very Sad for the Players.

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